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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The TIME when you are afraid....


The hen said the semi didn't exit.....and walked across the road.... but JESUS said..... clearly .... GATHER..... GATHER.....the chicks...as a HEN....properly GATHER'S the chicks....

Then they LEARN to perceive TRUTH.....  before it destroys from WITHIN!!!!

JESUS saves from these types of feelings and.....ahem...."people"....

***Does the suffering in NIGERIA exist?**

Answer: I had 5000 friends on facebook..... my TOP PHOTO.....happened to be a man fleeing from NIGERIA..... I appreciated his commentary here and there.... I spoke with him and a Jewish individual.....about things on this earth....distressing things....


When they say....in their HEARTS that ISRAEL shouldn't exist...... (the political themes of the day.....)..... it ends up affecting the WHOLE FAMILY......

video on mute:

video on mute:

SWITCH tabs between the two videos....background song....

****Mary and Elizabeth.....of the bible "didn't exist" in the minds of the ROMANS*****

GRAPE VINES exist folks.  THEY.....are a SIGN of the ORIGINS of man..... NOAH.....built and brewed himself some GRAPE JUICE.....turned into wine....after he stepped off the ARK.  

The ancestry 23 and me results came back:

NOAH'S FAMILY exists....

HMMM....something says the political people didn't NOTICE....the FAMILY in the white house.....before and after..... (aka.... the son-in-law....the cousin......the daughter etc etc)

friends and family come and go around these parts of the globe to THIS DAY.....

Does the SEE of GALILEE exist....  seems some people don't believe that family exists and they can have children born in ISRAEL and USA....

My children even noticed this one.... and I'm seeing the FACT that tick tock.....if they are BIG BROTHER....is a BAD GUY....  tracker....

***notice how people HAVE to notice OTHER PEOPLE during covid???  Especially the most likely to need face-to-face interaction!!  those whom JESUS healed!**

***natural human behaviour.....is to INCORPORATE..... FAMILY and FRIENDS into EXISTANCE if and when at all possible!  Features are Features.....truth is truth!***  God has RULES for a REASON....**Moses account, as frame-work**

When they say that the HOLY SPIRIT....doesn't EXIST.....  they will MISS the BOAT....of REDEMPTION.....  my matron of honour....DOES exist.....


those HIDDEN memories......where they say.....so and so in YOUR life.....didn't exist..... background song above....

video below....on mute....(small......little events....... chit-chat)


I had 5000 friends on facebook....and I KNOW....how the "background workers" (aka....THE....help desk....) does its thing and THEY said they didn't want xyz to exist on facebook...and I'm like.....there is NOTHING wrong with admitting basic TRUTHS....folks....so I picked up and LEFT (JESUS left certain groups in the dust too).  I HAD to leave....because THEY would "think" they could control.....xyz situation....but I'm like hmmmmm  do ALZHEIMER'S and DEMENTIA patients exist?  History REPEATS if NOT WISE (ww2?....communism? etc etc)..... Vaccinations as a scam..... hmmmm..... yeup.   and I'm like.....do ANGELS.....exist..... (not all people on the earth can see......the elements of "snow"...and the "north star".....at the same time)



what color is the hair on Josh Groban's head???

wouldn't it SUCK the life outa a man to IGNORE his bride...... Megan Markle.......  wedding wasn't for NOTHING.....  CHildren in the HOME.....do EXIST!!!!!  (evidence....of the EVENTS at the WEDDING)

FAMILY TREE things.....happen.....

LEVITICAL things at the MARRIAGE......ARRANGEMENT....that HE......CREATED....in the BEGINNING of the EARTH.......ahem.... MATTERS.... (I have a step-brother....in-law.....can I say..... day of BIRTH......exists).... and there is MORE.....to the PICTURE!  *****woman's health problems.....do THEY exist to this day????  YEUP...... YEUP....and more YEUP.....  so LEVITICAL things MATTER.....

does the person who worked as a STAGE TECH......a stage on which OBAMA himself walked across EXIST????

think about the book of Hosea...and Luke 7 a little more deeply.... (the curly hair....theme....hmmm....hidden.....).... but YET....they know the EINSTEIN......existed and went to Princeton......  (I know a PRINCETON.....graduate...and HE recognizes MY FACE)


Its no LIE..... the girl on the motorcycle....represents ISRAEL...... as in the BOOK of HOSEA matters.....  Luke 7 of the bible MATTERS....  The cousin thing of Elizabeth as the older cousin and Mary as the younger cousin MATTERS.... (Mordechai.....says to himself..... told ya....he was spewing out the oral stories and HEARD the story a LONG time ago!).  Every time it says ISRAEL in the bible..... put the word "black woman" in the place...and THEN the people will see....with the correct lenses....

(video on mute above)

*****the girl on the Motorcycle.....grown up.....but YET....went to an IVY LEAGUE.....****

MOSES......matters..... he was a MALE......placed on the WATER......

and then the Martina McBride song.....as in JERUSALEM is....ahem.... THAT concrete angel.... (video below on mute)

If there is one last day on the earth.....

*****HE REMEMBERS*****


sometimes people CANNOT......re-write their......ahem....story..... if there is EVIDENCE that there was a GRANDPA....GREAT GRANDPA or what ever that spoke to the dog....in GERMAN....then that is what is THERE.....permanently..... I'm giving you advice....from a 100+ year old perspective!

****did they use foul language or not???  don't know....either way....the STORY LINE..... IS there...the cousins are THERE****

Note.... I'm not THAT....kind of interested in whom ever he hangs around, or the things he does (I have one of those 5'11" kinds of men.....in my household....we have a different "sort-of" perspective....)....  I'm using celebs as ILLUSTRATORS!

Afghanistan..... VETERANS...... JESUS...is LISTENING.....  (like a Matron of Honour...in the WIND STORM of changes that DON'T bring HEART CHANGE in wicked men....that surround)..... I told ya so...... the enemy TRIES to reap.....evil in the HEART of man...when ONLY one man.....died for ALL....***note..... the REAL BRIDE.....wore what she COULD when she could CARRY WATER....at the RIGHT HEIGHT and SIZE....the biblical......REBEKKAH....was BEAUTIFUL.......he was LISTENING when it said S & G treated women like meat!***

To those who say they care...but have some research to do.... (start with considering the nasty stuff the Cancel Culture....comes up with....these days...in "the future") .... Elizabeth Warren is GOING to wish.....she was related to the people from the TOWN.....surrounding the HEART of the FIELD of DREAMS (kingdom come....to this earth!)

WHY does the TRUTH matter....to bring the KINGDOM JESUS was talking about.....to the earth.... (woman's body....has.....not....changed....maternity wards.....STILL go through....storms).... Jesus is "the morning star".... Mayan calendar....CAN line up with TIME of the bible.....if given proper understanding.

bondage....mis-leads people....any and ALL types of bondage (mentioned by following the "paths" illustrated in PSALM 119.... thy word is the path)

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Songs of Love and Hope