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Monday, October 4, 2021

Smarter than thou art.....then thou has lost the way the truth and the life....


****there ARE intellectual gifts around.....the family, extended family and other community members***

We in our HUMAN CONDITION cannot, I repeat CANNOT function without "bread alone" in the realms of this or that....ELIZABETH of the bible....should be a FAIR game warning about MATERNITY conditions upon the human community.....the WEAKEST of elements.... 

but keep MONA LISA in mind....

She had no eye brows and must FACE the same existence as the REST of us!

Hence: Absolute Morality....Divine Judgment etc.

A person NEEDS to be smarter than the crayon box.....basically.  YES....its ok to have a lot of colors....but if the book of Leviticus is not understood.... then the people would forget the proper understanding of ORDERS in creation....

People DO go through phases....as in ER work requires things....but DRUGS or other against nature things mainly cause disease, distress and as the book of Leviticus says "abominations"....

Similar needs behind the use of public schools.... I would NEVER trust a physician or a public school (or any other type of teacher) without proper background checks and training.

Furthermore....people who purposefully twist scripture and "throw rocks" at LEVITICAL followers are lost in their own "art work" so to speak.  PRIDE creates blindness....in the social themes that surround us everyday.

What is the last name of this man speaking....  it is HARD to connect the dots....but final judgment belongs to THE KING....

JESUS was trained in MOSES.....  He grew up and was CALLED YESHUA.....  his name wasn't JESUS until after PAUL....

The LOVE of the KING is required.....by the followers....

There is NO WAY a person can cater to SIN and say they love him....who loved us first.  The love is STRONGER than love between SPOUSE in this world....and in some ways he IS the glue to bind spouses together. (celebs have WORK to do in their heart....hence their break-apart or missing judgments about proper marriage practices)

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