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Friday, November 19, 2021

It would be fine to do a family reunion..... but....

Educational things.....are NOT all created equal under the sun....due to DIFFERENCE of EXPOSURE and EXPERIENCE!

 It would be fine to do a family reunion.....(just like, no one likes a ZOOM WEDDING......)

but keep these things in mind....in the technology era.

"big brother" IS a problem.  This bad guy called "big brother" was a problem WELL BEFORE....WW2 issues keep in mind.  This ugly -all-head-knowledge- shows up in xyz country and xyz history situation around the globe.....  NO....heart change.....knowledge in his whirl wind of paths unlimited.  Even in Tanzania.....the Albino's are affected by this bad guy!  Bill Gates could care less about situations like that..... hint hint.  When in the life development of the Albino man..... did he end up with his features?  If you can't answer correctly.....then neighbor against neighbor will follow YOUR PATH for a LONG TIME!  Re-Study Ray Comfort's 180' movie again....and ALSO conditionally respect the waterways of FLint, MI!!!!  John the Baptist was only given ONE LIFE and only had the GIVEN heritage and relative conditions!  The pathway of lust and destruction got a hold of him before....well, do the math....before the age of 50!

Joseph of the bible faced him head on....like....literally put into prison.  Jesus DEFINITELY dealt with the likes of him!  THOSE SOLDIERS and those "bad guys" really knew WHOM he was (like literally EVERYTHING....including his GROWING UP stage among the people of Nazareth) ...and kept tabs on him!  Israel....is still a nation.  Cherokee nation isn't the same as Hawaiian and the Eskimo is laughing....but....senses are similar.  Reasons they are different?  Try growing pineapples in different locations on the earth!  Science, Story, And Myth (w/ Damien Walter) - YouTube  (Humans thrive on STORY.....basically.....even well up into the 100+ age range....*color me purple*lives matter) .... Ruth of the bible.....hmmmm stalk the storyline of King David...... following  up on things in other parts and stories.....keeps things moving in the final direction.  Queen Esther knew this stuff..... about Pineapples and the origins of her name (I don't even know if Queen Esther encountered a Tomato in her life but I'm pretty sure she knew about Ethiopians????  We can tell WHOM has studied their stuff ship-ly by study of recipes and travel dimensions.  Ship's ahoy! ).

Fact: People in prison have their "full id" stripped from them to this day.  Height, weight, DNA, face features, religious behaviours, general personality traits etc.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHANiAC5MxY  (cancel culture?  woke mobs....don't like the personality traits of certain select individuals!  Basically, creating a prison for FACT TELLERS...)

The profile of a gossip is on full display to the creator.  Noah's descendants still exit on this earth..... (There were accommodating 7 clean animals---> yes, THE Farmer's Almanac was in the mind of Noah with accommodating axial procession<---...... and the ARK began its floating at a CERTAIN time of the year) people may mock at the ones who say that Noah looked more Afro-asiatic....but....then what after that?  I just say the creator creates turtles to walk slowly and puts specific "number of squares" in the turtle's back to accommodate orders with nature itself.  Never more, never less than 12-13 moons in a year with a "morning star" accommodating 24 year pattern (family reunions......every 24 years?  hmmm talk about CHANGES!....Fact: Grandma on my dad's side died 24 years ago!  I'm the same height!  22/7 is still pie!  I am that height 24/7/365.  People spend more time on this earth if live beyond 40 in their adult-height than at any other height they are in-except by accidents and aging.).  Color of this that and the other are in nature itself.....buyer beware that orange is good on an "orange" and accommodates fitting in the hand of man.....but orange on a snake.....means something else entirely!  Basically, ANIMALS can see color (anything from bears to sheep to eagles https://askabiologist.asu.edu/colors-animals-see) in the same way people are designed this way too.  People are designed to understand the orders of the heavens....for specific purpose.  The same is true of HEARING strength....in man and animal! (birds of a feather flock together for a reason...for a season).  Fact: did you know that the maple tree syrup as a product is EXCLUSIVE to the Americas.  So the TREE accommodates the specific brand and soil....as well as culture relevance!  Only a handful of people encounter a "creationist" that went to Princeton University (as in Einstein's school) as a friend of the family...... and actually TAKE the TIME to think about those things.  Ask him, the stories about civil war history on USA soil.....and he will say.... oh.....that was a portion of the issues my ancestor faced.  (the GIANT cousin.......faced off against the other GIANT cousin.....basically!  Scandinavians ....beware!....and I'm "just" a female STEM graduate.  Justice is Justice no matter how they flavor it.)

The "woke" era tries to claim that English language itself is a bad-thing because "white people" spoke it first, and the accommodating white "stories" were the bad guy (seriously.....Charles Dickens???  is bad now??).  But then again.....toilets overflow....and people do in fact DIE if they do not LEARN how to deal with the instruction manual!  I say the English KJV and what it says about "Woman's health" way back in Genesis still applies....  just variations here and there.  Levi and Simeon of the bible knew this and that too..... and RIGHTFULLY SO.....got REALLY mad! Trafficking in and around Minneapolis is REALLY high.....statistically, to this day! (THERE IS a reason Sodom and Gomorrah were a PROBLEM for being RESOURCEFUL among the HUMAN COMMUNITY!!!)  Yikes!  Save Souls from THEMSELVES, basically, overcomes the EVILS at hand!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfQ7FFEKe84  The Sound of Music.....wouldn't accommodate certain features on the children...due to x y and z.... (higher Afro-Asiatic = not in proper history context with being stars of the accommodating show).... but in REALITY human existence on this earth accommodates MORE than meets the eye.  Historical rampant manifested idea that oppression is now perfectly "ok"......  sounds pretty much anti-LevANT-itcal....as in STUDY.....LEVITICAL things.... if you ask real people in real situations.  "Go to the Ant....thou sluggard, learn its ways and be WISE"......Paris Hilton has every reason to complain (just listen to her story....don't get into "her" details....there's enough details on this in the bible)

