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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Thursday, May 5, 2022

There they go again..... People ACTING like they don't care and then they act like they care....

 There they go again..... People ACTING like they don't care and then they act like they care....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVquLXTq4bQ (symbolizes the body is MADE of BLOOD....and HAS ATTRACTION elements WITHIN.... )


If only people KNEW how to take care of the MISCARRIAGES more effectively.....

THOSE will happen because "congratulations" your parents ADAM and EVE.....were a PART of this CREATION..... yes WATCH and CARE for the WATERWAYS!!!!  but its STILL going to be there...

FACT: some women who have DIED in child-birth....saw their UNBORN or STILL BORN child while in a -->HEAVENLY REALM<--

a BIOLOGICAL father SAW his miscarried child YEARS before in a -->HEAVENLY REALM<-- , in a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE....

Wait a minute this is "just" premonition, this condition of DEATH before LIFE....  so the KNOWLEDGE of DEATH of one's own "DNA child" in the womb came BEFORE the people WALKING on this earth ACTULLY KNEW of the DEATH of the CHILD in the WOMB!!!!


STUDY the NATIVITY STORY more EFFECTIVELY!  FROM the POINT of CONCEPTION in womb of "the LEVITES" Elizabeth and Zacharias at the TEMPLE in JERU-SELAH-M and an ACTUAL ANGEL told them "the GENDER and the BEHAVIOUR" WELL before the child in the womb could walk and well before the invention of ULTRASOUND! ---> READ *ACHARAI MOT* portion folks (LEVITICUS MATTERS....to MAKE FAMILY LIFE MATTER)....its speaking about the MESSIAH's BLOOD ALONE as DEATH BEFORE LIFE to TAKE OUR PLACE!!!!!


MOSES was SAVED from the WATER.....

QUEEN ESTHER was SAVED from HAMAN.....  surely she WAS a LEVITICAL LAWS fan.....or she wouldn't be QUEEN ESTHER.... (she didn't end up marrying close relative(s) and other themes of interaction in the SOCIAL realm.........basically....instead...something better occured)


1/1024 INDIGENOUSLY on this ONE EARTH "of SHEM"----> E-LIE-ZABETH Warren WILL NOT SAVE a "woman's body"......  





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Songs of Love and Hope