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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Well.... solve the PUZZLE correctly!

 Happy 7 years anniversary

The mother of the singer at the piano....  Welcome to SOMEWHERE in this UNIVERSE!!!!  

HER sign:



Keep in MIND.... 7 years...

The START of the QUMRAN CALENDAR (3rd cycle.... if you want to follow along...)

2022-31 = 1991

1991/3 ---> 3rd calendar cycle

Qumran Calendar found NOT on GADITE territory of the bible.... but BENJAMITE territory.... aka not along the Misi-Sipi river...

Just look up the WORD --->GADITE.... or GAD of the bible....  and see what shows up.

CHANGE the TOP PIECE of the PIE to understand the PIE in the SKY:



Anti-Israel nonsense.... kinda like this song (has a foul word)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_kbs16zCyo ---> https://www.youtube.com/c/TheIsraelGuys


How did he GET the CORRECT PREMONITIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jl41eWn1Vg  ----> This is the REASON we HAVE freedom of Religion and Free speech..... don't be gooled in....


good luck....



the BIRDS of the AIR..... can understand...but WHY can't man "coordinate" with THY CREATOR!~!

BLUE BIRDS exist on THIS side of the PLANET along with BIRCH TREES....

TAssLES on the CLOTHING....

BLUE and WHITE....

FLAGS and TASSLES on the CLOTHING..... hmmmm..... this is WHAT the "white man" can't fully grasp in ONE DAY....

ONE APPLE that is RED------> and YOU just READ....that APPLES are not-indigenous to the MISI-SIPI river....  don't you SEE!

You will get "the rest" when you solve puzzles of MOSES in the FAMILY PHOTO's correctly next time (aka he WASn't the older one)....if there IS a next time....

A good old reminder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6tHxn7bG4E&t=1s

Ronald McDonald..... MANA in the wilderness....

There is NO reason to ignore the MAYAN calendar..... with ACCESS to the QUMRAN calendar.....  the PIE in the SKY is the STORY....22 letters in the HEBREW alphabet in the CENTER of the BIBLE.... divided by 7 = 22/7....




why do people FEEL the need to SHOOT at a MASKED man.... when there he is HOLDING the LIGHT!

Some people THINK their BLOOD looks like they are RELATED to "Field of Dreams" local people.... but.... they can ONLY WISH.....they don't even have ELIZABETH WARREN levels in their "blood".... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXjz-M_6eN8&t=290s

Alan Walker - Faded - YouTube

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Songs of Love and Hope