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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

God prefers EXCELLENCE among people....



SO..... celebs and other celebs from other nations produce videos.... and I prefer the MODEST videos and GODLY ATTRIBUTES sort of videos over the IMODEST ones.

I'm not really THAT kind of dumpy dumb about things.

Its like a thing where I have a husband but I really don't like the videos of the celeb with more minimal clothing or some other sort of "sexual impurity" promotion.

I'm not being stupid here folks.  Pow-wow's exist with MODEST women for a reason.


Examples from Israel......

I know enough HEBREW to pick up a few words and phrases here and there....

I LOVE this video.....  because it reflects he KNOWS his place and personhood....


I approve of this artist...but I know some of the videos....get well.....they turn into similar themes like Adam Levine videos....  stuffed with ..... sap....  (the sap on the tree needs to be contained in order to bring forth appropriate maple syrup and its fullness)

Maple Trees.....are DEFINITELY Maple Trees..... sap here and there and everywhere.  BUT....Maple Trees ONLY exist in certain regions of the GLOBE.  Hence.... I'm speaking in medical term dictionary about "features" and male conditions which produce "changes" in the tones and features of the children.

When a person has worked with dementia patients..... you know that I know what's goin on....and NOT all cases and behaviors are the same!  But.....there IS a place and time to explain things to these types of special individuals.

Husband also has some "Stories" about what comes through the ER doors....


Lets just say we did an ancestry results of ALL the people within 2nd cousin range of our household, and they showed us all the people their 2nd cousins ancestor's happened to be.

If this was accomplished..... ALL latitudes of the globe would be covered..... inclusive of ISRAEL???  Yes and No????

Kinda like Esther and Mordechai are cousins....and the cousin of Mordechai is a little different than the cousin of Esther....but they are still related through the same lineage.

I wouldn't go with FORCED modesty.  That is the Muslim World as a whole.  the Duggar Family seemed in some cases to not necessarily to FORCE modesty but to be self-righteous about it....which is ALSO the bad-case scene on the radar (hence Josh Duggar ended up with the wicked stuff which is severe and some cases even WORSE than stuff that goes on in the Muslim World!---> I'm being serious<---).  But I would go with ACCOMODATING modesty.  Culture gets cluttered when people see "too much" of thy neighbor's wife...... (hence King David had problems).....  but Esther was Esther and had beauty in her own person.... (other biblical women had beauty too).....

I look at those ancestry 23 and me charts and I'm like....yeup.... German..... people are in the charts and PUTH is definitely a PUTH-ER sort of name.... I really don't need to see all that stuff on the "Cousin" if you know what I mean.... ***NOTE....there are GERMANS living in GERMANY.....and they are ALSO JEWISH on our family tree chart..... its SUPER OBVIOUS to display..... without MAN-HANDLING the situation!***

When you are THAT close....you KNOW IT and you TALK..... CLOSELY about things!

John the Baptist.....folks..... .... think about it...... the carousers were busy and active....while the RIGHTOUS suffer!


Speaking of the JErusalem "Home" video.... well.... our ancestor's home in our household....is literally.... MISI-SIPI..... river.....

Thankful that JESUS....OWNS the heavens......because.... MAN....can't manipulate those sorts of "equations" beyond the GRAVE.

IVY LEAGUES do NOT.....in-fact give THE PEOPLE excellence.  How do I know?  History trails and issues.....racism or otherWISE....

BUT we DO need "smart people" to fix.....broken hearts and hands....when they come in the ER....

This is a HARVARD GRADUATE speaking!  Look up more of her videos to get a BETTER picture about things....such as ANCESTRY reports and things if TRULY interested in making FAMILY......ahem.... MATTER.  (This is WHY .... I support the people who are SPEAKING about certain religious environments or cultures that are cluttered with problems in interactions towards women/girls/children....inclusive of those finding good and bad in the Muslim/Christian/Jewish people/world) Hint: Levitical things matter in order to explain Love thy Neighbor as Thy self!

Side Note: I HAVE in-laws..... HArvard isn't OUT of the picture zone.....of awareness about this and that. 

******Ave. of the St's directional area of living arrangements on this earth....and Mona Lisa.....explainations given by Grandpa-in-law's 1st cousin(family has some story behind WW2 veteran status).....as she CAREFULLY explains that MONA LISA had NO......eyebrows on her facebook feed.....FACTS are DEFINITELY FACE-IT.....FACTS in the SCANDINAVIAN whirl-wind......snow-flakes and face-features.....are ALL UNIQUE.....so KEEP your head up and AWARE of things****

Think-clearly now.... the people along the MISI-SIPI river.... KNEW about the EVENTS of WW2 before they happened.  How?  Boarding School era.... do proper research.

I KNOW about Ben Shapiro.... he went to HArvard.... go from there (don't TRUST the gossipy muck.....it WILL bite and devour......THE TRUTH about SITUATIONS!):

I literally CAN NOT....put the puzzles together about WHAT is goin on in the HEART of so and so in the FAMILY TREE.....  Puth-er college or other CONNECTIONS in the sands of TIME.....  (The EARTH.....itself is TERMINATED.....WHEN the GOD of the BIBLE says it is TERMINATED..... heaven and earth pass away....but HIS WORDS.....never pass away....)


