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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Don't be fooled by foolish politicians..... COUNT the number of MOONS ago.....

 I've never seen a challenging road-trip until I've seen a challenging road-trip........

Anyhow....I've seen Mt. Rushmore and well I think my oldest was still in a stroller....says he can remember seeing Mr. Rushmore..... and cough cough crazy horse.  TURN the tide and recognize the PENNY....a MERE PENNY....and there on that PENNY is the FACE of.......you guessed it....

SO the TEMPLE in JERUSALEM in JOHN 10...... was it BUILT without GOLD???? or were "pennies" involved....... read further.....so we CAN calculate the HEART and what it is SAYING......to THE PEOPLE ...... with FACES.


This video spells not racism but..... cough cough INFLATION wanting to work "properly" for the people, by the people, of the people.....

So the money is DEFINITELY going to go to Palestinians....because something isn't "right" with Israel..... but I'm like hmmm.... what do Josh and Caleb have to say about that.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7QIUbf7MnU&t=2s  and supposedly we are supposed to have OUT public schools fully funded WHILE eliminating "police forces"..... hmmmm yeah.....right.

I was reading carefully the words in John chapter 10 of the bible.... if you still didn't know that John 10 exists....then you didn't know.  Its that basic folks.  Psalm 119 exists too.... in case ya didn't know those are HEBREW LETTERS in the alphabet and it is spoken in both ways.... Religiously (as a prayer) and secularly (as a jokester like Conan O' Brian).  Gimels are DEFINITELY Gimels and live in that region of the globe so COONS are non-existant in this peculiar language under the sun.

Misi Sipi river....hmmmm we've went on a few road trips and NOTICED the water ways..... YES, Lunar conditions exist on this continent.


What does it mean to CALCULATE TIME properly.... CONAN demonstrated it for ya.

HOW MANY MOONS ago was the "feast of dedication"....well actually its written FEAST of DEDICATION if read bible in a "stellular lunar solar" fashion as written in John 120 in the bible...... err um.... lets see who ACTUALLY reads that correctly John 10.  24 years is the pattern found in the farmer's almanac.  The pattern repeats.....over and over again...... same moon phase, same stellular location in the heavens as well as the same "morning star" in same astronomical position.

The QUMRAN CALENDAR was invented BEFORE the Gregorian Calendar.  IT clearly operates on a LUNAR-SOLAR time piece.  49 years is the YEAR of JUBILEE..... 49 * 3 = 147.  EVERY 147 years there are EXACTLY (147/3 = 49) 49 different 3 year calendar sets.  In other words, 12 moons in one year, 12 moons in another year and 13 moons in another year = 37 moons.  49* 37 = 1813 moons.  147/24 = 6.125  This is how many times the 24 year Lunar -Solar-"morning star"-astronomical position repeats in 147 years.  Make it simple.... of course .125 is an easy fraction..... but just go with 6 * 24 as an easily Calculated 24 year pattern.  = 144 years PATTERN repeat.  What is 144 / 3 to get the number of "3 year calendar sets" from Qumran Calendar.  144/3 = 48.  How many moons in 144 years based on Qumran Calendar?  48 * 37 = 1776 (hmmmmmm that sounds kinda like the START of the USA as a nation.....just a pun folks....just a pun).

I'm going to guess that JESUS was on the cross in 70 AD. (Gregorian Calendar)  ..... err um..... hun....if public schools were THAT important to YOU and to ME..... it WAS in-fact more than likely 31 AD..... no one can "re-write" what is written down folks.....on paper AND in the HEAVENS.  The Qumran Calendar operates on a Spring to Sprint feast time-piece.  In other words, timing of Passover to timing of Passover.  2021-31 = 1990 years.  Go back up to the theme above about PATTERNS of moons from the Qumran Calendar.  1990 / 144 = 13.819 divisions.... ok.  Just for the sake of "matching" a Qumran Calendar.... 1990/147 = 13.537.  13 * 144 = 1872 years to calculate "moons."  1872 * 1776 =   3, 324, 672 moons ago.....  In other words, 31+ 1872 = 1903.... in 1903 AD Jesus was on the Cross 3, 324, 672 moons ago.  What is 2021-1903 = 118 years.  OK.  Most people in the USA didn't even OWN cars in 1903.....  Most people in 1903 USA BARELY had the ability to feed themselves.....  unless they were EXTREMELY wealthy in 1903.  118 / 24 = 4.91.... 4*24 = 96.  4 * 296 (the number of moons in 24 year Qumran Calendar pattern) = 1184 moons in 96 years.  1872 + 96 = 1968 (1968/24 = 82...24 year divisions since AD 31.)  3,324,672 moons + 1184 moons = 3,325, 856 moons.  1968+31 = 1999.... so by the year 1999 there were 3,325, 856 moons.  Now consider the FACT that JESUS was at the FEAST of DEDICATION.  that FEAST is IMPORTANT because it IMPLIES that JESUS was TELLING the TRUTH about the TEMPLE in JERUSALEM.  

