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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Then they sorted out the PHOTOS correctly! Guess Who game!

 The guess who game:

And they ALL tried to DESTROY..... 

the HOUSE of COMMONERS......

ALL they needed to SAY.....


HE..... isn't the WAY, the _uth and....the LIFE.... from the POINT OF VIEW of variations in HISTORY ACCOUNTS and MODERN ACCOUNTS of ISRAEL.....

YOU.....are the Douple Ganger Twin...


__uth family house of common LIFE...... similar to story line of HAIR-IT-STAGE in the FAMILY PHOTOS.....---->(that is "no big deal"....walk walk walk away.....sandy man..... but YET its 1/7,000,000,000 without even "weighting" the stat....and without AGE gap stats inclusive!)

A thought of similar renditions: King David.....youngest....had....





the deeper plot than Elizabeth Warren conversations....

The BLOOD and WATER accounts from BENJAMITE Territory....involves STORYLINES along WITH the "trails" in the ancestry conditions!


A mere thistle..... in the HEART....


Who is the YOUNGEST in the FIRST COUSINS on this list (from Alma G and Bernard account?)  Does he have red-hair..... if you don't know....then you are NOT CLOSE ENOUGH!  What is the "point" of this theme called being named by ancestors with "bible names"?  Protestant Reformation comes before the (as SHE listened to this radio account)..."rest of the story"....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gPE0u2R5zc  ..... how do I know?  Because the letter "L" is in my name(not really...just symbolic of center of themes on language charts....but metaphorically it COULD be the DEEPER meaning of LAMED)...and I'm older.

STORYLINES are not something that can be re-wired in the bible....and same with MODERN ERA "photos"..... so to speak wisely to the fools....


Then they ALL start FILLING in the RIGHT kind of "Noah's Ark" style math.....!!!!

THAT's right folks!


A person can GARDEN like ADAM and EVE....but the TRUTH is the TRUTH.... house of COMMON questions arise:

*Where did Tomatoes originate on this earth?

*Is the TOMATO listed in the bible as a plant? Quick Answer: No....and neither are potatoes...hence Potato Latkes are associated with CULTURE and JOHN 10 accounts of "feast of dedication" listing from Europe.  So any CELEBRATION of HANNUKAH with POTATO latkes = HISTORY records from JOHN 10 backwards!

*Learn the tomatos....before you EARN your wages.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkNczi2K-lU


HEALING involves because of HIM.... not because OUR beliefs in "sexual orientation".... that is the LIE people are falling for unfortunately.... this doesn't discriminate....it REDEEMS!


Human orientated:

*Don't be stupid, gain wisdom about THINGS like this topic.  MALES FEMALES.... since ADAM and EVE.... there is NOT ONE DROP of blood that CAN escape...says WHOM? KEN.... not LO.... (hebrew awareness helps)

*wires are around, looks are around, but they are NOT the foundation, only the proper understanding STANDS the test of TIME.  LOOKS are NOT the BAD GUY.... yes.... DIAMONDS are THINGS that people WANT TO STEAL.... so SEAL IT!  ----> King David's house had its ISSUES!


*Bible interpretations VARY because LIFE-STYLES BEFORE YOU CAME ALONG..... were DIFFERENT---->full<---- understanding VARIES! (aka look up history of great grandpa A = slave owner, great grandpa B = African American, great grandpa C = mute disabled man, great grandpa D = super rich and almost famous ----> ALLLL different CONDITIONS in ancestors!)

*tracks in the snow, down by the river...and topics of discussion does NOT mean "the bear" was actually there!  Its only when "the bear" actually shows MARKS of his existence when things are a problem!  AKA some man tried to "act like" a fake bear one day...and took "bear paws" put them in the snow to CREATE FAKE.....tracks! ----> CRAZY stuff!  Simply PUT..... ONLY JESUS has the FULL elements of WHAT is WHAT...and whom has ACCESS to the FULL TRUTH (marriage lessons, orientations, and all!)!

*Don't hang out with "fools" .... Solomon's porch...is THERE for a REASON...and a SEASON!  WHAT is a FOOL?  It COULD BE.... the ignorer of "first five books of bible".... "facts about xyz situations...starting in ISRAEL" .... "elements of NATURE....that DON'T go away".... things like THAT!

START HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY33O6GeFiY  avoid folly "biology" which enhanced man's ideas and ruled out the CREATOR's DEMANDS!


Basically, in the GUESS WHO game.... yes the IMAGE thing is there (This is EVERLASTING conditions as long as MEN are on this earth and HAVE FACES!).... but WHAT if all the pictures were REPLACED by STORIES!  Think about the PSALMS content!  The STORY of ISRAEL...and content of origins of PASSOVER!....that is THE IMAGE of THE CREATOR!  YESHUA was teaching the people who needed hope to NOT be selfish but to GIVE to THY NEIGHBOR in the sands because THY CREATOR needs to be LOVED!  THAT....is the REAL meaning of ORIENTATION!

NADAB and ABIHU were JUDGED ----> Lev 9-11 (sh mini)..... don't become intoxicated with "the elements" ---->anything of FOREIGN conditions to the REQUIREMENTS!  A person can NOT orientate to THY CREATOR on "their own terms"!  FIND the TRUTH..... through the FOG!

NADAB and ABIHU were "orientating themselves" away from the CREATOR's DEMANDS!  THEY were inhabiting their HEART with: fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners

(1Co 6:9)  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

(1Co 6:10)  Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

(1Co 6:11)  And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

COVETOUS of "the image" of THY NEIGHBOR....is FORBIDDEN!  ----> Its NOT wrong to "heal a broken face".... it IS wrong to desire a COMPLETELY different face..... BIG BROTHER systems won't admit this!

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Songs of Love and Hope