Fact: It is easier to translate English (or other accommodating LAtin -Germanic) languages into Hebrew (and afro-asiatic languages) and vice versa, than it is to translate English into Indigenous America languages (many know Aloha....but few know BoZhoo Useful phrases in Ojibwe (omniglot.com)  the accommodating language that named the Misi-Sipi river in the days probably prior to King David)

Some folks really CAN NOT say anything....because we really do NOT know....all the details as they are moved and shift through time and chance and change of heart as you will.  Example: The Last Slave Owners in the US | Native American Slavery, 5 Civilized Tribes, Trail of Tears - YouTube  ****---> there are more in-depth details than just "political" solutions to family-matters under the sun <---- ****

If anything from this letter would make sense......keep this in mind: ****---> there are more in-depth details than just "political" solutions to family-matters under the sun <---- ****

What does ->*color me purple*lives matter<- mean? Elderly person's above the age of 80+.....and Elderly person's above the age of 100+ have meaning and purpose!  (sometimes features come and go in family trees!....but JESUS seems to be the "average joe" resource!)  Jesus ALWAYS said he is the way the TRUTH and the life!.....How did he say it: before ABRAHAM was..... I AM....!! ****medical themes implied*****  Clue?  Ice-Berg lettuce.....something's we can see....other things we can't......Jacob vs. Esau debates..... and just ONE BOWL of lentil soup.

one man's fight.....is another man's property rights..... one man decided to accommodate the Kardashian family reunion (and yet another unusual wedding condition)....and then after they did a SIMPLE search "Kardashian Fight" on the big-brother system.....aka The internet..... they said....Never Mind..... the Parables are FOR....today!  I remember.....the day when.....well..... that one wedding took place......  ONLY ONE!  Kinda like there was ONLY ONE.......Great-Grandpa (Great-Great Grandpa.....Grandpa....etc etc).....named Joseph.  .... And then the man's decision was FINAL..... he decided to work for -->Doctor's Without Borders<--  Its  after all that Jazz (the HAT....its the HAT....who wearing the hat....the hat matter or the man underneath it?  I said Nigeria folks....simple researching weather the weather gonna turn or not).  Its THE ONLY way to deal with THOSE.....kinda folks.....with Minneapolis ties....that bind.  JEsus KNEW this lonely empty battle from day one.....before ABE was even in the picture of Adam and Eve's mind!  Photo's say it ALL sometimes!  Number one fan-club in the middle of the mississippi! All I said, was that the Mississippi river is in the middle of America....and they got mad and came up with stuff ALL OVER facebook to fix "the bad guy".... I'm like......well......wind-storms eventually collide with Noah.  Noah was a babe once on this earth too, don't ya know!  Fact: Windstorms can move things in various directions!  Rice-Water.....fixes HAIRS that move out  of place.....simple fix. Colors on the trees change in the fall.....so Field of Dreams dude.....decided to grow Ice-Berg lettuce..... as payback to the creator!  Children cannot remember...... well.... 9-11 unless they were born AFTER..... yeah.  THAT......BIRTHDAY.  Good bye SPAM....hello..... Con-DOLE-lisa RICE .  And NOW.....everyone wanted to be related to the people that live around the Field of Dreams..... talk about PARADISE.  Elizabeth Warren....didn't think about that one enough.  Hint Hint....: Parables for the Field of Dream's Sower..... = HEART CHANGE MATTERS.... its all a THEORY of REATIVE-ity.  -----> Fact: Solomon was a little off the charts....as far as......issues with womanizing were concerned (note--> CP tattooed on an ARM at 1:36...does it even matter the skin tone...if the bruise is visible? and accommodating video from Harvard Graduate.... talk about cancel culture!)...... BUT JOHN 10......exists...and the things about "feast of dedication" accommodate.. History timelines of SORTED OUT DATA..... results in ACTUAL fixing of things on this earth through one STORYLINE that said it all!

video on mute above......

the cousins (or a cousin of a cousin.... or a hidden ESTHER in the middle among the in-laws) on "the other side" of the tracks.....  that people don't "see" immediately unless they have TRUTH in the heart.....  START.....with ISRAEL.  visit the PRISONERS.....they lost ALL their ID's in the windows.

McDonald's is too hard to "deal with" they said......... I didn't notice MC-D's until...... the Manager spoke.....and the TIME of LIFE....comes like a whisper in the wind (prophesy....and the one who.....rode through town on a .....well.....prophesy).  Not even animals choose their height....and accommodating features..... (go back to the TURTLE theme in the squares on his back and on the MOONS ago thing....it all turns into go to the ANT thou sluggard....)  Levitical things.....are still among us.....just like the sun, moon and stars....  Animals and their accommodating conditions and features.  If needed....just go to the AUNT.....to solve riddles and things.

video on mute above....  sometimes a story line of so and so knows so and so and visited such and such this that and the other.....  that lonely whistle in the distance.  Even simple memories of this and that under this or that tree in the wilderness explains a LOT.  King David's dealings.....


