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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

These issues are literally....the SAME....as YESTERDAY!

 Its literally the same thing....

one woman who consistently aborted children, in her own womb, slept with various men ....now she has "passed the age".... walked up to a woman with triplets....

She said in her heart.... THOSE were MY children....you TOOK my children....


There IS a difference between the LUKE 7 account, and RAHAB.....themes under ONE SON! vs. the conditions of S & G @@@@~!!!!!~!!@


Gain some wisdom dear friends....before its TOO LATE.



anyway..... menorah's Hannukah.... there IS a story line behind the MASK...and JOHN 10 is written down for ALL to see....


Qumran Calendar uncovered AFTER ww@....

THAT means that ORDERS of nature....are AVAILABLE to those who WANT to UNDERSTAND!  The PATTERNS in 7 moons between spring and fall feasts!  Jacob lived 147 years...and Jubilee is still 49 years!  THAT is a part of the PATTERNS!

Older woman....with STORIES..... 80+ year olds..... yeup..... yeup and yeup.....

*One man HAD a stroke.....another a CAR ACCIDENT.........how people TREAT the MAN......says a LOT about CHARACTER....in "these things" under...... HIS observation lenses....no matter HOW many colors they claim to "care" about!*

NATURE....has its ORDERS and plans.....for a REASON..... I Let a Venus Flytrap Digest My Finger For a Day–Little Shop of Horrors Challenge! - YouTube

THE FACTS of LIFE.... has a foul..... word..... "you didn't love".... the GOSPEL message....and/or MOSES account!  the ORDERS were ALREADY described!  Charlie Puth - That’s Hilarious (EXTENDED VERSION) - YouTube  (has a foul word....a FEW extra ones for those who believe they can "suddenly" turn into TAYLOR SWIFT......over night@..... when JESUS said his YOKE was EASY EASY EASY......even under the "corpse" and "rose colored eyes"..... )  TRUE LOVE.....PAYS ATTENTION to TRUTH......!!!!

The first test to SEE if they are listening correctly:

FACT: BEARS can see COLOR........

How they REACT says whom they ARE on the inside and their UNDERSTANDING of the CREATOR!

********************8888888888 the orders of NATURE......********************

狂暴な巨大象が通行人の高価な車を潰す【野生動物の攻撃】 - YouTube

video on mute..... above......


A few EXTRA notes in the SONG of SONGS...... for those who believe in REMOVING the ELEPHANT's NOSE!!!!

Cousin....Jane ..... IS shouting.... YOU FOOL!  ESPECIALLY.....when it comes to the ORDERS.....the WOMB is shouting (NATIVITY STORY...... onward and UPWARD)......really LOUDLY.....sometimes....

Anyhow..... I WONDER why NO ONE names their child ------> NERO....... hmmmmm think wisely about THAT for a minute....or two.....or three......

This is the one.....they are TRYING to remove.....from his position and authority..... just using a SINGER..... in the REALM of SONGS.... among us.... for temporary ILLUSTRATION!

because HE knows all TRIBES and situations and ALREADY illustrated IT...... in HOW....to handle IT!



Every time a person HEARS a wood-pecker....think about the ONE who took the BRADS...... on the WOOD!

Josh Groban - Thankful [Official HD Audio] - YouTube

because without ADMITING TRUTHS...... people who are "different" (basic feature change and ups and downs in life ..... only ONE LIFE!) end up in "the can"....where they DON'T deserve to GO THERE!

