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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Mixed people and Jewish features on people?

Something says that Tori Kelly isn't exactly too far removed from appearing as if she could have a close relative that looks like Dustin Diamond.....

*I don't know what this song is about or the movie story-line....sorry..... not going to get all details about ALL movies out there my friend!*

 *6.79 million Native American in USA

*6.7 million Jewish in USA

*Other Levant in USA: 1.5 million Armenian, 918,000 Egyptian, 286,200 Syrian, 3,000,000 Greek, 1 million Lebanese....  etc etc.  Total: around  6.7 million..... give or take

*Latino with African American?  Unknown numbers

*African American with "white nature"? Unknown numbers

Screech Dustin Diamond appearances????  Look Alike conditions?  Charlie Puth similar thing.....  because of ancestry?

***Give or Take depending on Level of Ancestry and participation in "tribal" affiliations***


13 million Jewish world wide (if giving the stats.....)

Things are NOT always the same-face....because of JEWISH ancestry!

some folks.....don't even NOTICE.......their OWN family.......and similar .....ahem..... things......at the LOCAL MC.....DONALDS!   OHHHHHHH.......THAT........kind of MANAGER!!!!!  (hint....Moses was RIGHT.....the FIRST TIME!)

This IS.....a pretty good.....MONTAGE.........

Its time for a CHANGE!!!!

Articles that go with this video......few would SEE it correctly.....UNLESS they understand....the elements of WHAT comes through ER doors...... hence..... SEE ethical things.....from BOTH sides of the FENCE....4

(Jesus is a LAMB.....so he understands the VULNERABLE people of society)

(Jesus is a LION......so he understands the "creatures" of the night of society)

Entertainment industry questions explained: Is Dustin Diamond still alive?  No he's in prison right now...(hence a "look alike" condition exists)

Bathsheba......was mother to Solomon......so be AWARE of basic WISDOM among us!

Interesting how they put...... Biden in a lot of "different" vehicles....so people don't know which one he is in.... as stated in the video.....  So....whom is above the law in this video????

Make Black Lives REAL......AGAIN....(has some profanity.....but its for the sake of letting the "big dogs" know who is REALLY the boss of WE the PEOPLE....its sure not FAKE voters)

This is for all those who WANT the public schools....but they don't want....dem.....poooool-Just-ICE around!  A little thing to think about fer the little versions of Paris Hilton....attending dem schools.

When they CALL........We the people the......x y and z......tell them that WE the REAL people KNOW history lessons!
ELDERS tell us these things as TRUTH.....

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Songs of Love and Hope