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Saturday, July 9, 2022

FULLLL CONTEXT of scripture for MARRIAGE and themes under the sun!


Reasons to not be extremely homophobic (LGBT+):

1. We don't know everyone we meet face to face personally and what they went through in their life.  Public and private life!  Even more closely connected people don't know all the corners of those close to them.

2. Alzheimer's and Dementia patients ARE HERE....and OTHER THEMES in the CAN'T HANDLE this life the way I WANT to do THIS LIFE.  They will and do say some things about "love" and they come up with STUFF.  This doesn't mean they ACTUALLY want to practice what they are saying, but that they simply speak on behalf of what they SEE in their presence. ANY ONE ELSE worked with "off the charts" LEVANT people...yes.....people DO end up OFF the TRACKS....be merciful folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5YNNkR1hJI&t=3s  add some tone....call on the GREEKS for HOPE....lets just say ANCIENT ANGELS....like GABRIEL....fly around....  WHEN you have THAT CLOSE of SITTING NEXT TO.....something LEVANT BACKGROUND.... and you KNOW MERCY is NECCESARY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIwtgQDX8tU  (that one is a sister in the video....KINDA like KING DAVID's DIARY....read IT!  HEARTS and EXPERIENCES differ in VARIOUS WAYS under ONE SON!)

3. "Holy Kiss" in the bible?  Does this represent something of SAME SEX type of culture thing at the time?  Our day we simply shake hands or side hug.  I personally believe this is an actual way of GREETING on the lips.

4. Moses and father-in-law JETHRO.  Hmmmm  say what, yet MOSES was writing the "acharai mot" portion of the bible!  LEARN how to discern THOSE types of social things!  This and that interaction with the FATHER-IN-LAW wasn't ALWAYS the sin issue at play!  YES, the surrounding nations were commiting SINS but....not them!   Anyone else take notes on the AGE of this guy in comparison to MOSES' age?

5. SOMEONE is BLEEDING?  say what?  SOMEONE is BLEEDING?  does it matter the GENDER dear folks!  Does it matter the sexuality practice or the culture?  Good Samaritan story doesn't INDICATE any of THOSE THINGS.

6. Jesus said clearly "If you LOVE ME....keep the COMMANDMENTS"  THAT includes ALLLLL the MOSES ACCOUNT dear folks (PSALM 119)....  GENDER and SEXUALITY practice AT that point in time?  NOTHING....indicated..... by LUKE 7 woman...and what that means....  only consider the word "IF"!

7. ALLLLL TRIBES and NATIONS are given EYES which see.....and that frame of reference is EQUAL for ALL man-kind on the entire GLOBE.  7 colors....that is WHAT MAN is given in terms of the LUMEN LEVELS of what HE can see since the DAYS of NOAH..... that RAINBOW (man can not move the distance objects...he can ONLY CHOOSE the objects CLOSE to his hand length level) is = for ALLLLL nations.

DISTANCE objeCT lesson for ALLL NATIONS????  TRY the "colors of the planets" above us!  NO MAN can "remove" the red-planet.....and themes of the COLORS of the heavenly bodies above us!~

8. Anti-Israel STUFF....its absurd and rediculous!  We don't have to CATER to everything involved with "mt. of Olives" as this condition of OLIVE TREES was NOT given to ALL NATIONS on the globe....but SERIOUSLY FOLKS!  I can pin-point where this anti-Israel stuff is coming from....usually it involves extreme MIS-INTERPRETATION of woman's rights in terms of the GENERATION of understanding QUEEN ESTHER in the "windows" of time ---> she was a Benjamite and a "fair features" woman!  Taylor Swift and Paris Hilton (in the given 5'8" ish conditions) wouldn't even WANT to adventure away from "the promised land" if they ONLY KNEW!

9. Hosea of the bible was a GOOOD GUY.....despite what ever that wife was into!  Who knows!   (this is at the same number b-low)





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcngYFo6guo  (note: how they USED the "term" --???>>???>> GOOD SAMARITAN <<???<<<??-- ....as in WE KNOW the REFERENCE from SOMEONES IDEAS.....from ABOVE US.....in CONTEXT of that information and how to GATHER ideas!  I've heard this TERM even in SYNAGOGUES that don't follow the NEW TESTAMENT)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4-xh_wvxNs  (hatred brews from someone.....who simply does this ---> HATE!)


