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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Don't choose Rebellious Korah for a reference

 So yes, in the news there IS talk of Critical Race Theory topics....

I get it (I've known this for a while.....as I have been married for over 15 years....and I have a FATHER-IN-LAW so to speak).  BUT that theme of AUTHORITY didn't just come from NO WHERE....there IS a bible ....and it is on this soil and it CAN be read without the GOVt' throwing rocks at "Stephen" among us.......  The topics of this theory were ADDRESSED before KING DAVID and AFTER the 2nd TEMPLE in JERUSALEM was built.  JESUS clearly cleared the temple so that ALL NATIONS could worship!

The books of Esther and Ruth address A LOT of issues with these types of topics in various ways.  Both by topic of marriage "license" and by topic of ANCESTRY background. 

Ethiopia, non-Jewish Moabites(descendants of Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah), India and modern day Iran  all encompass these books IF people read the bible correctly.  These two books ALSO address the conditions of what TYPE of marriage should take place?  Age of Esther was serious in the matter as well as the facts of Ruth.  Ruth was married to another man BEFORE she found Boaz....well she FOUND the God (the living GOD) of the Jewish people.....to put it in perspective.....her ancestry created a LOT of havoc for the Jewish people basically.  In both books of the bible, the spouse prior to the marriage of "one man and one woman" were in prior marriage before the event of TRUE MARRIAGE.  ***These books tell us CLEARLY that just being in a "one man and one woman" marriage isn't good enough....there HAS to be a KING of KINGS in the picture!***  Ruth was formerly married to "a Moabite" and still socially connected with her in-laws.  Ahasuerus was formerly married to "a wild-drinking stubborn woman" and had to address the conditions of his own tribe, tongue and nation.

These events described happened BEFORE.....Jesus came along.  The book of Esther says that Queen Esther had "fair features"....so she her-self didn't CHOOSE the appearance she was given, basically.


There IS a theme going around that Jesus was Homo-phobic....Iran-phobic and other ideas that brew.  If JESUS himself.....didn't PRACTICE THOSE particular things.....why the HATRED that brews???

ANSWER: AUTHORITY is not given.....AUTHORITY.  MOSES a figure of the bible....WAS older than many people.  80+ years old.....while LEADING the ISRAELITES.  HMMMMMM that should give some more clues....

Levant people ARE real people, to this day....just as the Ethiopian and person from India is a real person to this day.

Why does hatred BREW in MEN's hearts....from Germany environments and history (aka both religious persecution AND racial persecution)?  Yes, the HATRED leads up to serious concerns with ACTUAL homo-phobia (didn't the Ethiopian eunuch find HOPE in JESUS......despite his conditions?)

Taylor Swift sings "some" songs.....but ACTUAL homo-phobia is HATRED of "sisterly love" and HATRED of "Brotherly love"...... basically CONCERN for OTHERS despite or BECAUSE of one's past and records of conditions.   This is a good example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAH07goEnSY&t=1592s  ..... YES, TAYLOR SWIFT herself canNOT change her height.  I get it.  I've seen "Features" like that among various SCANDINAVIAN ancestry people (family tree conditions, in-law conditions, cousin-in-laws and cousins etc).  Genetic conditions?  Who knows what will come......Alzheimers and Dementia DO take a toll on some people and then the "ideas" about Gender may or may not become dysphoric..... there REALLY isn't a conditions of GENDER anymore....its only a concern with LOVE vs. LUST and who actually CARES.

KORACH is a REBELLIOUS cousin......of MOSES.  The bible......HELPED .....MArtin Luther King Jr. in his pursuit of DREAMS on the AMERICAN soil......so KORACH rebels AGAINST ...... SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY.  An Older-WISER-cousin is an OLDER...... WISER ..... COUSIN.


from: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/246641/jewish/Korah-The-Rebel-of-the-Bible.htm

Korah, the Man of Stature

Korah1 was a great-grandson of Levi, the third of Jacob’s twelve sons, and a first cousin to Moses and Aaron, the Jewish leader and High Priest, respectively.