70 AD.... the TEMPLE was DESTROYED..... this was BEFORE the invention of the "Gregorian Calendar."  History Records are NOT telling FABLES.  It is a FACT that the NAtive American indigenous population USED the "Mayan Calendar"...... a simple theme surrounding the "morning star" and its DAY to DAY location basically.  Native American populations were here WHEN the QUMRAN Calendar was being used....somewhere in the world.  Consider that there are exactly 3 moons BETWEEN the "Feast of Dedication" as mentioned in John 10 to Passover time.  One season basically.  In the year 1999, 3,325, 856 + 3 more moons passed from the time that Jesus stood on SOLOMON'S PORCH..... NOW......YOU can do the rest of the MATH.... from there.  Get out YER Farmer's Almanac....since the year 1999.....and COUNT the number of MOONS.....(and solar features represented by the "morning star" location)

EXPLAIN THAT ..... to the CREATOR....on YOUR JUDGMENT day..... as you ONLY get ONE LIFE on this temporary EARTH in which we dwell..... read the bible correctly.......before its too late.

My children haven't even SEEN the back bone at BACKBONE state park in the USA....a unique features only found in certain locations in IOWA of all places......... I wonder IF they will GET that opportunity IF these politicians can't take a "hand out" from ..... ahem.... "we the people" to dedicate TO their CREATOR of their LIFE here on this earth.  No man exists on THIS GREEN earth...without "lunar conditions" from their mother....its a fact.  Not a SINGLE face exists in LIVING DAYLIGHT without that reality......so anyway.....face-feature id....before voting....how's it going.....fer ya.... its not that complicated.  Misi Sipi..... YES.... I HEAR YOU about the DIFFERENT features between the people who NATIVELY named such a location (they were "hear" when the story of the QUMRAN CALENDAR began).....

I can HEAR quoteably well.....  start with JOHN chapter 10..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JmC4Gmx-tE  ..... moons phases and patterns of music.... don't we ALL look forward to a BETTER EARTH where our GRANDMOTHER'S wishes are FINALLY met?

Anyhow.....as I was saying....

 I've never seen a challenging road-trip until I've seen a challenging road-trip.

Just say it like it is.... John 10 is TALKING about a FAMILY TREE dedication ceremony!....so we the people DON'T have to take a LONG ROAD-TRIP.....

The MISI SIPI river.....and the 

BIG GIANT TREE in the silent story wilderness...

If you cut it down....you will NEVER KNOW.....

If you don't FEED and WATER your grandmother....you will NEVER remember.....her STORY.....

(located in a location unknown to some people on this earth....this temporary earth in this temporary wilderness..... aka COUNT THE MOONS since the PLANTING of such trees)

I DEFINITELY appreciate the book of Leviticus.....thinking about the FACT that my BROTHER-IN-LAW lives in Seattle .... of all places...of all places on this earth...(sometimes people don't even recognize the cousin of a cousin or a cousin in-laws cousin or x y and z.....because they didn't DO THEIR RESEARCH)

What an adventurous road trip....and they all said.....yeup..... its TRUE.... formally so....  King of KINDNESS....

they didn't even NOTICE the brother....in the STORY BOOK....called.....ONE LIFE....(King David.....went here and there folks.....)

Background song for CONAN O' Brian..... because people "think" that 5000 friends on facebook.....wasn't nothin....

Be aware of THOSE.....Jazz musicians..... one never knows who the "1/2 brother" happens to BE.... on the FACE of this earth....

Keep in MIND ....the FACT from the EDUCATION structures that we CURRENTLY HAVE on this temporary EARTH....

GIMEL'S do not in-fact live near the MISI SIPI river..... due to LANGUAGE STRUCUTRE differences here and there....but FACES can be this or that way....its NOT necessary to GIVE GRANDMA clean WATER.....  with all the "flavorful" gov't assistance for EVERY THING under the sun.....  hatred BEGAN with the SIN PROBLEM....in the womb.....read bible correctly....to CORRECT thy HEART and MIND.