Ok....now the OTHER SIDE of the COIN....because there IS the OTHER SIDE of the POND!

1. Homosexuality is AGAINST GOD's COVENANT PROMISE for the DESCENDANTS of ABE/ISAAC/JACOB!  These days there are many GADITES....but someone doesn't understand GADITES unless they fully comprehend.....GAD....under the "big brother" problems among us!  I still wonder if the ANNI/PEOPLE GAD-IT when we really CAN'T decide "matrix orders" in our OWN temple of doned on conditions in the family photo recognition: (1:29)  this one will take YEARS to try and re-wire in emotional context!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPWwPA4JkR4  Lets go back in TIME.... at the TIME of these feature creation conditions I was listening to J. Vernon McGee https://www.oneplace.com/ministries/thru-the-bible-with-j-vernon-mcgee/ ... and that is that.... I just INTUITIVELY DECIDED to STUFF in the STUDY of MATH-LIKLIHOOD.....  something in the SPIRIT told me to "check the diamond" liklihood under the HOOD.... not THAT "dirt stuff" HOOD as I wouldn't even listen to these songs in secular fashion BACK THEN!  BASIC FACT: LIFE is ONLY ONE LIFE given to MALE and FEMALE under the SUN!  

DOn't OVER CHARGE the decendants given a PROMISE when we CAN'T even COUNT the HAIRS on our head!  somethings are not GOOD...and one of those things is to PURPOSEFULLY DESTROY the TEMPLE by FORCING THINGS on "fine/handsome feature" body and LIFE!  THE BODY is GIVEN RULES and ROLES for a REASON....for a TEMPORARY SEASON!

2. MAN didn't create the COLOR of the head of the EAGLE that flies  above himself.  The color of the EAGLE's HEAD is WHITE.....  if MAN could CREATE himself in the wilderness...then HE could decide the COLOR!  No!  MAN can ONLY decide the SHIRT COLOR which he WEARS!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIX4s2QOreQ  JESUS robe was TURNED WHITE!  The man singing in this video CANNNNNNNNOOOOOT choose which one GAVE him these features..... ask his MOTHER if SHE DECIDED the HAIR COLOR and the "feathering" on the head!  (I can adventurously give you THAT answer!)

3. Lust.  Lust. Lust.  Ikkkky dirt problems!  YIKES!  "private parts" on man do not suddenly make DECISIONS and become the "good Samaritan" in the stories of ONE LIFE!  Someone said Sodom and Gomorrah was a bad place.....REASON folks is because a PART on a body is GIVEN for .... well.... get the point.... LUST didn't fix things!

4. JESUS met with MOSES ..... say what.... JESUS met with MOSES and MOSES kissed his father-in-law JETHRO..... ummmmm put puzzles together in CONTEXT!  ITS deeper than just telling Ellen D. Generous "I don't know" when whe asks about THINGS....  its AFTER the DEATH "ACHARAI MOT" style.....which COMES THROUGH the PAGES of SCRIPTURE!  If JESUS, MOSES....and EVEN ELIJAH.....wouldn't have been considered in the LAST HOURS of JESUS...... in their full definitions.... I wouldn't say too much "about that"

5. Life is like a box of chocolates....we never know WHAT we are going to GET.  Ummmmm no man can DECIDE his OWN FATE..... hence I was WAITING so DILIGENTLY for the proper definitions of the word CATTLE HOOF when I was drinking MILK from a COW.  EVERY COW knows when and when NOT to KICK....some idiots among us....as they show up acting in "tune" like they are farmers, but have no clue.....

4. BROTHERLY LOVE.....is....like a BROTHER-IN-LAW.....someone say DUH..... don't get into THAT sort of "marriage," they were warning!

5. If you didn't decide the LIGHT of LUMENS for the EYES as they are EQUAL from NATION to NATION!....then....you don't get to decide what to do with YOUNG CHILDREN....and vulnerable adults.  SOLVE history lessons CORRECTLY!