Korah was born in Egypt,2 at the time when the Jews were enslaved to King Pharaoh. He experienced the miraculous Exodus from Egypt and journey through the Red Sea on dry land, and received the Torah at Mount Sinai along with the rest of his brethren.

Korah was extremely wealthy,3 and was a clever and astute individual.4 His status as a member of the Levite tribe enabled him to participate in the service in the Mishkan, the portable sanctuary the Jews carried with them throughout their journey to the Promised Land.

Despite—and because of—his many qualities, he felt able to take a stance against Moses and Aaron, which ultimately led to his downfall.


There is MORE concern with SPIRITUAL conditions in the HEART than meaning to be heard because of "head knowledge" when it comes to REBELLION.  YES, head-knowledge IS important (no one just suddenly performs heart-surgery....) but ETHICAL things MATTER.....like SERIOUSLY matter....come what may....or some of us wouldn't be here (ER visits involving people who work in the ER from xyz ancestry background and doing the RIGHT THING).

   Enough is enough, says anyone who attended an Ivy League.....but yet STILL ended up with xyz problems here on this earth....this temporary earth.  (didn't Bill Gates....eventually end up with Marriage problems...but YET, the book of Esther still speaks to us to this day.....)..... Orphans and Widows DO exist on this planet dear folks..... Levant conditions or other surrounding ancestry and living conditions backgrounds.....

(you can skip ahead in the video....to the sermon to get to the point of the bible themes)

Anyhow..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daTUMSBEBIE

Keep in mind that a man can CHOOSE his "head knowledge" (based on given IQ conditions or otherwise)....but he CANNOT choose his family.....and birth order and given Birthday year under the stars in heaven.....and his given HEIGHT.


A person can CHOOSE this day whom to serve..... the GOD of REBELLION against reality (aka opposition to the conditions men are placed within...as in the case of KORAH) or the GOD of LOVE/REDEMPTION and MERCY.....


A REAL person who approves of REALITY approves of the BOOK of LEVITICUS (aka....teachings to the LEVANT people) because well....sexuality has its "flavors" but NO CHILD could possibly continue FORWARD with such chaotic beliefs about in-laws doing things with in-laws.....and all the other SUMS in the Math problems of social features.

Nazi Germany had MANY marriages......and MANY were in REBELLION.....even though they were getting married.  Keep that in mind folks.  This includes how "fair feature" people were treated in the camps....that existed. ....... YOU ARE LOVED despite WICKED MEN.....

If you are NOT currently a "close cousin" (Like Korah to Moses).....you MAY have a more "slightly distant cousin" or a cousin-in-law or cousin-of-a-cousin who is of LEVANT conditions.  Kinda like a "great-aunt" of a cousin who has a mother-in-law whose mother came out of WW1 or WW2 conditions etc etc..... some where along the line the SOCIAL things of the bible........ shows up.  Even if it aligns with family-conditions related to Ethiopian conditions......

during the Covid-19 crisis....the "colorful flag" itself helped NO ONE.....in Long Term Care facilities....but LOVE of GOD did show up.....through concern for BIBLICAL THEMES......  (I've watched the "workers" and how they choose to clock-in....folks).  Luke chapter 7 is a REALLY good one.....especially for working with Alzheimer's Dementia cases.  There would be NO Luke 7 without understanding.....Korah,........first...... basically.  Understanding KORAH.....and the conditions is NOT a "check off the list" type of thing to get you into medical school.  NO!  it is a PERSEPCTIVE issue...... a sociopath doesn't get admittance into medical school JUST because he "spoke" 2 times with his distance related African-ancestry cousin......he gets admittance BECAUSE he understands that REBELLION leads to SERIOUS spiritual errors in the soul and flesh!  (You basically don't get admittance into the Kingdom of Heaven for speaking with Jesus one time....folks...and looking up HIS....HIS-STORY)....

