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Friday, September 24, 2021

It is VERY difficult to support "bones" in these end times....

 His Bones were Never Broken Psalm 34:20

*Judgment is for those who destroy the lives of those who come and go from Zion.

Isaiah 2:3

*Judgment is for those who want to see destruction of heartbeats and developing bones, before they are able to stand and walk by the time they are two!

Isaiah 3:4


BONES of JESUS' face were never broken.  It is VERY apparent that "big tech" KNOWS that "face recognition" can "go places"..... as they purposefully "find" and "target" certain faces.  


Babylon Bee Excerpt applies to REAL situations toDAY.... first they came for the "voices" of those who KNOW the truth about what goes on, next they will come for the "bones" of those who rejected the truth!

Medical Schools Update Hippocratic Oath To Exclude The Unvaccinated “The changes we’re making to the Oath are long overdue,” said Dr. Sarah Butcher, a member of the AAMC ruling council. Read more here: https://babylonbee.com/news/medical-s...

------> CNN is NOT the "ethical" landscape according to principles in the CONSTITUTION (medical systems in AMERICA WOULD FAIL without religious freedom, freedom of speech and expression!!!!...... family life would "attack itself" without religious freedom and freedom of expression!  Some Grandmas say things well into their 100+ range....as some can recall ALL events even recent happenings!)


Supporting Israel....does NOT mean we should never be "critical" of issues going on WITHIN the nation.  For example, yes there have been pockets of "cult-like" leaders, that refuse to administer proper "secular" policing on those who attack innocent children and/or vulnerable adults.  It means one should support the NOTION that JESUS himself LOVED the people of ZION......and he WANTS us to do the SAME.  He WANTS PROPER Judgment on, in and from Mt. ZION......  HOLY SPIRIT comes from ZION first and foremost!.....not the UPPER ROOM....the UPPER ROOM was a meeting place but HOLY SPIRIT is MT. ZION.  Orders of Nature and Astronomy have NOT changed since the time the king of kings was present! **** Armenians are NOT Mt. Zion "advocates" unless they are convicted of such (come and go from Iran and family things here and there....) same with Greeks, Lebanese, Syrians or other Levant people groups*** Holy Spirit DOES work....with any person CONVICTED and REPENTANCE among LEVANT people groups!


At first they (perhaps it IS the big-tech people) came for the voices who were speaking TRUTHS that needed to be heard (didn't so and so HAVE to warn others about evils brewing which created WW2 history?)..... next they came for the vulnerable...... then they will come for YOU!

The "woke" crowd....doesn't "get it".... they CLAIM to care about BIPOC or people of "sexuality differences".... but the FRUIT is that JESUS was of "mixed background" and he had heritage (Ruth was a Moabite from Lot's descendants, Queen Esther married outside her lineage for illustration of how GOD works in hearts outside lineage), dealings with sinners (Luke 7, prodigal son etc).


A summarized statement is that the ISRAEL GUYS are pointing out the FACTS that certain political leaders are PURPOSEFULLY THROWING.....history books and conditions in the GARBAGE!  This isn't being done by some with "serious mental health distortions," this is being done by people who literally KNOW the conditions about certain given situations!  If Israel doesn't matter to them.....thy neighbor who is Afro-Asiatic doesn't matter either!  aka. Black Lives Matter????  without TRUTH.....there IS and WILL be distortions!  Tunisia is an "early" history lesson on first century Christianity.....dear friends!

If public schools in America don't allow TRUTH......Libraries shut down truth...... the ANNE FRANK will be forever FORGOTTEN (despite a long history in America with Synagogues standing)!  Along with the FACT that Laura Ingalls Wilder was RELATED to the people who got off the ships.....and committed the "salem witch trials" along with corruptions TOWARDS indigenous populations by fruitless (meaning they didn't HAVE Holy Spirit in their heart) dictatorial racists!


This is really good.  Keep in mind that "indigenous tribes" of America have a "different time calculation" method.....outSIDE of Gregorian calendar calculations!  Alignment with nation.  For instance the Farmer's Almanac will say "such and such moon" is on this day.  The "morning star" is the "woman's star" and also referenced.  Every 24 years the SAME moon phase and "morning star" astronomical position repeats, except for the "top-spin" conditions of earth's tilt among the galaxy.  Because of these things..... "calendars" may have even differed in the BIBLE TIMES..... That means that the QUMRAN CALCULATIONS of time for Feast of Tabernacles may have differed slightly from the "modern day" Jewish calendar calculation.  Its kinda like 6106 years ago the creationists will say the Earth was created, but the Jewish calendar says 5782 (which doesn't actually line up with bible stories and time-lines).  TIME for feasts doesn't really ALLIGN unless certain groups AGREE with those times!  "Heavenly Signs" basically.

Traditions (even in secular, gentile or other pegan outside culture.... like indigenous people reference "creator" and sacrifice of Bison Bull) can illustrate his presence among us..... if we pay attention correctly!

Friends..... be aware that "my matron of honour" has JUST as much value as "the others" of Afro-Asiatic conditions at hand!  (Military conditions my friends....as well as so and so knows so and so....and BREAD doesn't come from "no-where" these EDUCATION SOMEWHERE types of days....)