6.  Can someone say that a young child doesn't need to be YET another VICTIM of lies and self-mutilation.  You know what you know.  THE COLOR red is just that....A COLOR on a monthly time-line and for a REASON.  SOMETHING to CONSIDER!  JESUS did actually HEAL .... a "bleeding woman" so don't think PRIDEFULLY about "voice tones" among us..... yes....themes varry....as I take notes on "expression" but....well.... ummm BEN SHAPIRO sounds like BEN SHAPIRO and the ENEMY wants to CANCEL things....just like HITLER wanted to take away the BELLS of the dress on indigenous woman at the POW-....oh WOW!

7. Joseph wore the coat of many colors.... as in HE could TOUCH something with a LOT of COLORS..... but.... his BROTHER'S didn't BOTHER to CHECK their HEARTS at the PROMISE of REDEMPTION plan!  So don't trust in the COAT.....!!!  THEIR EYES were SEEING THIS STUFF...but WHAT did they DO!@  I've heard of a few WICKED CASES here or there.....and at the LENGTH of the HAND's given to THOSE! 

8. The oldest cult under the sun..... Sodom and Gomorrah as an illustration.  WOMAN.....oh WOMAN....wherefore "ARE THOU ROMEO but how was thou TREATED" there...and WHAT happened to LOT's wife....when she didn't ACCEPT that her OWN husband's name started with the letter "L".  SHE LOOKED back...when she shoulda LOOOOOOOKED UP to the heavens!  HINT: HEBREW LANGUAGE and culture renditions! 

9. Hosea of the bible was a GOOOD GUY.....despite what ever that wife was into!  Who knows!

10.  Paul...the apostle when he was SAUL......SAW the elements of HOLY when he was TURNED BLIND!  Can someone say that S & G people were TURNED BLIND TOOOOOOOOO!  Opppps just I just SAY THAT FAMILY MATTERS?  What happens when they BRAIN WASH your MiND about HAIR COLOR and TYPES!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fTr97xL2pU  THE HAIR TYPE.......... hmmmm just hmmmm the color.... hmmmm just hmmmm.  ohhhhh no.... the "woke types" just noted how STEVE is "culturally appropriating"...... hmmmmmmm hhmmmmmm just hmmmm.

11. When a denomination says marriage definitions (John the Baptist himself condemned certain beliefs about marriage conditions given!) and it doesn't fit the "world pattern".... that CHURCH denomination is saying it DOESN'T want to go AGAINST reality of what the illustrator was GIVING.  PEOPLE don't DESERVE to be HUNG/BE-HEADED simply for DISAGREEING with "King HERROD" in the beliefs about what HE SAW when he and his DAUGHTER decided the fate about JOHN the BAPTIST at the end of his ONE LIFE GIVEN!  Sure the WORLD PATTERN doesn't AGREE with "West BURROW BAPTIST" or "STEVEN ANDERSON" because they APPEAR harsh...but....just but.... JOHN the BAPTIST was BEHEADED...and JESUS went through PERIOD's of GRIEF FOR another MAN.....even WHILE WALKING AROUND in the BODY of a MAN!  NEED we SAY LESS about the FACT that ..... two males are SINGING in this VIDEO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD6YUYcenZk  ***summary: even divorce and re-marriage is considered....corruption by JOHN the BAPTIST~!!@#$%$#@#  take NOTES!  

JESUS visited and CARED ABOUT..... the married and the unmarried (in many cases EQUALLY but YET DIFFERENTLY).....buyer of YOU actually are given only one life..... learn stories correctly!