Ask one's self these questions before its too late:  Who had the authority to name the Misi Sipi river (aka racial things + the concept of different languages....tied to Tower of Babel for basic reference)...who was given that FIRST authority......to move tribes here and there? Who had the authority to name JERUSALEM with specific HEBREW language themes?  Did you write Psalm 119?  In other words, if YOU didn't write Psalm 119 and NAME JErusalem....then YOU don't get to decide what happened to KORAH.

A few songs because Sodom and Gomorrah WAS destroyed because the men there treated women "like meat" (read scripture correctly)....(Lauren Daigle failed to address this with Ellen D. G.)


There IS a problem with people who always say that people are all HOMOPHOBIC.....ISLAMOPHBOIC etc etc..... clearly they didn't have the correct GLASSES on when they read the bible (like Korah.....)..... Those who HATE "brotherly love" and "sisterly love" as addressed in the BIBLE.....have other issues they need to address.  (the features on JOSH GROBAN.....are just that..... "cousin-like" in various respects..... Esther and Ruth of the bible.....) .... I don't always understand that "curly black hair" .....but .... it IS a feature....on this planet.  This temporary planet.  Even Ben Shapiro can tell people that.

Suggested READING:

We live in a WORLD of a spiritual battle first and foremost....there are THINGS we cannot always see...the "social connections" or otherWISE (Lyrical Expression):

Awake up to the TRUTH.......REALITY as it REALLY is.... A "racoon" is not addressed in the scripture.....but the PRINCIPLES of "racoon" (man with hands and stands up-right in indigenous language) are addressed in LANGUAGE way back in the people of the ancient LEVANT (aleph beth gimel daleth.....)..... aleph = ox or man..... gimel = Camel ..... Misi Sipi river to.... Jerusalem....

Man didn't DESIGN Mr. animal........before his arrival on earth (Moses wrote the first five books of the bible in THAT way....Animals came first)

I've read the book by Ruth B. G. (the biography of one who wasn't favoring the marriage of Queen Esther to ONE man....nutty Ilhan Omar would never KEEP up with this FACT folks)....... BUT authority of SCRIPTURE can be DEFINED for our SELFISH selves (as they did in Nazi Germany) or it can be defined CORRECTLY~~~@@~~!!@@  In favor of "brotherly and sisterly" love of the scripture and the people it addresses as it CORRECTLY addresses these things.  ISRAEL is ..... a part of the BIBLE folks.....keep that in mind.

When it comes to DEFINITIONS on this PLANET.....don't REFUSE the TRUTH.....and DEFINITIONS.....as DESCRIBED clearly .... with KORAH as an EXAMPLE!  Going against the GOD who CREATED nature itself....is just that------> REBELLION@@!@!@!  (Taylor Swift didn't design her-self.....but GOD designed people to LIVE on this earth....Korah's rebellion Golden Calf etc etc.... all tied to similar themes.....all the way to the STONING of STEPHAN of the bible.....STEPHAN was ADDRESSING the FACTS that JESUS was there in the "wilderness" wanderings of ISRAEL)

So and so knows so and so..... a social theme....comes around and goes around LEV 11 of the bible is practiced and so and so knows so and so..... the HISTORICAL FAMILY TREE records are AMONG US>>>>>>>!!!!!>>>>> RE-WATCH this video: Korach | Erev Shabbat Broadcast - YouTube
The scripture itself says to the JEW FIRST....and then to the GENTILE (aka Moses first......)....historical ties....to this and that.....Puth-er shows up on the radar...then that COUSIN....."Puth-er" shows up.  history ties to "the reformation" happened BEFORE.....xyz events in America.....


As far as Ruth B. G. voting records....keep in mind the TRUTH that comes from the SCRITPURE....(despite the desired elements to twist the scripture for "selfish man's" purposes......)

It is CLEARLY evident that Queen Esther only had ONE LIFE to live and only had ONE HUSBAND......  she REALLY couldn't do anything about the HATE that surrounded her....she could ONLY have those ONE TIME to exist in those "fair features" and then the REST is HISTORY (this book took place in modern day Iran....of all places...the records and evidence ARE there)....