FIND that FRIEND JESUS....because a friend of a friend exists.....even in these things called YOUTUBE videos.....

Like DUH..... Ray Comfort 180' movie (background song.....below).........but I KNOW for a FACT that the WATER.....darn well BETTER be CLEAN.....all the POLUTION in the HEART......YIKES.....CHECK the AGE...and GENERATION.....under 12 years age gap....should GIVE a person a REAL CLUE as to WHOM could possibly be ...ahem NOT be....THE PARENT.....of so and so....while this or that type of DYSPHORIA exists on this TEMPORARY EARTH.....(dementia and other "things" under the sun)......  JESUS said CLEARLY that bearing children would be HARD in the LAST DAYS.....especially those 12-42 weeks STAGE.....

There is a pile of "junk" in the human heart.....seen and heard STUFF.....

despite the FACT that "car-accidents" and other things DO and HAVE occurred in the PAST....but the HISTORY remains....  I've done an interview to SEE who could remember in the "next generation" the passing of someone on this earth.... turns out TRUE STORIES do actually EXIST....  (Check the AGE GENERATION of N' SYNC.....what YEAR were they BORN.....)..... the pre-9-11 age.....vs. the people that have to be told that 9-11 is a stage in HUMAN HEART history.....

ANOTHER.....AGE GAP check....what AGE were these GUYS born???  (they even give their ancestry data)

I don't really like this .....video....but it brings a point..... JESUS said.....don't be a VICTIM of deception.....  IN order to LIVE....you must DIE.......... DIE to SELF....

Going down an ICY ROAD.....with YOUR children.......YOUR only children.....that ONLY arrived on the SCEEEEEEN it alll folks.... Ray Comfort 180' movie.....in living color.  13 years.....old......teen age pregnancies DO actually exist on this planet.....even among the EDUCATED folks....

The party is in the WIND......when they SAY that "bison"" and the "woman's star" can be owned by man.....they are FOOLED.

Background song.....above..... because WE THE PEOPLE are NOT for SALE......  WE are REAL PEOPLE....with REAL id FACES.....  DEVELOPED in the WOMB......at 6 weeks along.....  WE have REAL STORIES....yes....the GAPS in HISTORY are TRAGIC....but WE are real people.....video on mute below.... (Josh Groban is as REAL as all the rest of us....even history trails back to Iowa before 1903 perhaps???......BEFORE MR. HENRY FORD....mind ya know)

Any one notice story lines in CELEB conditions???

Anyone notice the FACE....and how sometimes it TELLS STORIES....but the STORY of the "headscarf" is just that.....an inanimate OBJECT....but the FACE tells the STORY....the LUNAR-TIME-LINE story..... cough cough.....

Some things just spelll LOUDLY..... by the NEWS MEDIA and otherWISE...... some people just WANT .....ahem..... ALL of DONALD TRUMP'S money.....for THEMSELVES.....despite the FACT that they LITERALLY do have a BACKBONE.....and their road trip is just a hop skip and jump away....  No man gets a FANCY vacation and "special service" unless the ACTUAL service people are treated well without enslavement.....Pharaoh's ARMY.......ALL THOSE FACES......drown.......HOW many moons ago???....how to calculate "Passover"..... its the WRITING on the WALL.......of the HEART folks.  (the FACE is recognizable....in the voting booth.....so WHY NOT reality check on WHAT FACE was useful for DEVELOPING those ROADS.....for ROAD TRIPS.....)

Don't be a fool in this world folks......the wicked ARE among us.....

TALK about "junky" politicians......while REAL family TREE stories do exist.  Maybe there IS a reason that the 24 year gap exists in Farmer's Almanac calendar.... the WOMAN'S body can ONLY handle things like MARRIAGE fully to its full extent and moral maturity.... after 24 years of life on this earth (aka the native indigenous culture calls "morning star" the "woman's star")....12 + 12 = 24..... A person could in some situations become a grandma at 24 years old.....(those teenage pregnancies.....who KNOWS what comes across the border.... trafficked or otherWISE)  Farmer's Almanac says Jupiter has a return after 12 years....

Anyhow......from a DISTANCE.....if we CAN in fact calculate WHEN JESUS.....stood on SOLOMON'S PORCH.....in JOHN 10.....then we COULD in FACT calculate the TIME when JESUS was BORN and the possibility of REALITY when it COMES to "family tree" stories.....JESUS was COUSIN....to JOHN the BAPTIST......  MARY of the bible.....a TEENAGER......  so in the TERMS of MATH....and the AOC situation.....was HER GRANDMA...a GRANDMA at age 24????   Now think ABOUT the FACT that GRANDMA.......perhaps started BEARING children at under the AGE of 24......this or that story here and there.