It seems like the world......pulls its stunts...... but then I looked at the picture and said.... hey..... I didn't have anything to do with decisions under age 5 in my life......same with I didn't design the idea to put chains on tires for winter-time travel....and I didn't design the "right angles" of the temple in Jerusalem.   As it goes, I didn't personally come up with the idea to love GOD and love neighbor as self (if you skipped over God and said Sodom and Gomorrah is a good place to live....forget life....as a blessing...because it never was....except through Abraham!)..... The things that go on in this world.....in 24 years.  Is it Tel-Aviv or Tel-April-Ave?  Justice Systems.....drive around....on those roads too!  don't mess with a 5'8" STEM graduate.....FEMALE....and ALWAYS been FEMALE.....  people have a HIGH TENDENCY to remember events and people and places--where they were-- when BAD STUFF happens to OTHER PEOPLE--or even themselves-- on this planet.  In the BAD...there is the GOOD STUFF too.... JOHN chapter 10...... appeared.... on the FRONT PORCH of the PRODIGY TEMPLE.


It takes some time to trust the-people again...when they fail the *color me purple*lives matter ..... test..... its like finding complacency in action.....before they even attempt to apply to medical school.


I'm really not on a different planet....

there IS a difference between Martin Luther (reformer), MArtin Luther King JR.... Charlie Puth-er....and MArkus Rogers.... 

Only the wise actually care about those things......  They shot their own foot....because they reject their creator.  Its that basic.  Not even Ruth B. Ginsberg wanted to accommodate that extent of reality at HAND (because she would eventually perish....like the rest).....among the PLACE where the FACE is creator-ed.....and ONE GROOM exists in FULLNESS of TERMS humanity is given on this one earth.....to accommodate only ONE way to the proper KINGDOM!  It doesn't work to try to fix the trail behind you.....  Do humans actually exist on a different "earth"......or is there a different "north star"/"orion's belt" among us?  No.....so FOLLOW the real lead in FAMILY MATTERS.

Where are the REAL victims in Minneapolis ---colors with woke -gender-blurring via hormone "junk" and alcohol/drugs = SAME sentiments?  Faces are notably not always of "such and such features" or social conditions...which commit the edge of merciless in Gang-rape.....do proper research even in Europe to this day.  Did I mention something about Traffic Being TOO HIGH around those(or other) parts of the globe AT this moment in TIME!....even with FROZEN conditions up there!  Anti-Levitical things spells -----> RED FLAG .... distorted visions of how to overcome the forces around..... social dynamics around.....King David's household spelled a few things..... extreme anti-law businesses......around.....extreme anti-Israel sentiments......around ........ extreme cult-like...... around..... = PSALM 22 over and over again and again! (reflections of JESUS on the cross as well as those that come and go from ISRAEL to this day!)  Appetites for LUST = trouble as listed in the bible.....and in the video given......this affects ALL family-tree conditions!  The moral of the story is this: it wasn't JUST the swastikas and evil symbols of the past that created the evils in the past.....it was the desire to eliminate GOD'S word from their presence that created the EVILS at hand on the TWO HANDS ALL perpetrator's were given! (Ray Comfort 180' movie is right on target.....folks.....do you GET IT NOW?)

the greatest man that ever lived.....said clearly: BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS..... I AM......

Not even Ruth B. G. has the authority to say such things in her beliefs and definitions!

Do you GET IT NOW!  The FAMILY TABLE is ONLY....for those who are properly listening!  hmmm.... themes.....are ON this planet!  Horrific decisions are made when people play-God without LISTENING to MOSES properly in proper context first.  Don't go the route of Korah...... despite being of the "clan" of Moses.  The 100+ year old widow says.....amen.  Ruth B. G. despite her family tree records and history..... couldn't even accommodate such proper-justice on this planet!

PATH......which path?  Idolatry of family life?  No. (the king of kings never practiced this)  PSALM 119 has the proper rescue clues!  THEN the family-reunion will go on the RIGHT PATH!  Its basically like following the path of BIOLOGY and TRUTH.....  (Luke 13:34) It started with Adam and Eve.....and what they ATE.  Be thankful for the everyday average Joe....measures of proper measures of SALT (Gen 14, 19, Mark 9, Luke 14) and....  and WISDOM (watching the pressures of improper measures in the body chemistry....hormones and visual things inclusive!).  Don't believe EVERY measure of SALT as good under the sun!  Measure according to wisdom.  Correction.....protects......it does not destroy reality.  Jesus knew this....his label was on the cross.  Afghanistan.?  That tis just....what it is..... an HOUR GLASS in the DAYS of our LIVES scene.....before the child can even read.....the meaning of HOUR GLASS.  24 hours......just 24 hours.....  no more, no less....that is what MAN is given.  24 years.....same theme....different equation!  Its probable that this can be converted into JUBILEE time-line calculations.  Did the PAtriarchs of the bible marry their bride before or after the 24 yearish achievement in the bride?  Clues are given: YOU.....try carrying water for Camels!