Note that when they don't want Luke 7 of the bible(that ONE woman)......they WON'T care about OTHER ISSUES.....like the events that happened in S & G (women were treated like........YUCK.....just as the people in NAZI GERMANY didn't want or believe in QUEEN ESTHER....in her ONE life....and ONE marriage to ONE man......)

****I have that CURLY-WAVY HAIR theme goin on too.....***** Its GENETIC.....folks and ORAL STORIES from OLDER COUSIN....."Mordechai" can explain it ALL.....under the sun.

****Don't be FOOLED by the elements of DECEPTION....about the ICY situations on the ROAD of ONE LIFE......we ALL FACE (women and children face trials of FALSE LOVE......when it comes to LUST vs. TRUE LOVE)...... My husband has come back with ..... ahem....."stories".....from the ER....****


Some folks should KNOW that the BIBLE is illustrated in the "EVERYDAY LIFE".......  the "racial things" are nothing NEW......because the TRUTH.....reveals itself (yes, the backstreet boys share their ancestry 23 and me things.....with the HISTORY wrapped in a ball of wax....)..... same with OUR HOUSEHOLD.....we HAVE cousins (say to the 10th cousin and EVEN close cousins)..... of this or that ANCESTRY tone and conditions.....  LEV 11 and its themes is NOT that far removed from our HOUSEHOLD .......

Video on mute:

TRIALS of LIFE ...... bring people to their REALITY.....


Basically, it should be NO NEW news that LGBT+ persons can have "sociopathic problems" just as a medical school canNOT admit a person of "color" just because they "check marked" all the right grades in college and knew the right "bible stories" in the bible....but didn't ABSORB the book of ESTHER and the book of RUTH into their REAL LIFE.  LIFE itself is meant to be ABSORBED.....NOT just another "check mark" to your to-do-list.  Alzheimer's and Dementia patients are WAITING to tell you that you CANNOT enter the "kingdom of heaven" with a long list of "don't care" about RUTH and ESTHER of the bible.......  .... well my children NEED to know that they NEED to ..... CARE ABOUT......Great-Grandma and Great-Aunt......even a BIRTHDAY or two is a REMINDER.....along with THOSE NAMES....under the sun (there IS a sort of "unusual family tree" background thing.....I really don't have anything to do with THAT....Just like JESUS didn't choose what his ancest-stories were like....)

Don't let the TRAP fill you with NONSENSE!  KORAH....and his REBELLION wasn't just a windy joke on the PLAYING FIELD of the DREAMS called "this one life".....

Sure.....brother-in-law exists....but fire and opposition to "Levitical things" doesn't result in GOOD MEASURES in the RECIPEE called ONE LIFE....70 AD eventually happened to JERUSALEM!

ALWAYS remember the ISSUE is WORSHIP......JESUS cleared the TEMPLE so that ALL NATIONS could have ACCESS!!!!  IT .....is ALWAYS rebellion to IGNORE the "elders" in the 80+ age-range.....the HISTORY BOOKS of this ONE LIFE....(JESUS loved the 80+ age range people......despite THEIR personal records and conditions and decisions to put HIM to the cross.....)

Re-Watch the Korah Rebellion video......Hold your HAND out.....so you can see the palm of your hand AND your wrists.  WHAT color is the VEINS of your hands and HOW can you ID them as veins?  THE COLOR BLUE....... The bible says HIS HANDS were PIERCED.......in the location of JERUSALEM where the NATIONAL FLAG has THE COLOR BLUE on its FLAG.......MODERN DAY flag.....has the COLOR BLUE in it!

A name that the NAtive Indigenous people could call the people of Israel....indigenous to Israel.  

"The people whose king's hands (and feet) were pierced"  

Racoons have hands of MAN......MAN stands up-right.  

