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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Entire Systems are telling LIES to the people....

 I'm not here to state what is actually FULLY causing the LIES....because it would be too obvious.  When one person says....its the PHARAOH'S of this world that LIE to the people....they are RIGHT on TARGET!

But I am here on this earth to state that NO man, whom is a bible believer, would considerably and willingly give-in to the LIES that are produced on mass by the complacent and pride-filled populations.  Where did you work my friend...... was it the MEDIA?  CDC?  Epidemiological this and that?  For Dr. Mike on Youtube?????

Its not just a medical theme or device that is creating the lies.  It is the HEART!!!!  WHERE are the people standing when in the battlefield of ONE LIFE?

There ARE the Rachel Dolezals....and the trans-conditions in unusual population people.  I'm not talking about THOSE kinds of lies....as they MAY have some partial truths to them (aka even Rachel Dolezal has children with clearly evident skin-tone, a tenor in the choir is a tenor in the choir.....)

I'm talking about the people who do NOT acknowledge the FOUNDATIONS of scripture as a full and FINAL guide!  Moses was only rescued ONCE from the river!  HE....was born a MALE slave.... THAT is his story-line.  BEGIN there....and go through the wilderness with the children of ISRAEL!

Follow JESUS like you follow MOSES through the wilderness......  MOSES was MEANT to be SYMBOLIC.....as a representative of JESUS in the wilderness!!!  KEEP in mind that MOSES was 80+ years old!  ..... hence the value of 80+ year old people REMAINS.....in reality in the mind of GOD alone!  **The GODLESS world does NOT see value in an 80+ year old individual on this earth!  They may "say" Black Lives Matter with their mouths...but I will ASK them how they dealt with the 80+ year old person on this earth!  Taking AWAY access to BREAD....it is EXACTLY that.....taking AWAY access!

I'm "seeing things" from a celebrity perspective of a 5'11" man from time to time BECAUSE..... I have such a husband in my house.  IT is NOT a tale my friend......  Examples: He seems to continuously update things.... Charlie Puth - TikTok | August 24, 2021 - YouTube .... I don't know WHERE he gets his looks....but....sometimes.....things go this or that way under the sun.... Josh Groban (World Famous Recording Artist, Actor, Philanthropist) on TYSO - #109 - YouTube .... I can see the FAMILY TREE simply by a little research from these guys...... who actually exist.

URGENT PRAYER: Afghanistan's Christians are 'Sheep Among Wolves' - YouTube

It tis' NOT the conditions of a woman wearing a "headscarf" that creates the "evils" among us..... It tis' NOT the conditions of being middle-eastern which creates the "evils" among us  (the gospel BEGAN among BROWN-MIDDLE EASTERN people who wore headscarves!).... in fact, there COULD be more to the situation that we realize if we acknowledge FREDERICK DOUGLAS and themes from HISTORY!  Was EGYPT, in the time of MOSES.....inclusive of the entire land and population of the SAHARA DESERT?  DID....the ancient EGYPTIANS......participate in AMERICA....before 1619?  The evidence IS around.....the SAHARA desert and AMERICAS contains evidence of green among the desert and EGYPTIAN like replicas here and there.....

Goliath was NOT 5'11" my friend......think about it.  The Misi-Sipi river......well....they may say RIVER once....but once they ACTUALLY do a word search in the bible and REALIZE that the NILE river is NOT listed in the scripture...... they will HAVE to think about things a little MORE!  Orion's belt continues to exist my friend and if thinking hurts your brain.....especially the THINKING OF OTHER'S portion....that is a GOOD BOOK to consider!

Well.....consider the FACTS of the scripture..... JUDE....was a brother of JESUS....  JESUS was born into a world of people...and people to THIS day...continue to have KIN-SHIP connections!  That means Elizabeth and MAry were COUSINS......means that JESUS was born into the ancestry 23 and me ..... FAMILY TREE.

*A person does NOT actually have to follow ALL Hebrew ROOTS....to get the POINT of this video....BUT I would recommend.....HIGHLY ..... considering MOSES and the FIRST five books of the BIBLE!