24 hours does not apply to one man alone.....
24 years does not apply to one man alone.....
So why equate JESUS as being a fool....when he KNEW that 24 hours were in the day....just as the bird KNOWS his own "calculations" and "measures" in time!  When inflation occurs..... then the patterns are affected in the institutional themes in the cloth that is woven (strands from India or strands of grass from one's own land and conditions at hand).... and then they understood why CHINA'S "big brother" thing was a thing to deal with, not tomorrow....in the next 24 hour time-frame..... but TODAY.....because TODAY.....you are given 24 hours!  Signed.....a man who lived in ISRAEL 24 * 82.916 years ago.  The calculation works......   friends.... Lunar Eclipse and all and people who carried water for Camels BEFORE they could be in this or that event in their life.  Chick or egg which came first?  Answer: Water......then Camels.....then Bride.....then Solomon.... Porch.....then HE SAID..... JOHN 10 stuff(and some stuff about destroying the temple .... I'm sitting here like Buffalo (or was it OX....or even a Mule) vs. Bison..... which one is more valuable in CRT prison?  Contents from ICE BERG LETTUCE grown by Field of Dreams guy after well.... he built it....But....If GOD built it....well, so be-it....and no one noticed....until AFTER it HIT.....Kingdoms or KINDNESS are only built by the WISE.... ).  

Educators are NOT all created with the same HEIGHT.....now are they?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcwbTQ5AznI  Crow.....soup..... some still haven't learned:  The troubles that the good Samaritan faces...... everyday.

OK.....NOW..... the bible verse: the greatest man that ever lived.....said clearly: [BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS..... I AM...... ]and the STORY LINE will follow....correct FAMILY REUNION themes under the ONE SUN.....given.  Because?  Every Eagle and Every Bear.....among Every Maple Tree..... Simple Simon and Where's Waldo in one shot.  Become like a child.....and things work BETTER that way......in FAMILY LAND dictionary of who's who among the people.  Does anyone notice how everyone wants to compete to be the "political leader"....and claim to be the "good Samaritan"...but no one actually WANTS to be AND deal with being an actual "good Samaritan" (sensible wisdom and justice)???  A child's question..... my friend.  A child's question.  Doctor's Without Borders.....only a piece of one pie.  Pro-filing.....my husband's ancestors (or cousin so and so sayin stuff).....are you?  Start with study of TITANIC history....PRIDE .... it kills....go from there.

Conditions of Nigeria and Israel...... there ARE NUANCES in these conditions.....found on USA soil....but one NEEDS to HOLD the TRUTH ..... to THIS FACT to properly understand the CONTEXT....both biblically and historically.    ------>  (The battle is NOT against flesh and BLOOD....but against PRINCIPALITIES!!!!!!!) -----> The troubles that brew when one brother is understood....and the other is not...... when one brother understands....and other does not/cannot...no matter how many efforts are made under heaven.......

If they can't redefine "Rape" in the TRAFFICK among us..... then they can't re-write....the book of Leviticus......   Surround THEM........."the enemy".....with SOUND....they.....even HISTORICALLY....cannot DENY!

Video on mute.....below......

MArtin Puth-er...... a few things here and there.....but study the CORRECT EYES and EARS.....first...... the CREATOR'S EYES and EARS!   Now.....JOHN 10.....should MAKE more sense...... among us.  The color......blue.....and white...... and RED....... in the PAGES of THAT....book.  The one where the woman was healed.....by merely.....reaching out.....  Ruth B. G.......CANNOT and SHALL NOT.....save-us......from the GRAVE......as it IS......WRITTEN!  Why?  Because SHE.....could NOT.....save HERSELF in her re-definitition attempts.....!  WHY?  BECAUSE....north.....is north.....east is east.....  THE GROOM......knows his OWN.....  starting at......THE CROSS.

THE.......stage-people......stories......... are only here for a short time......  MR. BISON......taught......YOU.....that.  THE HEIGHT......remains as IT IS....  FROM.....THAT HEIGHT....to the HEIGHT.....of a mere.....whip-poor-whill.....along the LARGE....MISI ..... SIPI!  You literally.....can't miss it.  A better hope....for a better tomorrow...... in the colors of the REAL wind.

Then they asked....is this one of THOSE.....kind of TRICK questions......

Braveheart in the background....that "QUARTER MACHINE".....keeps.....taking my money....but WHY?  That one bird......in the wilderness.....  just ONE!  Time is running out....and well......THE FOREST ..... will remain...... as long as sun and moon remain.....  Hint....fix the toilet FIRST....and then.....it WILL work.....and you will stop loosing YOUR quarters!


Family Reunion Illustration from the bible.... there are various ways to look at this bible passage.  I say, it looks as if JACOB....went through....standing in the BACK of the line and then moved to the FRONT ....but ONLY after WRESTLING with GOD first.  He didn't want to change his heart( and then his name).... about the issues with Esau.... until AFTER WRESTLING.  Then, because he was at the front of the LINE....he was as PSALM 23....the SHEPHERD of the flock.... SHEPHERD's lead....

*What does this Rittenhouse thing have to do with Jacob and Esau*?  Jacob and Esau were GIVEN different features from the WOMB!  So is the WAY and FEATURES of man!  its MORE than just skin deep...the battle started in the WOMB!  Imagine the AMERICAN FAMILY TODAY.....even within 2nd cousin range in its variations given!  JACOB....wanted to DEFEND himself from ESAU.....merely by BEHAVIOURS alone....this is illustrated.

