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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Use of public school?

 Healthcare worker perspective:

ANY engaging in DOMESTIC VIOLENCE on this public property will be removed immediately:

*Anti-Israel Rhetoric is unacceptable.  Correction of Israel policies is acceptable for Jewish and non-Jewish people (ie correcting IDF soldiers that engage in mocking young girls).

*Anti-Palestinian people is unacceptable.  Correction of Palestinian people is acceptable.  (This can include any surrounding nations people near Israel.  This can include any practices which speak of protecting women's rights, vulnerable person's rights and so forth.)

*Catering to clearly identifiable terrorist groups is unacceptable.  Identification of a terror organization is based on practitioners of such terror organizations as putting innocent lives in dangerous locations while attacking a supposed enemy.

*Claiming "land" and believing the line that indigenous populations of America were engaging in corrupted acts of protecting their land is unacceptable.  Children were not put in the front line when protecting their tribes, children were taken and forcibly removed from their tribes.

*Laughing, mocking, spitting, throwing, eye rolling, extreme anger, throwing objects and so forth is unacceptable.  Talking about raping a supposed enemy's woman and children is unacceptable.  Talking about beating or chasing down vulnerable adults (elderly or disabled) is unacceptable.

******In summary, I've watched videos from conservative leaning and liberal leaning voices.......BOTH are saying the same thing: TERRORISM is unacceptable and such rhetoric used in such organizations is unacceptable on public grounds.*******

******If I see a person as a friend (and possibly family member...as a brother) for life, then I feel compelled to help them live an abundant life*******

If it is not acceptable for ER admittance, it is not acceptable on PUBLIC SCHOOL property.  Principal time, suspension, expulsion and possibly jail for extreme cases is a better place to discuss those issues that are brewing on the inside via false and dangerous ideologies.

If a victim is affected and not given proper dignity and rights, we are ALL affected.

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