Now GO BACK up and DO the research PROPERLY.....was CHARLIE PUTH......and/or JOSH GROBAN.....designed FROM THE WOMB....to be a "TENOR" in the choir?  If the answer is NO.....then there you GO.....my friend.... BREATHING.......creates the CHOIR of ANGELS....STARTING in the WOMB!!!!  What happened during Covid-19..... choirs couldn't meet here on EARTH!!!  (Family too....if the CHOIR can't meet.....then......FAMILY TREE'S don't meet either!) ****Jude 1:19.....ENCOURAGES the people to consider the FOLLY of the COVID-19 era.....failing to PHYSICALLY meet FACE to FACE..... YES.... I meet with BIBLE BELIEVERS.....and even ones who HAVE roots and or HISTORY from ISRAEL.... "(19)  These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit."

No man is an ISLAND.....the book of JUDE ..... speaks.....wisely!  I would DEFINITELY consider the book of JUDE.....considering my PERSONAL.....family-tree records and time-line of WHOM named WHOM on the CHARTS and RECORDS! (aka I personally did NOT name my cousins this or that....as in JESUS did NOT personally name JOHN to be named JOHN...... I personally did NOT name great-grandpa....this or that name under the sun....because of PERSONAL.....convictions about THINGS).  Yes, I HAVE worked and taken CARE of someone with the first name ADOLF......BUT....consider WISELY his ****time of birth****  This MAN in the medical needs.....was BORN before WW2.....WAY before events like THAT........... also Charlie Puth's last name IS..... Puth...as in Puth-er....

YES....OUR.....household IS...... closely related to LEVANT.....people.  It is about like JESUS and John the BAPTIST.  Its super obvious.....too....  Nigeria is Nigeria.....my friend (something to do with THE HAIR)


Sodom and Gomorrah was NOT a good place to live...... so don't go there as if its GOING to be a PARTY..... its NOT..... I HAVE stories from Covid-19 era about how....the "color-ful" flags helped in time of need.  TURNS out the TABLES turn....when "separation" occurs...... between MAN to MAN..... and THOSE who don't want to help...... ACTUALLY Don't want to consider "sermon on the Mt." wisely!@!@!!!  Eventually Taylor Swift will HAVE to say.....the Garden of Eden....wasn't good....after Adam and Eve...well....didn't listen the FIRST time around!  (humanity is ONLY given a certain number of trips around the sun....err um SON....and access to HIS goodness!)


THE modern era and DEALING with ......THINGS.....as in PEOPLE.....and WATER are STILL the same content.....as they were in JESUS' day!

this song was spelling the BOOK of HOSEA....the whole time....Rachmaninoff.....style....  (its HOW he wears his HAIR.....folks)

When the ENTIRE system goes.......in favor of "Sodom and Gomorrah" if you will and purposefully SEPARATING from the-----> "sermon on the Mt." conditions and purposefully practicing what is RIGHT in GOD's EYES..... (aka.....separation from the ones who NEED HELP.... Jud 1:19
(19)  These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

Listen CAREFULLY!!!!

video on mute..... (we don't KNOW the exact day nor hour of this and that.....on the timeline of "using" these things called DOLLARS...and SENSE.....) .... let the PHARAOH'S have "their way"...but they will NEVER defeat....the TRUTH....

Background SONG.....

LOVE.....of CHRIST towards .... HIS....one and ONLY BRIDE...is NEVER ENDING...and EVER ENDURING!

ER doctors......know THESE things....about VIOLENCE of....well lets just say....what the book of JUDE is talking about.....  PRIDE....of PHARAOH.....kills a LOT of people!

The GREAT PHYSICIAN.....knows MORE than the men of this world.....about THINGS....

the end quote....."the lack of the repentance message....is one of the GREAT GREAT plagues in the modern western church!".....**no man is an island....MOSES(and the first five books of the bible) is still relevant!**

sometimes......people want to "get things done quickly......"..... but may MISS the reality show.....

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Songs of Love and Hope