*Vaccines are NOT the center of Healthcare (or other institutional/human interaction things)!@!#@!@# --> Jesus never promoted this idea as a great physician! Moses never wrote in the TORAH to exemplify "plague issues" above all other issues! STORY LINE: (Once there was a farmer.....he owned a lot of cows..... he was determined to Feed and Water his cows as well as give them some fresh air and some social lives....until someone decided..... lets LOCK YOUR COWS in a stall....24/7 and VACCINATE those cows everyday.....they will SURELY become more healthy than they have EVER BEEN in their entire life!...... said NO real farmer EVER!)
*Vaccines are NOT the center of the media (or other institutional/human communication things) which speaks about topics related to everyday health needs of the populations!@!@!~!@!@ Jesus spoke about other things, even things like fasting and how to forgive people (a process of dealing with distresses in life) STORY LINE: (One old man with a dog wanted to teach his old dog a new trick. Someone came to his house one day and told the dog BARK BARK BARK every time all the time when it is 3:00 in the morning with the old man is asleep..... do you think the TIME was WORTH such informative EDUCATION or not?)
*White-people (as in LEVANT....white features) issues and supremacy is NOT the center of the reasons behind the origins of WW1 and WW2! No, its a LACK of understanding of PROPER understanding of SCRIPTURE and/or JESUS (who is JEWISH/LEVANT) which led to these great wars with such horrifying behaviours! The people of that ERA did NOT want to ADMIT SUPREMMACY....hence, the EVILS! In fact, SLAVERY was ABOLISHED because OF.....bible beliefs in people! Terrorism is STOPPED to this day because people realize with their very EYES that ISRAEL....matters to the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE! --->OTHERS in the middle east EXIST that CARE about bible themes< ----> If they don't want to admit that AFRO-ASIATIC people MATTER to the creator....whom are they to JUDGE when it comes to topics of ISRAEL! STORY LINE: (A shepherd owned a few straight hair sheep along with a black curly hair sheep and a few white curly hair sheep...... no man ever said....let the sheep wander in front of the herd of raging cattle bulls while they are well....raging. Was it about the features and origins in family tree of the sheep in the first place?)
*LGBTxyz phobia is NOT the center of the reasons behind why people hate others in sexuality topics! No, rape, adultery, underage etc. ARE all issues in ALL people, tribes, ancestry and situations! People in the NEAR HISTORY PAST often practiced poly- relationships. These were NOT always positive situations! FAIR and HANDSOME features among the people of the bible are still relevant to this day. Too much "skin" is too much..... "skin"....John the Baptist just wore ....well.... he wore what he wore and simply said REPENT. He was BEHEADED by the "promiscuous crowd." Woman's wombs are not any different today as yesterday!---> aka can't mix wine and ice with shards in it. Luke 7 solves a lot as does parables topics. STORY LINE: (The duck said to the goose, "why do you hiss so loudly? Can't you just quack so that they know you mean something special?" The goose simply said, "Keepers never wander, they only protect" Dung in the nest isn't really duck-gander.....its a nest with no KNOWSES how to use their voices properly. Hence the Goose wanted to keep his hissing...while the duck knew he had to continue to quack and couldn't complain about it. --> the storyline behind Hanukah....dear folks....you operate on reality.... not on folly in one life given!)
*Hating people who speak Hebrew is about like hating the reality that people have faces and hands that they are given. It is a practice in CULTURE (earthly locality of origins and practice) as well as a CONSTRUCT that MAN didn't give to MAN. The language is a tool as well as graphical exchange of ideas. STORY LINE: (the Carpenter said to the old man in the wood shed..... where is the Hammer.....??? Its wandering over there.....Words and wooden things.....build houses)
*Abortion is NOT the center of woman's healthcare. Yes, pregnancy problems occur! Topics NEED to be addressed APPROPRIATELY to fix broken body systems...but in reality is NATURAL ORDERS in the SYSTEM, which need PROPER ETHICAL consideration. EQUAL access when DANGEROUS PREGNANCY SITUATIONS occur is MORE of the issue than the later when natural miscarriage occurs! Prompting abortions creates HIGHER RISKS (both for health system and longevity as well as behaviour issues!) for women in the LONG RUN! Women CAN get STEM degrees EVEN with BEAUTY FEATURES and not needing FULL MODEST OUTFITS! Think about it! BIG BROTHER is more of a DISTRESS on WOMAN'S HEALTH than anything (face and speech recognition and attack based on BIAS of beliefs about xyz! for example: Candace Owens). Persons with monthly cycles are given this ability in the WOMB..... John the Baptist was designed to be a MAN.... and this was declared in the WOMB! STORY LINE: (Where did you get such hair my friend......??? My mother who.....lived after they took me away from her for being an out of wedLOCK child.....but then Solomon's temple was built off of Bathsheba's trails of well....her wandering..... soooooo .... anyhow. Interpretations.....aren't for YESTERDAY....but for....well... the mail-man in the window.)
*Animal behaviour CAN change when TRAINING occurs for CERTAIN ANIMALS. HATING doesn't fix fear. Put the same EQUATION in for PEOPLE and the DESCRIPTIONS in "animal terms" given.....in scripture! Don't fear "Benjamites" because..... they are Benjamites, basically. Code word.... Queen Esther deals with the evils of BIG BROTHER according to PROPER WISDOM! STORY LINE: (A Doctor once said.....you are definitely 5'3." Someone didn't cut off your legs...... should I break them or leave them alone? I don't think that is what is causing you the PAIN in your aCHILLes TENDON?)
Speaking of Vaccines (the forcing us people who need basic elements of life) being a HOLLOCAUST-like issue. Yes, I believe people ARE right when they are stating that VACCINE topics are HOLLOCAUST-like issues! The natural immunity is the HATED ELEMENT in the EQUATION! Kind of like the natural born with ANCESTERY(and/or beliefs on who knows what beliefs on how to HANDLE particular ancestry) is the HATED ELEMENT in the EQUATION in WW2 topics! Its like the Cain and Able story..... whom is the one most HATED in the EQUATION? The one that CREATED Cain and Able ....and was ABLE to give ABLE the natural immunity@!@~!@!@!
So what is the CENTER? of the bible---> LAMED...... thanks for LEARNING about this STUFF dear folks under one sun....and .....well....hands are hands....you CHOOSE how to OPERATE them....if you can operate heavy machinery.....and grass can be pulled when you decide to do Just That...... (there DEFINITELY .....HAS....to be a CREEP in the equation! Take Solomon's advice.....when dealing with the women and the babes one live...one perished.....)
anyhow....some people have trouble putting puzzles together correctly.....even TREE things in the storylines.....sometimes....
I can't literally sort out all the pieces of the puzzle called one life..... but I can do what I can do.....
I can only RECALL this or that....and work with WHAT I have in my "aware" realm .... the FACTS are just that..... FACTS..... How long did Jacob live.... 147 years..... EARTHQUAKES......have taken lives.... just SAYIN......FACTS...... that means that PEOPLE can RECALL......THINGS well into xyz age range and years after THE FACT. Olive Trees....are NOT planted north of the Misi-Sipi river. But in reality people DO NOT get struck by EARTH QUAKES....or EAST WINDS on an everyday basis.... so what CAN we look forward to? The one who will return....to the Mount of OLIVES.....!
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