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Friday, December 17, 2021

The David Archuleta case and other things like that.......

I watched this video..... but here is my thoughts on the issues at stake.  JESUS is FULLY in ARMOUR on the HORSE..... in heaven so to speak....if HORSES can be "raped"..... by wicked men.... then BUYER beware....of what types of "themes" men come up with (JESUS had to REBUKE Peter....because MEN can be FILLED with SATAN.....as HE stated)..

David Archuleta: Permission to Make Mistakes - YouTube 

These things are interesting from a "bible perspective".... some Christians would consider Mormon's to be "a cult." I believe in SOME sects there ARE definitely those traits.

Mormons did things against norms in PLURAL marriages.... so this should be "no surprise" in how these types of things occur.

Things to think about: 1. Peter (of the bible) had a wife....that means that Peter was PRO-PSALM 119 in bible terms (like a link back to Moses).... 2. JESUS himself addressed Sodom and Gomorrah in NEGATIVE LIGHT (rightly so, they had variations of Big-Brother problems, wouldn't help the weak people, and woman treated like Eugenic objects for pleasure etc), 3. JESUS is of descendant of LOT through Moabites 4. Jesus KNEW about "hormone problems" in man....he healed the woman bleeding 5. Jesus knew that MEN could love MEN....but he REBUKES PETER a few times over...and even said PETER was filled with SATAN..... 6. Jesus spoke FREELY with the woman at the well with "5 husbands" and addressed the "sinful woman" in positive light in Luke 7..... so on and so forth!

After having WORKED with dementia patients here and THERE..... we DO need a "merciful" trait that is WITHOUT END! A woman in dementia state CAN and FORECFULLY SO.... believe that another patient is HER.....quote on quote "dead husband" when it is ACTUALLY another female patient or something of that sort.

Pride is NEVER a good trait in the bible. Rightly so. Rapes, molestations, self-mutilations, infidelity without "consequence," STDS and HIGHER rates of suicides exist among colorful PRIDE stances on life. *****THESE types of things are SHUT DOWN in the HEALTHCARE worker's REAL WORK...... because FACTS are...."my choice" in the terms of "womb-an" vs. "man" topics....which is always MALE and FEMALE from the BEGINNING....*****

Basically, if it is wrong for a woman to cheat on her husband (even in terms of LEVITICAL origins!), why is it somehow RIGHT to consider Sodom and Gomorrah a "good place" when it never WAS "the way, the truth and the life"......

I believe in SUPPORT for children AND vulnerable adults affected by the "pride justice" folly that inflicts PAIN and heartache on families..... aka Teachers that force "gender change" drugs..... without PARENTAL support, schools that believe in allowing Transgender to use the "same" lockerroom despite his inherited HATRED of GOD and MAN..... and LOVES to RAPE.....males and females. Don't be a FOOL. Even Paris Hilton was complaining about THINGS!


Don't be fooled..... GOD....himself is NOT mocked. If Hillsong had some "wrong standards" in conduct..... so too can "other issues" at hand. Another one, If they would have kept the PHARMACY BUSINESSES open in Minneapolis (post-George Floyd)..... I'd say the TRAFFIC would be more reliable......but MEN are WICKED when they xyz....since when? Since the time of JESUS on word!

Basically, in summary, Sodom and Gomorrah will NEVER by in LARGE ever-more-obvious-conditions-among-men, actually BE...... "the way, the truth and the life"....... Homelessness..... just ISN'T JESUS on the playing field at the Ball-Diamond.

I really WISH the "colorful" pride promotion club would WORK their HEARTS out at the local NURSING HOMES (those places where talk of love is here there and everywhere!)...... and be ONTOP OF IT....when a woman's health.....goes to "pot" even Miss-WONDERFUL-Appearance..... Paris Hilton types...... Folks (HEIGHTS matter)....... THE....ultimate BALANCE CLUB ..... is ONLY.... through JESUS....and his REBUKE.....SATAN.....nature! Thankful for the PEOPLE that RESTRICT the elements of "doing things" to the woman under anesthesia......or the other.....achievement of HEIGHT at the AGE of 13......types of THEMES under the SUN! HOW.... old was BATHSHEBA of the bible.......... cough cough.

Peter and JEsus.... FRIENDS......even ROOSTERS know how to CROW at the RIGHT TIME! Who are YOU.....to SAY you KNOW how to KNOW the design of EARTHLY CREATURES among men!

THE MOTHER of the DAUGHTER.....could DIE.....one DAY....and NOT mention "something" about cousin so and so.....from the LEVANT...... I'm just sayin..... Anne Frank--> of Levant Themes <- is NOT that "far off" among close relatives (a person ACTUALLY needs to READ her DIARY....not "just say" they KNOW everyHINT among men!).... when LEV 11 is on the TRAIL of appearances and Practices in KOSHER.....LEVITICAL THEMES..... locally and what not..... (Even Einstein KNEW some things about THIS topic)

I'm like....and THEY.....don't think the CREATOR REDEEMER knows about PEOPLE'S HATE of "Levitical things" under the sun.....

And then they all said they were AT-TRAFFICK-ed to the ARMS of xyz Gender people..... JUST the ARMS...... I pointed them to the PAIN that JESUS' arms went through when he was on that OLD RUGGED CROSS.... just one time..... Even a BLIND MAN.......could SEE "those colors" of the wind!

Buyer.....be AWARE of the IMAGES and PEOPLE....... the cousin of a cousin or a friend of a friend THEME under ONE SUN. PEOPLE that can SEE....... light....but can't see Darkness.....buyer BEWARE.....when attending "that one store" where they had ACCESS to THAT STUFF. Field of Dreams area landscape drawings...... even HAS...... well..... A STORAGE PLACE. A BLOODY ...... STORAGE SYSTEM..... theme (King David dealt with it.....in his OWN life and household!).

When they were ALL trying to find the FAMILY-TREE trails.....

Make SURE....the family member is actually of a DIFFERENT APPEARANCE under ONE SUN which produces light....and life....

Image BEAR-er.....system...... EVEN BEARS can SEE color! But man and animal......well.... I think the BEAR will WIN no matter HOW many colors are worn on .....well.... you get the point.

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