THIS is an illustration of ISRAEL...... everyday!  But there is MORE to the story....in the modern era....because "vaccines" didn't make ISRAEL stronger (just as a wheelchair itself doesn't actually provide the user with the ability to actually walk...its a medical device) ......ONLY the GOD of the BIBLE who made the IMMUNE system in the first place gives that hope.....on the CROSS and RESSURECTION!  How?  HE HEALED......many without a vaccine in hand at all!


THIS....is WHY.....medical personnel ...... NEED time off...... and NEED protections of CONSTITUIONAL MEASURES (free speech....and religious freedom.....!)

*Me personally: I'm not a vaccine extremist....but I support basic needs when they are found.  Vaccines are a medical device, they are NOT "the knife" that actually cut the cake!  Human hands are needed...and IMMUNE systems in proper opperation are what slow the spread when they work CORRECTLY....not the medical devices!  Basically, support DISTANCE (like biblical illustrations of leoprosy) and NATURAL IMMUNITY FIRST!~!!@! Jesus was NOT afraid to go near the "infected" people!*

A person can support Doctor's Without Borders...... so long as we KNOW they are full-bible supportive.... meaning (they are not caterer's to the sins of other men....inclusive of colorful things and terror things....Jesus wasn't!)

ensure FULL TRUTH....before making FULL JUDGMENTS....... if so and so xyz person is xyzphobic....because xyz is this or that way.... double check sources.... before DEFAMATION of CHARACTER!!!!!    example:  Its like Judge Judy and Ben Shapiro vs. David Packman and Matt Lauer  (aka Just being JEWISH....or even bible-belief in JEWISH...doesn't ensure full grasp....(even LEVANT people throw in this matter) UNLESS FULL details are REVEALED....via REVELATIONS!)

Esau wanted to DEFAME the CHARACTER of JACOB....which would, in the LONG RUN,....be the SAME as DEFAMING the CHARACTER of GOD!!!!!  How do I know?  (One for Israel Ministry and other things known)

WW1 happened before WW2 dear folks that didn't know....these facts under the sun.  Does David Packman....address that or not in any of his videos???

**the ASIAN FOOD comment? lets just say....humans are CONDITIONED to CULTURE and CONDITIONS..... JESUS ate fish for breakfast....so too do various eastern cultures....including America Indigenous... A humble breakfast | Life in the Countryside, Philippines | Episode 37 - YouTube**

We CAN actually make this world a better place by thinking not MORE of our self-grown decisions.....when its the other way around (roots of the tree need soil first) ... Jacob had to DECIDE to put ROOTS in the RIGHT place first!..... GOD grows the THINGS in this world in the PATTERN he designed....buy the truth and sell it not.  If man didn't design "the tree" to grow with roots first.....then MAN cannot defeat the principles JACOB had to WRESTLE with.    The thing with ROOTS...and JESUS.....----> Church Deacon Carefully Measures Out Half A Teaspoon Of Grounds To Make Giant Vat Of Coffee | The Babylon Bee

Medical Dictionary: Charlie Puth...... behaviours are normal (singer's voice heard in gas stations around the globe, has some junky posts...even in vintage land.....as the Dementia patient said clearly--> "I cleaned up my house yesterday and the day before, did you?")....but BUYER BEWARE....of the TRUTH....situations at hand.  This shows up well into the 100+ range in human years.  Grub Hub....junk.....sort out the "junk" and keep the TRUTH.  We have a thing in our family....its called "Grandma Esther"....is like Rittenhouse situation.....  she has a tendency to produce high self-defense mode and actions.....  just sayin.  Yes, she does have her mind....she just can't "adjust" with times that fast....so mercy is as mercy is.  Just as Queen Esther of the bible needed it.  People are sayin that the court system in the USA was built by white-people....well it actually was(for the general framework...but not in full context of history and documents).... BUT....the TRUTH JUSTICE SYSTEM......needs to win in the END (the one that built Jacob and Esau in the womb).  THAT....is the BIBLE DICTIONARY.  If you want a REAL dictionary....talk to the GREAT AUNT with dementia....as she will tell you to wear a "zookier" as a nice dress in her OWN Dr. Seuss tongue and language my friend!

Jesus said: "Before Abraham was.... I am.... " Keep in mind that ENOCH....of the bible came BEFORE Noah and was Noah's Grandfather.  That should keep things in line with reality.......as far as family trees are concerned...... ahem..... ENOCH.  Kinda like WW1.....came before WW@...and I'm like a cousin of a cousin somewhere USA.....has a Grandma that is still speaking.  Bloody things are still on this planet.  Life is in the blood.  Oh say can you see......the gift called humanity. Hmmmm.  Enoch....was Noah's grandfather.....ummmmm.  hmmmmmmm.  And then they all said....Jacob IS Blue and White.....and the rest is history of snowflakes vs. snowfakes.