12.  White males canNOT be trusted.... Let Mt. Rushmore be a LESSON for yah....as YAH could see the elements of the CIVIL WAR (and allllll the other piled on BOOKS at the library!!)   YAH YAH YAH YAH.....   Roman Times and history lessons of eventual COLLAPSE of ROMAN THINGS and NERO THINGS...........it ALLLLLL eventually FAILED ..... as in ROME didn't exist on TURTLE ISLAND for a REASON!  But ..... JEWISH males are considered WHITE....in context while on TURTLE ISLAND!   But yet DOUPLE GANGER ISRAEL....is a BROTHER.....  which is NOT something ..... many people consider unless they actually CONSIDER THY NEIGHBOR..... instead of ELIZABETH WAR-IN-SIDE political hog-wash folly (even NAZI's were 1/100 JEWISH ancestry which is 100 times hired for reality.... from time to time!  learn something new these days).  I KNOW these themes....because I KNOW what they ASK when they say "ARE YOU JEWISH?"  Does anyone ELSE take notes of the ARTIST of this ARTIST?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBXQu8ORnBQ  any how..... mrs. War-in-side wasn't ever a waitress....a waiting around.....for "bitter waters" to show up..... and THEN she actually started to CARE about "woman's health".....  JESUS healed the woman a bleeding....."in the wilderness."   Here is a photo graph of Ruth B. Ginsberg.....  below..... in younger fashion......

YES..... we UNDERSTAND the times of CHANGE...but well..... ... ACHARAI MOT...."Life of the flesh is in the BLOOD"....and we....no matter the NATION don't get to DECIDE the elements written THERE IN and how THY FEATURES come forward in EXPRESSION male or female.....

Why the controversy in LAW?: answer to the ONE who CREATED BLOOD in the first place!

PROBLEM solved in ONE DAY....as it was ONLY ONE DAY....that CHANGED the world back 2000 years ago in the month of ABIB.....

Always REMEMBER that DAY that they didn't WANT to show up for WORK at the ER.....THE....local ER......which was situated about 3 blocks EAST of ESTHER ST..... hmmmm just hmmm.... they don't even NEED to know the fulllllll HISTORY context of that body that is NOT built like a Pinocchio body...but built with BLOOD.

Speaking about Blood.....it says Abomination like its "the last days".....as in people that have died.....SAW their PHYSICAL.....AUNT's miscarriage child on "the other side"........... ummmm WHAT.....did they just say?  about..... "the other side"......????   what things does the bible say about the 7 things he hates? THAT may very well be THE SUMMARY of elements "hiding from his eyes" they thought in Sodom and Gomorrah/.....

I don't "get" my features from NO WHERE.....was the saying of EVERYONE with BLOOD in their BODY....why didn't they UNDERSTAND the term for HOME???? hmmmm BET.....they didn't get it...until they finally GOT IT....between here near the GALILEE and MISI-SIPI.....   יאיר לוי וגושוע אהרון- בית Yair Levi & Joshua Aaron - HOME 🇮🇱 - YouTube  Thanksgiving.....dinner never LOOOOOKED so goood until they realized that CRANBERRIES......are well.....just NOT......"over there"....

My home has CRANBERRIES and/or POMEGRANATES some may say......  listen WISELY!  other just say ELEPHANT's are IN the ROOM!  ONLY ONE SPIRIT as HE is the WAY/TRUTH/LIFE!  When they ASK...."ARE YOU JEWISH?"   ANSWER CONFIDENTLY: "My HEBREW name is *ARE YOU a SUPPORTER of the LAND of ISRAEL, its PEOPLE* and THAT's right....your eyes are NOT misleading you because the CREATOR of YOUR EYES KNOWS."  Spirit and the Bride (Official Music Video) Sea of Galilee, Israel ~ Joshua Aaron - YouTube   (TAKE NOTES: NATIVE AMERICANS have similar features to .... LEVANT themes and middle east themes and HERE is an example of "indian fry bread" Daily Routine Village life | Living In Remote Afghanistan Villages | cooking village food oil bread - YouTube .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRvewLMZu_8 FAMILY resemblances don't go THAT FAR over the years...) The SPIRIT is on the "LEFT and RIGHT" HAND when themes are CORRECTLY understooooood while standing in the WILDERNESS!  Its everywhere like an OLD memory time bomb.....since the DAYS of NOAH......  (yes.....ELIZABETH met the MARY in the NATIVITY STORY....sorry unfortunate soul..... people of SAME GENDER HELP each other....as time moves FORWARD....not BACKWARDS!)

PAPER EMPIRES..... are just that PAPER EMPIRES.....built to COLLAPSE...but JESUS is EVERLASTING.... forever and ever--->

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Songs of Love and Hope