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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Battle of the AGES.....and AGE to come.....


We will go with the REALITY chart:

5'11" talk about it all the time display stuff.... online.... and this that and the other...

And I'm like over here in the balance beeeeeeming eyes....and looking BACK at the OLD-PLACE.....

ummmmmmm BEARS CAN see color...... my friend.





In the end whom was it that couldn't see????  Well.... we will just go with that story for now....because HEIGHT is a different way to discuss things..... under ONE SON......

Whom is 5'5"? in the STORY LINE..... 

Where is the Misi-Sipi river.....

Go with REALITY FIRST.....

Then look at all the CHAPTERS in the BIBLE talkin about Michael, Enoch and likeness of ADAM and EVE made in his image conditions at hand...as in Raccoon has hands like that of MAN.  Mr. Racoon.....  is ALWAYS Mr......RAccoon.  DRAW the DOTS together and FIND all the STORIES about the NAMES in those CHAPTERS and EVENTS..... GO from THERE.....

Cardinals are RED..... in the END and in the BEGINNING..... (take some TIME to think about the creator.....of RED)

So does ISRAEL matter?  I'm talking about the ISRAEL that the CREATOR wanted for this earth....as in the CLUES are in the SERMON on the MT..... and the PARABLES!  So yeah..... yeah yeah....sure.....ya bet on that ya..... 

In the end, if YOU.....don't know MICHAEL..... then 2nd street people mean NOTHING to YOU!!!!  aka....did YOU..... decide the day of Granpa's Departure?  Did YOU decide the day of Grandma's grand-display of intellectual gift by DRIVING up to the OLD-FOLKS-HOME every now and then and also ..... Mr. Memories.....said clearly......she is OK with people's hands ......as in HANDS...... of the CREATOR..... the type of hands..... where when you FLIP them...... you.... know darn well what JOHN LEGEND..... I MEAN! @


I think that is enough EEEEEEE's..... in the display.


I don't know what king.....was sayin this thing about old Joe..... but.....Joseph of the bible???  HMMMM 

Aviv..... Ave.....


Because yeah..... KNOCK on the DOOR..... the RIGHTWAY.....Because SNAPPING TURTLES..... TURN...... people a different DIRECTION.........  I say......keep the WOOD STOVE....a BREWING....so.....that crowds.....admit the ROAD....that was WALKED.....

Battle of the AGES.....and AGE to come.....


Its NOT.....an easy....thing to GET.....them unhinged for the CHAINS they TRY to PUT BACK......on HIS OLD DISPLAY............

The conversation is a coming!
****Its called the SOCIAL-NET-WORD!!!!!****


I can't telllllll ya how everything works.....

But.... well.... remember the person in the BEGINNING that said..... YOU.....CANNOT create your OWN image for DISPLAY on this ONE EARTH..... dear ADAM and EVE!

Because Grandpa Joseph 


the CHINA cabinet......

on BENJAMIN..... territory.....  

BLOOD....... and ......... WATER

To understand.... you COULD get some IDEAS from Marcus Rogers.....  Its not against FLESH and BLOOD....but against PRINCIPALITIES!

(Me TOOO.... I've had my ups and downs.... on display....only BECAUSE.... the FRAMEWORK is there......)


Use this DISPLAY method to TRACK and REMOVE..... the ENEMY of ADAM

How to SPOT:

scripture has CHARACTER DISPLAYS that are RIGHT in HIS.....EYES! ---> Yes, you NEED MOSES (and certain Hebrew Culture elements) and definitely NEED the TERRITORY and CONDITIONS where HE was put on DISPLAY to the WORLD!

Don't expect FLESHLY displays to SOLVE these ultimate issues....expect HIM to carry you THROUGH to the END!

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