The problem with 1619 project in USA public schools--->..... goes like this: Any how..... some people have become so un aware of the changes in the atmosphere in the family tree because of extreme self-absorption.  Basically.....the assumption that ALL families.... MUST engrain themselves in indigenous languages and cultures to re-invent the wheel that the indigenous populations of USA use everyday.... aka 911 calls on USA soil.....go to ENGLISH SPEAKING.....or EASY to TRANSLATE into ENGLISH......dispatchers!....not to non-English....or EASY to translate into English culture realities (cultures from Afro-Asiatic....and expand from Jerusalem like a ripple in the pond)!  YES....the spirit remains and HAS similar features to the OTHER SIDE (aka men's hair piece on JEWISH people.....and MALE long hair on indigenous men......are BOTH considered "sacred space".....and YOM KIPPUR=similar-KIPPA translates as HOLY by standards of ANCESTRY---->ancestor's see hair?  -->JESUS garments were touched to heal the woman! = CULTURE--> REMEMER-THAT??? translates to cousins reflect on treatment of others head-ear-eye treatments?  Afro-Asiatic people have BLACK HAIR in their "mix"?  Speaking of 911 calls....if THEY....meaning the PUSHERS of far-left ideas actually WANTED to PROTECT lives of indigenous and afro-asiatic people....they would ENSURE that pregnancy tests were NOT written in ANY sort of "white man's language"...... hmmmm.....for the "Safety" of all future children in future gen-ear-A-shuns.  They probably won't try that.....now would they......ASIAN-STYLE/DEEP AFRICAN non-semitic.....languages ONLY on all USA pregnancy tests dear folks!

Payin taxes....but didn't even notice the ATTENTION song at the GAS-STATION.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvwwdaSW8BA .... and then I'm like...... Jacob and Esau REALLY didn't get along too well even AFTER ancestry tests were revealing some things here there and every where: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7czxoRa6iG0  story-line of JOSEPH......and the coat of many colors dear folks.....remember THAT.  --- of all songs Josh Groban sings with the words "remember" in them.... hmmm.  Pay attention in class kids.  YES....there is good in the middle of the EVILS I've heard about under the sun (aka.....double check the problems with TRAFFICKING ...and its origins......on THIS one earth we are given.....YIKES!....its NOT always the kidnappers that started it...... THINK CLEARLY.....about JOSEPH and the coat of many "colors"....HOW?  STEP....on some family-tree STAIR-STEPS....a LITTLE TOO MUCH over-there on don't pay attention to PSALM 119 island????--some males grow at faster rates and heights than others (note how I didn't mention ancestry results)--.....is CHARLIE PUTH the same height as his brother.... do MORE research!...... YES..... that is a FACT!)  I'm listening to my husband's brother and conversations with cousin so and so in his family.....dear folks..... just sayin.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFq8dgGVx8U  JESUS.....is the authority in xyz under the sun..... not Ruth B. G. or else.....higher rates of xyz......yikes at the local ER.....(if the ER is to remain.....while blood remains in the human body.....as it is) Remember - YouTube (FACT: curly to wavy black hair.....on Josh Groban.....Z Dogg....probably has a conversation about THAT.....everyday.....it could be on his mind....)

The child's mind when a parent forgets something: age 2 and under (wah wah wah.....), age 5 and under= you must love Joey more than Jill because he got the cookies first, age 12 and under = you must love Bill more than Brenda because you gave him the birthday party when you weren't busy with other things at work, age 15 and under = you must love Clara more than Sue because she gets to ride in the front seat of the car more often, age 18 and under = he gets better grades in school so he must have gotten more attention.....aka.... ATTENTION..... FACT: there is only ONE writer for the RACHMANINOFF song.....on this planet....he only exited this earth ONCE!  some children from the SAME mother.....have DIFFERENT features!  Stolen-land-lution??: MEDIA BIAS REVEALED? This "Blind Spot" Website Attempts To Show You. - YouTube  Don't make the likes of one life more miserable.... Paint Bob Ross pictures......  before attempting "character assa-sin-nation" via Gossip central.......start with ISRAEL issues...... then solve the OTHER issues under the sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GnfCIYnbls&t=738s  ---> by definition of who drove on tel Aviv Ave.....  translated into months of the year.  Fact: Gas Lighters are a fight a dozen......because they can't control..... other's issues in ONE DAY.

I've been done falling for TRAPS....for quite a few years:
video on mute above.....  Not even Elizabeth Warren can claim that SHE....is RELATED......to the people from the FIELD of DREAMS landscape drawing among "the people" in that area.... I'll bet she wishes she was......

Song in background....there IS NOT a political solution....to the Jacob and Esau storyline.....its in the NATIVITY storyline..... go from the DOCTOR'S WITHOUT BORDERS......THEME!!!!!


Levi of the bible got MAD......


Daughter of Jacob...... DINAH.....was TRAFFICKED!

Minneapolis.....MN....has some of the HIGHEST trafficking rates!  That is NOT GOOD!!!!  Don't believe the "Anti-Justice system" rhetoric!!!!  Son....don't believe you can "look back" at S & G and say it was a Good place....no.....details are written down for a REASON......for a SEASON

John the Baptist.....related to JESUS....but YES.....it was a "Trafficker" / Carouser crowd that took his LIFE!

video on mute above.....


Family-Reunion with ..... my husband's brother...... hmmmm.....  well..... the things some folks don't even THINK about.....  when it comes to BROTHERS....that look like xyz under the SUN..... but so and so knows so and so......and went to such and such...... crowded....song writer's championship.....concert!

They....said they cared about the IVY LEAGUE....trail....and then I gave them a story-line.....a REAL story-line. (music video above)


Patient (has dementia but pretty good at riddles): Where are you going?

Me: I'm going to wander aimlessly.

Patient: Where is Wanderaimlessly?