Why?  BONES!  Weddings are NOT fun when there are only "zoom meetings"..... Weddings are NOT fun when "bones" of the people are not present along with the BLOOD conditions they have!..... FACES and PRESENCE.....matters!

Eze_37:4  Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.

Holy Spirit be in our presence!

(There is NO celebrity on EARTH that can claim....they didn't get their face without BONES in their body!.....same with the NEED for HOLY SPIRIT to build up proper JUDGMENT in the face of the ALMIGHTY)


Isn't the HEAVENLY FATHER......the SAME????

I'm thinking clearly folks!  Yes, some of AFRO ancestry were present in JOHN 10 events....some were not present....  how can we tell?  Ask them about "feast of dedication"..... Hannukah!  But all Jewish ancestry.....were present at giving of THE LAW (Sinai)......marriage covenant.

***Keep in mind that 70 AD on Gregorian calendar was a LONG time ago my friend....so people have VARIATIONS in stories and features!***

The secret is Matt 5-7 says a man canNOT change his hair type and height (his bones).....


Speaking of family.....does Charlie's Brother sit TALLER in this video?  answer: YES.... the BROTHER looks like the other....but one is TALLER.

Would this video be possible if CHARLIE had a bone disorder in his HANDS?  Hint hint: Mr. Racoon is a PEOPLE.....according to NATIVE AMERICAN languages..... based on "hand print" and "upright standing"....

The videos about the man that owns the "pet racoon" are not getting "the height" of views....but this video IS getting a lot of VIEWS.... the PATTERNS are among us....  Rachmaninoff is VERY DIFFICULT song to play friends...and YES.....OLD WOMAN....100+ persons could possibly CONTINUE playing such songs.....until final breath..... things to think about when it comes to BREATH....and the statement "I can't breathe" by George Floyd....

BROTHERS....... Joseph....of the bible handsome etc etc..... go from there.  Levitical things in the household or else this video wouldn't have been possible (James was a BROTHER to JESUS)

The family life of KING DAVID.....friends.....remember the SOUL and its origins!  (Explain the extremely large FAMILY conditions.....over 100+ individuals within 2nd cousin range of household generations later.....imagine the DRAMA!)  there IS a reason that PSALMS and PROVERBS illustrates be MERCIFUL!  Sometimes people "can't see" in-laws and BIPOC conditions in the Police Officer family member!  her quote......be prepared for "embarrassing things".....  (I've been through the "Taylor Swift" outfits selection.....folks....its my given FRAME....like Joseph of the bible....some people do NOT choose....their features....Esther etc etc.)


There are wicked people who WANT to control others.....for no reason....other than $$$$$$ self gain!  God's beauty is CREATED through EVERY SCAR!

Brother-in-law......"celeb look alike" contest.... and add a little more darker features......  HELLO unknown background song above....

If someone says "levitical things" don't matter......I have PROOF that prison's are FILLED for a REASON!  (Bones about it) .... we STILL need to care for the PRISONERS....  because....well.... JESUS was on the cross with PRISONER....and PAUL was  PRISONER to the "corrupted" roman-life.....aka extreme mockers.....who catered to "woke culture" of Rome!

Can you WALK the WALK???

What ancestry background are these feet if NOT given the length of this foot?  Where have these feet been if NOT given the full storyline behind this family?

HOW much did it COST for KIM KARDASHIAN's facial changes!@@!@!!!..... friends JESUS was BURRIED with the RICH!!!!

*****No man can CHANGE his or her own LINEAGE****  basically trying to "get it" by pointing to "paris hilton" vs. "Kim Kardashian" should wake people up who are "bones" and not listening to reality..... JESUS is affordable reference!*****

How much does it COST to support a woman with pregnancy problems for one pregnancy? under 10,000$ for basic emergency services! (bones of the unborn do NOT need to be destroyed in the process!)

How much does it COST to support a man in a car-accident who needs long term care to return back to work? (between 4,000 to 10,000 per month)  What if it was a TERROR incident that a man suffered!

The cheaper route and more REALISTIC route?????


Do they RECOGNIZE the VALUE in the SPLIT hoof of the CATTLE.....and the BOOK of LEVITICUS....... YET?  BONES about it all?  Calcium and all that sort of JAZZ around?  Community and Family tree things???? some think clearly....some think faintly....but ALL face the origins of TRUTH.


I'm thinking wisely..... I believe there IS a reason that GOD put MORE emphasis on "the males under 2 years"..... than on just "pro-life" issues....though we KNOW that disability exists in pre-term conditions etc.....  ITS because MAN needs a SAVIOUR......  (Go back to KIM KARDASHIAN'S face-surgery history and costs)....  vs. the cost of caring for neo-natal ICU....

Jesus himself ALSO said stuff about those who put stumbling blocks BEFORE children (yes, a toddler, infant CAN be TRAINED to do RIGHT...and "not touch" or "not say"....)


Go back to the ISRAEL video.....

Without PAUL the appostle......ER systems would FAIL in AMERICA and abroad.  WHY?  English is main language of USA (sure translations are possible...and more easily between latin languages).  Constitutionally, that ELDERLY patient.....with dementia is probably speaking "in english" and needs protections!  Paul was preaching throughout such culture!@

Man cannot live on BREAD alone!

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