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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Thursday, June 3, 2021

My children's grandparents....great grandparents NAMED the MISSISSIPPI before it was the MISSISSIPPI....

 Look up the ANISHINABE LANGUAGE in the University of MINNESOTA dictionary:


Look up the word BIG and RIVER or WATER

"Misi zipi" will be a sort of term for the river way.....as a way of saying MISSISSIPPI....

Any way.

*OK, so in the video above a PALESTINIAN student is going to HARVARD..... I'm thinking a few things.  1. Terrorists and their accumulated supporters care NOTHING about others 2. PALESTINIAN people as a general rule are JUST LIKE everyone else.  3. Terrorists care NOTHING about people from "indigenous lands" as they DESTROY their own children while destroying OTHER'S children! ANY who want to LEAVE a certain religious condition CAN get killed in such environments.... 4. If this Palestinian supports stopping the BDS movement, she MAY get "rejected" and "outcast" in various ways.  Basically, another HARVARD grad went on the REJECTED mode because he supports ALL MID-EAST people....not JUST factions of ANTI-ISRAEL conditions....and HE was PALESTINIAN too.....

I can SEE why people get "mixed ancestry" people confused with Mid-East people.....Latino people "look like" Syrians if you will from time to time.
 Mixed feature people.....African American people with one or more white parents can look Mid-East too....

BEWARE of the dangers of eliminating TRUTH from your LIFE.....the AFTERSHOCK is a DANGEROUS "institutional" environment.  Hospitals.....Schools ......Banks etc....will FORAGE lies against REAL people with REAL conditions.....why?  because they GAVE all their "religious freedoms" to "the state" and NOW "the state" gets to DICTATE how to "ID people" properly and consider ESPECIALLY these "sorts of faces" as a threat on their radar!

REMEMBER this FACT folks....

*****ABSOLOM .... a son of KING DAVID had "handsome features"..... its listed EXACTLY in the bible that way......****** (Think "Charlie Puth" on the radar....of REALITY....one of the MOST highly visible YOUTUBE stars!....if not THE top-notch!)

THE bible tells us EXACTLY what happened to ABSOLOM!

Real NATIVE AMERICANS have a TONE on their skin.....so the "Elizabeth Warrens" of our society don't really approve of REALITY.

*contains some foul language*

Communism and FAKE "good character" ruins people.... I've heard critics of the IVY league...and I can SEE where they are coming from.  Being SMART isn't the "bad guy" but having BAD CHARACTER (as what happened to ABSOLOM.....) is a BAD GUY!

just interesting... I listen to a variety of views (yes, that SEEMS to make me... liberal...BUT I BELIEVE the BIBLE in a CONSERVATIVE way....)

I find "Chinese people" a part of the human community but I cannot stand the form of "communism".... deadly vicious nature to it....especially in the HIGH TECH era.  ALL humans have to DEAL with inner CHARACTER issues... (My children have "asian eyes"...so yeah... I hear ya...from that angle)

IF anything.....ALWAYS remember these things....
1. NO MAN is absolutely invincible!  

2. Chaos erodes the reality of YOUR beliefs. (If YOU believe SLAVERY....YOU will do anything to KEEP the "slave ship" on the sea.....aka Terrorism is slavery.....abortion is slavery etc.  HENCE the facts of life in AMERICA remain, yes, the FOUNDERS of the IVY were ONCE slave owners.) 

3. Material wealth to AFFORD such lavish educations will NEVER buy you LOVE and MARITAL bliss..... how do I know?  Friend who went to Princeton- divorced....chaotic beliefs about "marriage" coming from the IVY = higher rates of you know what.... when Polygyny was an ancient practice folks.  The BIBLE itself states CLEARLY that NERO was a wicked (and anti-Semitic man) .... YES, there are FEW and FAR-BETWEEN blissful marriages...but it TAKES HEART to "get it." ***Note to self.....VERY FEW will EVER read and "get it" that ABSOLOM of the bible was a handsome man.....even from an IVY education.... (to this day we should be THANKFUL that someone higher than ourselves left behind an example or two of GOOD vs. BAD behaviours in MAN from a HIGHER ORDER sort of book....that one book that describes the CANNANITES....)

4. Healthcare....lets just say....that "bad stuff that happens to the mind" COULD happen to an IVY GRADUATE.  Variant forms of "idolatry" could lead to depressions and its branches if you will, PRIDE leads to destruction and the low-and-behold conditions of "missing the point" of the old-folks will FIND you out .... if you acquire any such thing like EARLY ONSET DEMENTIA, PARKINSONS and other sorts of twisters. 

5. Car-accidents, TRAUMA..... did I mention TERROR.... BIRTHCONTROL mishaps.... um... I heard the story that MAYIM BIALIK refused to support "unnatural routes" of dealing with women-hood....oooohhhh did I just accidentally slip and fall into the "trap" of mis-gendering a REAL woman....  as a REAL woman???  BASICALLY, in summary, LIFE it-self COULD kill YOU....even in CHILD-BEARING....if something doesn't go right.  I would check out the LOADS of stories from http://www.aboverubies.org .. I would BE THANKFUL that REAL women want to take care of REAL situations in the MATERNITY department (that Boston bombing....yeah....a pregnant woman was there and I saw an interview on the screen!)....that one condition of well, lets just say "trail of tears" and Jesus said in the last days "woman in childbearing and nursing children" suffer a lot.... it means the WOMEN are MEANT to exist on this PLANET....and NOT in an illusion of "surrogate" for some and not the other kind of women....no value "there".....REAL SLAVE OWNERS didn't really care........ahem.


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