Me: It's down the road a little way.


Is this real? Oh No! 85,000 Trump Ballots Found Inside Biden's Colon | The Babylon Bee .... I hope its not real....but it definitely helps to read this in English so it can be understood appropriately!  Where is the North Star again?....in the North or South?  Jacob???? Jacob???   video explaining: This is the Worst Thing That Ever Happened to the Palestinians - YouTube ...... background song: Matisyahu - Live Like A Warrior (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube  Elizabeth....and Mary are up to something funny in the Cousin department...... they said..... a long time ago.....What If Kyle Rittenhouse Was BLACK? Here's Your Answer. - YouTube  ..... background song.... Matisyahu - Live Like A Warrior (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube : aka.... Black Lives Matter....but forget Nigerians???  Hmmm... now how does THAT work?  Jacob and Esau......at each other's throats!


the WORST skin-care advice..... BUYER BEWARE.....start with ISRAEL GUYS!!!!  .... seriously!  Puzzles and things....  so and so.....knows so and so and so so so.....knows so and so..... trails and trails.... TRIALS and TRIALS...... here and there....  Jacob???? are you REALLY...... ISRAEL.... JACOB?  well.... what is written down?  but WHOM wrote it down?  Moses..... a man who was ONCE in SELF-DEFENCE mode!

Obama?  Stage xyz.....he's walked..... I'm pretty sure he could walk.....before or after WW1 or was it WW2?  Facts Matter!  Smoke Detector Carefully Selects 4 AM On Weeknight To Malfunction | The Babylon Bee  ----> A Small Measure of Peace - YouTube due to this MADDNESS under the sun!   Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth [Official Video] Furious 7 Soundtrack - YouTube (don't let that family-->Lyrics say it all<--....hit mal-function mode......signed JESUS: the one who said Before Abraham was..... I AM......)

Who on the family tree chart......existed BEFORE Noah..... Adam??? and then whom else?  How OLD was the father of Noah?  Why THESE numbers?........ of ALL translatable things: Braveheart - Sound of Freedom - YouTube

video on mute above

What was Jacob running away from prior to Gregorian calendar 1619 on USA soil?  Surely it wasn't the North Star......  timelines from Morning Star.....are STILL HERE....just as BEARS can STILL see color....as can Lions and Lambs.....  so when someone says Levitical things don't matter (Paris Hilton couldn't get Taylor Swift to understand her oppression.....no kidding.....her song about xyz led people to believe THAT was ok).....remind them of Dinah.....in the TIMELINE of things written DOWN for ALL to see....

Why did GOD......want to DESCRIBE features of people in the bible?Jacob vs. Esau etc etc (aka indigenous native americans are not known to have "red hair" or "a beard" like King David..... Darwin was NEVER a teacher and could NEVER teach those types of RULES in the RULE book of the CREATOR.....)  Why does Taylor Swift.....not look like...... Whitney Houston and become "her" replacement?  Because Martin Luther King JR........ and Frederick Douglas....didn't REFERECNE HER.......documented HATRED of what timelines were NECCESARY for TRUE FREEDOM....... GENESIS came FIRST...... REVELATIONS are at the END.  Twisted monsters are around.....JACOB..... knew this.

video on mute above:

background songs

IF ..... and ONLY IF...... ISRAEL MATTERS....... trafficking RATES in and around MINNEAPOLIS.......will END!  but THEN and ONLY THEN.  How do I know..... PUTH-ER....is a branch of Nineveh ----> Mayo Clinic, MN.

Think  RIGHT.....before its too late:

indigenous lands on this earth.......:

big brother's nasty nonsense:

both videos on mute.....above....

I've no TIME.....to listen to FOOLS.....  wicked ones especially.  Darwin is ALREADY DEAR lovely people under white-people illusions (with NO brown-skin tone experiences in their life): DEAD.......old-adam could care less.....as I've heard. Where do the definitions for these types of WICKED FOOLS come from: Try asking Levi from THAT one book..........then stop by Marcus Roger's youtube channel.   Taylor Swift written ALLLL over the walls....... sometimes.....hmmmm how does that work?  Frederick Douglas...... knew what he was getting himself into....that's what's goin on.  Nero.....never CARED about.....anything that walked around in COLORFUL CLOTHES among those Jacob-Family-Friendly members.!  THE portion of Luke 7 in the bible wasn't on Nero's mind.....that's a FACT!...... Charlie Puth - Look At Me Now (Official Video) - YouTube.... FACT: the singer of that song is 5'11".....and McDonalds has arches as its emblem.... hmmm the Marcus Rogers theme..... hmmm.  Jacob's ladder.

I don't know where this is going....but here my friends.... is another video......consider this man gifted:

Stack up the PUZZLE PIECES......put the TRUTH back in ORDER......start in GREGORIAN 70 AD...... go BEFORE that time.....video on mute below....video in background above.....the light of the racoon eye and the name MISI-SIPI was never spoken..... NEVER THERE....but the TRUTH......was THERE!  How do I know?  Ask me how they spell DOOR vs. VAIL..... SPILL-DALEPH.  Where was the blood (try raycomfort 180' movie.....first folks....or the TITANIC will sink..... AGAIN.... why PRIDE never floats or frees people!)

JESUS leads the TRAIL of many different features on humanity.....no joke in the modern era.... 