I don't know ALL the themes and stories....David Archuleta.....I don't know.....cousins of a cousin theme or something COULD be in the story line.... Ben SHapiro.... I CAN see the resemblance.....when WISE.

BUT this one.....yeup..... 

24 and under ......GRANDMA.....started having children at under the age 24....

Kinda like Brother's Resemble each other....all a person needs to do is to "check the photos" of celeb family...and find resemblance..... TURNS the tables....when so and so looks like they BLEND in with the SAME FAMILY (maybe a little more asian eye feature???)  .....  Levant people are a GROUP of NATIONS......just like NAtive American is a group of NATIONS.... (I'm sitting here like I have blue eyes....but wavy hair-----some people would "think" I have straight hair.....because of THEIR scandinavian ancestry.......but ummmmm.....hmmmm oh.... female version of the similar piano playing story.......his WAVY CURLY hair definitely has to come from his MOTHER.....ahem.)


Dear politician who THINKS they "care about the faces" among the sea of people......

WITHOUT properly CARING about FACE ID.....to VOTE......they WILL NEVER amount to REALITY and TRUTH in their WORDS and ACTIONS..... John 10 of the BIBLE is a CAREFUL reminder of the TIME and PLACE among MAN....where JESUS showed his FACE....

the STORY started with the FACES at PASSOVER STORY of the BIBLE.....

video on mute....

(the last name "Puth" DOES in fact happen to have a "cousin theme" from GERMAN records.... I can venture to GUESS and I believe was in fact in our tree too....Martin "Puth-er" has a LOT to do with family tree records....in USA themes...due to BELIEFS this or that way......GRAVE MARKERS are on such PROTESTANT areas and lands....)

TREAT your GRANDMA correctly the FIRST time....and then we will believe you are FOR REAL in favor of YOUR GRANDMA.  MISI SIPI wilderness isn't a FAKE reality.....a FAKE identification.....(Even JESUS' parents were properly ID......)

If YOU can recognize the FACE of..... Mark Zuckerberg......Charlie Puth...... Tori Kelly..... Martin Luther King Jr.....and Abe Lincoln on a "face features" trail of tears..........ahem..... Alexandria O. Cortez..... if YOU can recognize YOUR own face..... there really quite literally IS a theme coming from John 10....... YOU ...... have NO EXCUSE.

EVEN MEGAN MARKLE has a face feature too...... listen to the BRIDE..... speak...

EVEN CONAN O'BRIAN knows.....that HE couldn't decide whom his PARENTS happened to be..... on the RED-HAIR radar (target on one's back).......chart...... I'm thinking he is THANKFUL his parents may have understood......the book of Leviticus....Epidemiology from the BIBLE.....its pretty basic....but then there are some other themes here and there....(remember JESUS WEPT......bible verse....and JOHN the BAPTIST went ......somewhere and JESUS felt that too.....as HE was a COUSIN)

I'll repeat.....this song......  we really DON'T know what happened to John the BAPTIST' parents AFTER he was in the WILDERNESS eatin those LOCUSTS and clearly wearing CAMEL'S hair for clothing.....aka GIMEL is in the HEBREW ALPHABET.  The bible doesn't tell us THOSE things about John the Baptist's parents....but JOSH GROBAN is a singing away......(ww1 happened BEFORE ww2 folks......solve the riddle of TIME....that REAL GRANDMAS REMEMBER.....their STORY----and a GRANDMA of a GRANDMA.....all the way back to KING DAVID---@!!!@@!@@!@@!@@@@#!!)  I've seen DARK HAIR on this planet before.

Itz NOT my buziness to CHOOSE age gaps.....so and so that DOESN'T know this or that person....is LIKELY to assume that a COUSIN was a SPOUSE...when they REALLY DIDN'T know who so and so actually happened to BE.....on this planet......so they ENDED UP on LOST ISLAND....without understand that STUFF in the FAMILY TREE BOX......coming from JERUSALEM.....(kinda like a Joseph of the bible....and his ways of addressing his family.....face to face....after NOT seeing them for SOOOOOOOO long)

Andrew.....CUOMO......is IN the history book record.....folks.....

What did JUDAS ISCARIOT.....do with all those PENNIES????? err um.....calculate the COST.....in PENNIES of those 30 PIECES of silver.....