Video on mute above...

video in background..... because yes.... I've done some "Family Tree" research on Puth-er college campus....about how the STUDENT BODY operates....in THEIR family life.....so to speak....

Background song..... STATS speak....sometimes LOUDER....than the covid-19 epidemiologists!  (Elizabeth of the bible......  STATS are in....it is HARD to give birth AFTER 40+ years along......LET ALONE....trying it ALONE.....when ISRAEL......matters!)

I looked CLOSER at that COFFEE..... at the WEDDING..... John Legend.....is more than just a LEGEND ;)  So....cousin so and so......has TWINS in the family....  medical workers.....don't WORK in the WRONG way ;)

What did Jesus say?  FAMILY MATTERS! (Because..... Adam and Eve didn't get it)

sometimes.....those in-laws......are SETTLED....in SEATLE.....  the STAR WARS shirt says it ALL....

When a NATION.....ONLY....has 50 miles radius....to work with.....what could you EXPECT.....from ELIZABETH.....when she was reading "what to expect" book at 40+ years old in the Covid-19 era....  

The Misi-Sipi river band in the background.....singing about the OVEN.....and how WONDERFUL it operates.....

Steps to create "the Holocaust"....

1. Enslavement based on race and ethnic features (this has roots all the way back to PASSOVER)
2. Boarding School era (indigenous values stripped) and removal of culture boundaries, despite being separate nations.  Keep a form of religious values in "Christianity" but never actually Practice what is truly taught and illustrated!  Oil and water do NOT mix!  Light and Darkness does NOT mix!
3. Carousing.....like the story of how John the Baptist suffered....  *Jesus also pointed to the facts of how the prophets who were righteous suffered*.... other PARABLES were illustrated too! (good Samaritan story) .... Even Britney Spears type of carousing....has its aftershock....in the modern era.
4. WW1 events and laid-out plans of Genocide.....keep in MIND that the GRANDMA'S of TODAY..... STILL remember what GRANDMA'S of yesterday taught them about WW1!  DO NOT assume that ALL GRANDMA'S have dementia!  200 year records COUNT!  ***Calculation is MIDDLE EASTERN.....biblical things are MIDDLE EASTERN!***  Apples themselves are middle-eastern....
5. Removal of BIBLICAL THEMES and stories (especially the first five books of the bible and the book of Esther)

Combine ALL 5 techniques to destroying lives.....innocent lives...

The TRICK is to get rid of OLD ADAM......  preserve "the apple" but get rid of the worms that eat the apple alive from the inside.

THIS video event of THIS celebrity was made possible by those who are AWARE:


Doesn't the Heavenly Father ALSO.....think the same way???

***folks this does NOT work without Levitical things***

All Harvard Degrees are meaningless....without these sorts of things!

Then they ALL....said.... Lev-11..... HOLY COW....




Elizabeth....of the bible......Elizabeth of the bible.....  40 + years old..... KNOWS all about ISRAEL.....

move it to the modern day and move it to American lands.... Covid-19 era....

reads "what to expect when expecting book"...... and Margaret Sanger has NOTHING ....literally NOTHING to say (because she has already passed away) about the DESIGN of the FACES on FACEBOOK at 6 weeks along!

BEAUTIFUL FACES...... in the bible stories....

****talk about HATRED of the TRUTH....that is ALREADY.....written down!****

MISI-SIPI.....river band.....r-us.....

the reflections in the MEDICAL world..... among the MISI-SIPI.....river band....

Elizabeth Warren....would WISH.....she had ACCESS to the "field of dreams" radar screen.....

Jesus.....truly grew up in Nazareth....

put the video above the YES RENEAU video.....above.....on the forefront of the mind....while CHARLIE PUTH video below is also on mute.... because....well.... LEVITICAL things STILL matter.

videos above on mute....

BACKGROUND songs.....

HIS.....yolk is EASY.....HIS....burden is LIGHT!


REAL FRIENDS......GET RID of PRIDE......in the HEART......

FRIENDS.....this song..... RACHMANINOFF is a HARD SONG to PLAY!

Imagine playing it MEMORIZED!


THINK wisely about ELIZABETH of the bible.....imagine if SHE was in the COVID-19 era...

START with this dictionary ......

ABSORBING A single culture in a 50 mile radius....


Anyone else have any educated guesses about this one?  Sometimes the same CAN actually be said about Republicans.....never-the-less...  Put it this way.... JESUS....confronted the Sadducees AND the Pharisees...as well as his OWN close friends and family........don't you see?


so and so is celeb look alike.......

Nazareth.....was a SMALL TOWN.....

ONLY one wedding SUPPER......available to the GUESS-TS.

Note to SELF-ISH self......love thy neighbor as thy self....because so and so knows so and so..... on this planet...

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Songs of Love and Hope