-----> I do believe there is EXTREME LGBT phobia that is EXTREME and ACTUALLY denies SCRIPTURE itself....aka JESUS loved sinners, JESUS shared brotherly love among MEN as a MAN etc.  BUT I also believe there is CULT-LIKE and CULT-ENHANCING behaviour among color conditions..... this is NOTHING NEW..... in the last few years on USA soil!  Back in the day.....they had "the woman" who married multiple different men....and was the town "slut" so to speak wisely about THINGS.....HOW did the HERO of the HOLY BIBLE act among so and so?  WHAT did he SAY? <---------

If THEY throw you "out of the institution" (school, hospital etc etc.) because YOU WARNED THEM..... about the TRAILS..... and what MERCY actually MEANS (starting in ISRAEL....do NOT go along with ANY who promote anti-ISRAEL..... beliefs or behaviours....even the modern political state!)...... Will Smith Gives the Dumbest Advice Ever. - YouTube  (the "womb" can NOT be re-wired!.....or family tree ORDERS!!!---> what I mean is that it will OPERATE as its naturally designed to DO....even "fail"....or have its diseases!<----....especially after 12 weeks for child in the womb lonely....life (JESUS said be BORN AGAIN)....but yeah..... get REAL...... AND "the diamond" trail in the MAN.....doesn't CAUSE that man to avoid....stroke.... car-accident..... etc etc...and NO FRIENDS....visit!  ONLY JESUS...... ONLY JESUS fixed US in our FOOLISHNESS.... MOSES.... LED at 80+ years old!!!)

IN THESE verses it SPECIFICALLY mentions that CLOSE RELATIVE of *Nadab and Abihu* had to REMOVE....... them from the CAMP!  JESUS knows the "family tree trails"..... and PATTERNS among us! 

(Lev 10:4)  And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp.

(Lev 10:5)  So they went near, and carried them in their coats out of the camp; as Moses had said.

(Lev 10:6)  And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled.

(Lev 10:7)  And ye shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: for the anointing oil of the LORD is upon you. And they did according to the word of Moses.



"They typically deploy occasional positive reinforcement to confuse the victim, but at the same time, they may attempt to turns others against the victim, even their own friends and family, by telling them that the victim is lying or delusional."

DON't believe that "colorful flags" actually SAVES "colorful people's" love for humanity..... NO..... JESUS already PROVED he was DIFFERENT than the rest.  HE NEVER SINNED!

Here is a way to TEST: woman born as a girl.....says I am 5'10" tall now at the age of 13.  I need 2100 calories to maintain a weight above 120 lbs.  THAT is unhealthy weight for ME when I am under 120 lbs.

Gas-lighter: No, you don't, you are a man now and should ACCEPT ALL MAN THINGS that MEN do because you are 5'10" tall.  YOU need to LIFT WEIGHTS, RUN MORE and reduce that SIZE.....to be more MANLY..... and the DIAMOND trail will ACTUALLY WORK for YOU the WAY YOU want it to work..... you CAN FINALLY DO man things....."rape" "rape" "rape"....."mock women" "mock women" and secretly "traffic." ..... and the Muslim man in child-marriage....is laughing at the FOOLS he sees....

I'm sitting on the "duh" fence-line...... as the 13 year old's become CONFUSED.....about THESE THINGS under ONE SUN......ONE SON.

Whom was Jezabel in the bible again?  Oh......the covetous one!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBXQu8ORnBQ

--------->Isn't it funny how they DON'T want to willingly give themselves ANEMIA.....  hmmmm..... like literally...... give themselves ANEMIA.....and ENJOY IT! <------------  because to THEM its more about "image" and "fame"....filled with HATE towards people......who are ANEMIC because they are..... I'm not even going to label a person's hand-design as....while playing the FIDDLE....------> THY CREATOR and REDEEMER!  Basically....a hand-design....is a hand-design.....and fiddles are fiddles.....  so the super TALENTED fiddle-player.....wanted to do WHAT....to his OWN HANDS? -------> Nobody SAYS....that ER stories......EXIST.  so DON'T fiddle.....unless we already know the STRING....snapped and it STUNG.  ----> accidents are one thing....choosing to REJECT reality...is ANOTHER....   I Spent Time With Jesus During My Near Death Experience | NDE - YouTube

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Songs of Love and Hope