I have  few stories....but my children have stories about CAMELS.......

somethin tells me GRANDMA'S house.....is SOMETHIN else.....

how can we not talk about family when FAMILY's all that we got........the TEMPLE in the JERUSALEM went CRASH.......back in 70 AD......(Family tree trails.....here and there....folks....where do the COUSIN'S live????)

Speaking of GRANDMAS....... Norwegian.....grandmas here and there on this planet...... 6 sides to those ALL ARE UNIQUE.....snow flakes....   4 times 6 is 24........ EVERY PERSON on this planet has..... welll...... 4 sides to their "abuelas"...... two biological parents......and two biological parents on the mother's side.....two biological parents on the father's side.....

I've worked with NORWEGIAN ABUELAS....... with......hmmmmm..... a COUSIN......of mine.....story line or otherwise......think about it.

Kinda like the BIBLE reference "orion's belt" (which ALL tribes of the EARTH) have the ability to SEE this constelation since BEFORE the QUMRAN CALENDAR time frame......... if YOU can remove "the NORTH STAR" then you CAN decide who is to DESIGN the NORTHERN lights.....(can't choose who is who in the family tree folks.....the tribe conditions here or there)

That TEMPLE in JERUSALEM???? ASHKINAZ????? what are you....who are you??? (biblical Gen 10 account???)

Something "looks" familiar.....The ENEMY doesn't CARE about the FACES of GRANDMA (through her age changes)....and ......ABE LINCOLN ....... what is the ANSWER to the PUZZLE (IVY LEAGUE.......puzzles are really NOT that hard.....31+ ACT math....story).....don't be a fool......big screen .....big brother...."stolen ID radar" is a DANGER ZONE.....

ONLY JESUS is the HOPE.....

PEOPLE can and DO end up on the FOOLISH chart....when the don't recognize the RELATIVE and an ACTUAL relative.....BECAUSE of the FAMILY TREE STORY.... 49/7 = 7 ..... its like a collective SOUND.....this is NOT what reality will always be like..... the ABE LINCOLN'S.....tie back to the HEAT of John 10......

I finally .... realized I.....couldn't choose the YEAR of one's birth.....welll the PLANETS are in fact in MOTION....... if ANYONE is ACTUALLY PAYING attention.....to the 49 keys on the key board....

douple gangers......among the FAMILY TREE......

1984 just ain't a long list of Remembering Pearl Harbour.....but other memories REMAIN.....  THE GIANT TIME CLOCK....that no-one decides to MASTER unless they KNOW the MASTER.... (aka WHEN was ABE LINCOLN's face features developed..........BEFORE it landed on the USA PENNY.....aka JESUS was conceived BEFORE he STOOD on SOLOMON'S PORCH....)

Anyway......remember now.... CHARLIE ......is a CELEB....BUT the "origins" of his family life.....started.... in well.... GERMAN CATHOLIC background....so go all the way through the history books..... REFORMATION or otherWISE..... HOW many moons ago did MARTIN LUTHER exist in his MOTHER'S womb......basically.... trial and error but TRUTH remains.  CLEARLY MArtin Luther of the Reformation did NOT have NAtive American ancest-story and-or cousins..... on the SOCCER FIELD of ONE LIFE.

Interesting ...... stories....but people DOWN play the TRUTH..... Farmer's Almanac stories will play role in VARIOUS stories on the HISTORY time-line (facts about ORDERS of "nature" in alignment with the moon and landscape features)......Laura Ingalls Wilder and her mentioning of "Mr. Racoon"..... didn't just happen over night....and she happened to be related to "Salem Witch Trials" folks for cousins.......I've WORKED with Alzheimer's and dementia folks.....so yeah.  John the Baptist in the HOLY BIBLE, mentioned in Laura Ingalls Wilder books.....wore CAMELS hair....not a Davy Crockett RACOON HAT  PUZZLES eventually come to fruition.

The WOKE culture weakens REALITY...... we do live in a POST-FACEBOOK society (people are recognizing its errors in judgment of "Joe the Plummer")....one in which the FACE remains (through a person's life)....but the FRUITS need to prove TRUE....or the SPIRIT is dulled and void of understanding.

NEver READ reality without EXPERIENCE first, basically.

In other words Anne Frank, couldn't actually WRITE what she wrote (her book was FILLED with KNOWLEDGE) without EXPERIENCE....

MOSES couldn't WRITE the LAW of the bible without EXPERIENCE ..... with SLAVERY in the "family tree".....

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