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Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Benjamin Angle

 Consider this Angle before PASSING judgment on the FAILURES of "the states" among men: https://domesticfelicityblog.com/2021/12/17/hoping-for-a-better-2022/

What is the issue in Africa which is far worse than Police Issues in America?  Anti-Israel Rhetoric via reversal of beliefs among men.  For example, its like the HOLY BIBLE follows a "if you give a mouse a cookie" time-line.  Rachel Dies (Keep in mind that RACHEL has the CELEB LOOKING FEATURES! ---> don't be deceived, mix and match conditions exist to this day!)---> Benjamin BORN to JACOB'S family--->  The stories surrounding Benjamin--->  Benjamin is the "indigenous tribe" of JERU-SELAH-M area.  Jebus becomes Jerusalem.   Judas ISCARIOT was NOT among the BENJAMIN "trails."  Basically.....the STORY of BENJAMIN is like being REJECTED among one's own KIN!!!! When it should be the OPPOSITE in God's EYES!  Genesis 49--> Ravenous wolf = Tearing the Fleshly "temples" to bits and pieces......

Other Benjamites and Conditions: ***Est 2:5  Now in Shushan the palace there was a certain Jew, whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite; (Queen Esther also Benjamite and Cousin to Mordechai.... a combination of WW1 and WW2 topics involve FREQUENT REJECTION of this book...and the MODERN DAY BLM rioters FAIL to recognize ETHIOPIA matrix in this book!) ---> Queen Esther had BEAUTY features (remember RACHEL of the bible)

***"According to the New Testament book Acts of the Apostles, Paul was a Pharisee; he participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity,[13] in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion.[note 1] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Apostle

***Jericho was in the region

***Qumran (those caves where it was revealed that the SCRIPTURES are official as well as CALENDAR topics to discuss)

***Mount of Olives (this is important to INDIGENOUS themes, cultures.....even more than just the SPEAKING of JESUS return!  certain trees from certain regions on the globe used for spiritual and everyday life purposes!)

**Basically, anyone who comes from Jerusalem area and a little North, East and West

**Holy Spirit EMINATES for ALL NATIONS from this LOCATION: "Rather than the upper room of a house, it is thought that this might have been a reference to THE House, the House of the Lord.  In ancient Jewish sources (the Mishna and the Talmud), the Temple Mount is referred to as “the mountain of the house” and throughout the Old Testament, we find “the house of the Lord” used to describe the Tabernacle, Solomon’s Temple, the Second Temple, and the future Millennial Temple. " Reference: https://reasonsforhopejesus.com/disciples-holy-spirit-given/

**Jesus TAUGHT from locations in BENJAMIN area (inclusive of the TEMPLE and Mt. of Olives)..... sometimes confronting BAD ELEMENTS vs. GOOD ELEMENTS of human heart!

**The FIRST account of elemental storyline of Nativity began with Angel Gabriel coming to ZACHARIAS at the TEMPLE!  It says that Elizabeth and Zacharias were "commandment keepers" via Tribe of Levi(Moses, Aaron, Ezra, and Asaph from this tribe).  Basically, the FIRST account in the NATIVITY story is LEVITICAL THEMES aligning with BENJAMIN territory!

---->A Benjamin STORY: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/nonbelievers-across-africa-risk-freedom-and-family-support/ar-AARWIZx?ocid=msedgntp  **** I personally don't want to CATER to encouraging "Atheist thinking" because.....well NATIVTY STORY speaks loudly....when LISTEN to it with CORRECTIVE LENSES!


There ARE spoilers in family life.... aka Gossip, trail of pointing fingers, folly in the midst etc. (look up stories as given on the internet perhaps....anything and everything)....

The spoiler doesn't have to RUIN the whole theme and paint pictures of OTHER'S faces whom they know not (who is that 2nd cousin once removed's in-law's great grandmother anyhow....if THEY don't know....then WHY are they putting "spoilers" in the MIX of discussion?)....they can "recruit" their own attitudes as being INCORRECT before the CREATOR and HIS orders and TIMING....


Gas-Lighters are KNOWN to mock other's truths and realities.  If so and so WANT'S to know....they should ASK "the place of birth" of JESUS, not just point at the place and seek mockery as a "solution" to the person born there.

The disciples were FROM certain regions on the map....and not from ALL OVER the region so to speak!


Who would be the "Benjamin's" of today?  I'm thinking it could be the Native American (or other minority conditions) pockets and areas surrounded by well, surrounded by professions of "caring" about colonialization problems but then putting the PRESSURE on "Benjamin" to rejuvinate EVERYTHING humans did wrong. (This is INCLUSIVE of those indigenous to LEVANT region!)  The BOOK of LEVITICUS was ALWAYS there, so there really isn't an EXCUSE!  aka LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR as YOURSELF....fulfills things..... NOT the Sodom and Gomorrah promotion parades and clubs! (aka putting big-brother on promotion club, rejecting Song of Songs as a theme for proper alignments in treatment of male and female, etc)   Israel is TIED to the people directly or in-directly...and TIED back to "BENJAMIN'S" indigenous roots.

Consider the BENJAMIN angle!  Basically, WHAT is the POINT of VIEW from JERUSALEM....and Mt. of OLIVES.... do NOT gas-light GOD's reality!  The NATIVITY STORY....starts with ....well, LEVI themes combined with BENJAMIN territory.....

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