Its like trying to find a reflection in the mirror.....but then they said....that these are people....and then I looked at the hands.....and I was like OH!  I get it....NO ONE likes to get HIT!  and NO ONE.....purposefully WANTS to remove their hands......because they were so inclined to HATE the book of LEVITICUS......  Adam and Eve didn't teach each other THAT!  I hear JINGLE DRESS...... BELLS.... in the distance.....says the wise man.

some people get DUMB....when it comes to fixing Adam and Eve's problems....  Josh Groban is 5'8"?.... no 5'11" .... Bears could see Color......along the Misi-Sipi river.

If they don't like Mr. Racoon along Tel-Aviv.....ave..... then buyer bee-w-ear  My Mother Is Doing Better Thank You All - YouTube

How to tell if some family members are NOT ready to meet THY creator!~!~!~!~~!  Try thinking clearly about Psalm 119 (spell the number BACKWARDS) .... if ISRAEL is a nation...SO....are there separate nations on NORTH and SOUTH AMERICAN soil..... hence monitor...... issues in FAMILY LIFE....or something COULD spell uhh-oh ....

I'm NOT one to say that a particular "political party" is the solution overall.  Why?  Its money...and JUDAS used it to BETRAY.

I see NO different things here on USA soil when it comes to political party things.....

The difference?  This NATION (not just a country) is in the MIDDLE EAST.

I trust a George Foreman Grill when I KNOW that it will actually cook...... that's about it folks.  Without proper HEAT....... people will get sick when they EAT!  How did you GET the grill?  GOLD.....BALANCED properly! (PROPER ID and RECORDS at the FARMER'S TRADING point!)  or Get OUT of the KINGDOM brings forth--> KINDNESS business.

How do we KNOW the GEORGE FOREMAN grill works right?

A few bible verses that would get JESUS kicked out of ALL family reunions:

***Joh_8:58  Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (He took .....Those types of ancestry tests......THOSE.....cousin revealer things.....runs deeper than skin deep....yeah, he even knew about David's house and things like that)

***Mat_19:19  Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (I'm thinking this is biological first from the womb...but it could be "adoptions"--Esther, it could be a mother-in-law--Ruth etc)

***Joh_8:42  Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

***Joh_14:21  He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

***Joh_14:31  But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence. (This is translated as Father=Sky-Constellations=Creator)

***Mat_10:37  He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.


What does "Charlie Puth" have to do with anything under the sun.....??  Charlie.......IS.....LEVANT.  But he is LIGHTER toned than my husband's full biological family....and my full biological family.  So what....about BACH...and PUTH.....maybe its TRUTH....in WISDOM dear friends.....

maybe some FACTS are JUST CAUSE under the sun!

In Mic_1:1-4 the prophet summons the nations to behold the just punishment which Jehovah would mete out to His faithless people. Mic_1:5-6 portray the desolation of Samaria. Destruction would settle on the homes and fields of men, and the prospect of this so affected the prophet that he divested himself of outer garment and sandals, that his disheveled condition might depict the calamities that he announced. .... The prophets were true patriots and they felt that all good citizens should lament with them, Mic_1:16, in the hope of averting impending judgments.  Are we feeling the sins and sorrows of our time, as Jesus felt those of Jerusalem, when He wept over the city?    (commentary from e-sword FB Meyer)

Israel is a name JACOB???? Exchanged back and forth??  Meanwhile in Brandon, Florida.... 😂😂😂 - YouTube   ...... and NOW they noticed...... Brandon!  .... it took a while for people to ACTUALLY notice St. Paul too..... hint hint....and the DISTRESSING elements...... AROUND!   Let's go MR. RACOON..... on the MATRIX......of THE HEART....  fix things CREATOR and REDEEMER's WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  they didn't notice BACH.....either...... but then they HAD TO.....there was NO OTHER OPTION available when all the OTHER WAITRESSES left.......the left their bible in the "ditch" somewhere USA!

Study the ANIMAL foot prints in the SAND..... = PEOPLE related to ANCIENT culture among us....

So BEAR is common among INDIGENOUS populations as a burial shape.

Badgers-SKINS were USED in the TEMPLE in the WILDERNESS in the bible.....

SKUNK, OPPOSSUM, RACOON, SQUIREL, BEAVER, BEAR (otter too).... all share a common theme of "hands" that grasp with human-hand like dimensions or numbers, standing up-right at times in life, Omnivore, Continuously busy at correct seasonal times, climbing abilities.  THE CREATOR..... knew the traits needed for these animals as well as people!  A person REALLY cannot FORGET....the CREATOR.....who came as a GROOM......to RESCUE his BRIDE....  why?  NATURE........ASPECTS..... are STILL HERE! .... but keep in mind these FACTS about ANIMAL-NATURE.....vs. JESUS' NATURE..... Why Do Animals Hate Albinos? - YouTube --- most humans....have BLACK or DARK hair......the bible simply says xyz about Noah's descendants and the prophesy behind them....   Big Brother is the WORST enemy of the most "minor" of features among ALL the people in the over-all family tree chart. (King David had red-hair)......----> 3. Only 3% of the world’s population has natural blonde hair. (Ashkinazi Jewish people celebrate(d) HAnnukah.... and were probably there in John 10 of the bible due to culture and relevant recipe and culture facts)

4. Finally, only 2% of people have natural red hair. (Even Black and Asiatic people can have red-hair if given the circumstances)

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Songs of Love and Hope