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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Critical Race Theory is ALREADY embedded into the bible....

 THIS Is Why Fathers Are Necessary - YouTube

I say the bible itself ALREADY has Critical Race Theory embedded into it in various ways: It speaks about Afro-Asiatic topics quite regularly.  Because of that one needs Psalm 119 (119 spelled backwards is 911) and applied to heart and mind. **Obviously, can't really mention those sorts of things in a public school except in General terms or at specific ceremonies.**

What do children NEED to know?  
*They are cared for by THEIR CREATOR (constitutional writing....in all men are created equally).  Don't get into the old-adam fallen nature of the writers, let that be an out of public-school theme....especially for under age 14.

*ALL tribes of the earth can/could SEE (colors) the morning star and planetary movements.  ****Do research on what colors animals can SEE.... turns out illustration of Lion and Lamb.....works.....  Sheep need protection and have blind spots and Lions can SEE at night****  NOTE....how I am mentioning SIGHT.....  Interpretations "vary" in calendars but principles are all EQUAL under one UNIVERSE created by ONE creator.  Remind self that CALENDAR times are mentioned in the bible about NOAH and WHEN he landed the ark (can't really mention this in Public school....but.... a person CAN mention that ANIMALS have "timing" according to Farmer's Almanac discussions)

*Water Quality applies to ALL tribes of the earth.....as does other "physics" of nature...... speeds, forces on the body etc.

*Dementia and other "brain disorders" can be worked with and COULD happen to ANY tribe/ancestry background at any time.  BE prepared to HELP other's weaknesses in the OTHER group.  People will end up NEEDING other GO-WORKERS.....for better wording on WHY people need to help others.

*There have been racial (features difference) ups and downs on all continents, even between people of non-European condition/ancestry (example: I personally talked to a woman who came from Tanzania....she spoke of the atrocities committed against albinos).  We live in USA....that means we do NOT want Chinese Mao style communism in our communities.  (DESPITE indigenous/ Latino populations having "asian eyes") We follow principles of freedom of religion so THAT we can understand OUR CREATOR and serve our fellow man better!  This is a principle that lasts well into the 80+ age range!  Even AMONG people of LEVANT ancestry...... there have been ideological "battles"..... Hanukah!  Greeks have SIMILAR features!  JESUS himself celebrated Hanukah (John 10).

*There have been racial (features difference) ups and downs on all continents, even between people of non-European condition/ancestry (example: I personally talked to a woman who came from Tanzania....she spoke of the atrocities committed against albinos).  We live in USA....that means we do NOT want Chinese Mao style communism in our communities.  We follow principles of freedom of religion so THAT we can understand OUR CREATOR and serve our fellow man better!  This is a principle that lasts well into the 80+ age range!

*After Megan Markle conversation with Opera...and how some people can SEE Megan Markle's cousins....and siblings....and other's cannot..... basically some may look like Charlie Puth (I'm thinking variations in German background....don't let FACEBOOK fool you....and assume that every time someone mentions WW2 topics...they ACTUALLY are intentionally preventing such conditions by mentioning it!  BUYER, beware of these things!...the TRUE ones who PREVENTED WW2 topics....purposefully STUDIES/IED bible things!)....some may look more like Wiz Kalifa......  THIS type of thing will continue FORWARD from Generation to Generation: "Gen_3:16  Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee...... "  Features begin AT conception.....  is what that is saying.... and the TRAGEDY in "sorrows" can and modern era DOES show up in the after 12 weeks along in the womb!  But well, I'll be AWARE in reality of how the scripture WORDS itself.....its SAID clearly that Elizabeth and Zacharias KNEW the gender of their child....who was to be named JOHN.....BEFORE.....he even stepped out into the water and said CLEARLY: REPENT.  A person can SPEAK about these things without "woke" being afraid of the GENERAL principles and illustrations applied in scripture.  Friends.....whom was the FIRST PSALM 119 advocate in the NEW TESTAMENT?  John the Baptist.....BEFORE he was even BORN!

*Age process will NOT cover-up one's tribal affiliation or association.  I HEAR tones, sounds and sayings from TRIBAL conditions.  Example: Norwegians say OOOF DA more often....than others.....BUT those who grew up AROUND Norwegians may say those sorts of things!  That means that even if an African ancestry child grew up AROUND Norwegian ancestry people.....  and/or even has Norwegian ancestry....they MAY say OOOOF DA in the process of aging!  .... Aunts, Uncles and other things.....imprint ....... culture things on children too!   THIS Is Why Fathers Are Necessary - YouTube

Now HERE is a WHALE of a TALE......  Jonah.....  Nineveh.....wasn't so good....but the WHALE in the sea......could SEE.......what JONAH was up to......in THOSE days!  I wonder if WHALE'S can see features and colors????

Can't get away from "people" and "family tree" things....as even Nineveh people were connected to .....ahem..... Adam and Eve in the Family tree!   .... ICE BERG ahead! The Titanic, It SANK!  BUT JONAH......came a-shore....  The Misi-Sipi river..... isn't too difficult to understand....but.....well...

The VAIL has already been TORN....there really isn't a FREE DRUM available unless the REALITY of TRUE FREEDOM speaks LOUDER than the enemy!

Laura    ~!@!~

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