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Monday, January 3, 2022

There was a man.....

 There was a man:

*His ancestor cheated on someone else's spouse.  It was a pretty soap-opera type of household.  There was a son with handsome features but was a brute, a wife who wanted to deprive her own husband and wanted this man to be given good gifts, a disabled person in that house, a raped girl, and a crazy father-in-law.  Things like that.

*He had a cousin who told people to stop doing wrong and people canceled him.  This cousin was born to a family that had a history lesson involved with a sister that was "Trafficked" by wicked men.

*He stood up for the tribe and people he was accustomed to he walked their talk and talked their walk.  He basically was them.  He both learned and taught their lessons and even read from their books.

*He gave all of his riches away and led the people to spirit of truth like a dove.

*Sometimes he didn't like the way people did things so he would correct them, but it wasn't so harsh that it felt like pain on the inside.

*He really wasn't born in a palace and given a silver spoon.

*He didn't really cater to his own people though they were oppressed and even though they were oppressed he still gave empathy, leadership and mercy to outsiders.

*He really wasn't afraid to address concerned people when he was around the prostitute and adultery types of people.....  He would correct if their heart was filled with lust and pride.

*He didn't have a single problem with racial hatred towards semitic people and even found a way to address the issue of ISRAEL according to proper means of JUSTICE on this earth.  He basically knows every hair on the head of people in the LEVANT region.

*He really wasn't opposed to woman's health because he knew that women and even young girls need physicians in certain topics and can't win their husband's just by bearing children.

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