MAN'S HANDS have BLUE in the VIENS in order to PROPERLY FUNCTION and OPERATE on this EARTH.  The SUPREME COURT does NOT get to CHOOSE whom operates the orders of NATURE in AMERICA.......Rebellion is Rebellion.  The Supreme Court doesn't get to CHOOSE what the people CHOOSE to worship.....each individual HEART and SOUL has to CHOOSE whom to SERVE.

If MAN can SEE where Mr. RAcoon takes his paw-prints.....then the GOD of the BIBLE can see where MAN takes his HANDS.....and WHAT he does with those hands....

Well......EVEN CHARLIE would notice a "half care about" woman.....if HE was living in GERMANY in 1930's and 1940's.....  AKA..... I've heard of some woman who didn't seem to like "RUTH and ESTHER" of the bible....or just the "Puth" in general.....even though "Puth-er" is a German-family-tree last name.....  ****The ETHICAL THINGS......do SHOW UP......*****  the ORIGINS of the "smoke" do eventually show up.....the OLD FLAME...... PUFF the magic Dragon.....

If the people NOTICE the name YESHUA...and how it has 7 FLAMES on the LETTERS (aka the LANGUAGE of HEBREW.....tells a STORY of the ANIMALS from that NATION!  Psalm 119 is in the MIDDLE of the HOLY BIBLE.....)


THE terms of "seven" symbolic of LUNAR TIMES when the HEBREW PEOPLE celebrate different feasts of the bible.....on a THREE YEAR CYCLE (Jesus symbolically celebrated 7 JEWISH feasts as listed in the bible in 3 1/2 years that he walked and talked among men).  This PATTERN lines UP with "Farmer's Almanac" time.  Mayan Calendar represents "morning star" / "woman's star" time.  EVERY 24 years a REPETITION.....  in the ASTRONOMY PATTERNS....  These patterns show UP on the "day of the week" patterns too..... the same full moon on the same day of the week 24 years later (and every 3 years pattern with only light variations due to axial procession).

The bible has a REASON not to give-in to "the flesh".....its because Ellen D. G. would never have noticed this CELEB if he was posting these types of videos and EXPLAINING stories about Great Grandma with Alzheimer's and Dementia.....

Imitating someone???  Who knows???

An 80+ year old who says he is 20 years old....

HOW do we APPROACH the problems of "this world".....there REALLY are things and situations we CANNOT choose in our family......a "curly hair" theme isn't just a STORY on the time-line....its about .....  

What Josh Groban is singing about.....because an ICY ROAD affects ALL of us.....its NOT just about YOU in the "center of attention" of a FAMILY.....  (Charlie's song....."you just want attention")

Not going to emphasize the "santa claus" thing....just emphasize that JESUS is THERE in the WINTER......as he CLEARLY stood on SOLOMON'S PORCH in John 10....

***********Back up to the TOP......about the quote about Ruth and Esther of the bible.....  STOP the WEDDING...... Charlie Puth IS in fact RELATED to STEPHEN Puth...... I don't know the family personally (as most guests wouldn't KNOW everything about those future in-laws(if they are here and there on the radar)....listed in the "book of Esther")...  but YES, STEPHEN ....... of the bible, was ON the RADAR screen at one time in HISTORY.....even these MODERN DAY celebs may or may not be telling THE PEOPLE these things about the full beliefs...... (Celebs tell us their family story a little bit here and there.....sometimes)************  (Black WAVY-Curly hair is NOT a new theme in our family tree background..... African? WHAT in the world???  Cousin so and so???  WHAT!....Psalm 119=covenant blessing from ABE...Ruth still cares in a "sisterly love" sort of way for her background....same with Esther....) .... "just celeb" isn't really a fictitious saying.....its not that complicated folks!   Mikala Puth??? family tree things show up folks.....

Be thankful for LITTLE THINGS on this planet......aka HANDS have POWER to change lives......if USED in a WAY that GLORIFIES the CREATOR and REDEEMER (basket weaving.....even in the days of Moses? piano playing? stitching up broken hearts etc.)

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