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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Astronomy....and figures of speech about things....in REAL time....MOTHER's DAY or otherwise.

 People keep focusing on Racial issues when they should actually be focusing on TRIBAL landscapes.  Ancestry/family tree features are immutable.  It is in the blood and orders of time.  These things for very apparent reasons create different facial features, height features and even immutable "disorders" or interactions with nature (such as skin-cancer for some more than others).

Another thing that is immutable that GOD knows about is the "HEAVENS".... in other words, the ORDER of time and how man calculates time.

A third thing that is immutable is a person's conception (hence ancestry) and day of birth.....and birth order.  (The older child in a family will remember different stories than the younger child....expand those family tree conditions outward to the variations in cousins aunts uncles etc.)

The Mayan Calendar seems like an ODD duck, but in actuality it lines up with the Qumran Calendar (symbolized with the 7 candle stick menorah)..... way over in another corner of the globe 2000 ish years ago.  Venus goes through cycles and it lines up with the MOON PHASE every 24 years.  Meaning, it will be in the SAME "farmer's almanac" astronomical position every 24 years. (the bible itself declares its own almanac in that the month of Abib-Nisan in modern Jewish terms- begins AFTER the Barley Harvest and symbolically at the time of Passover Exo 9:31  And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was bolled. ) Of course one should accommodate astronomical procession (the earth's tilt which changes the landscape of the heavens from the earth).  How accurate is this "calculation"?  Simple.  The Qumran calendar USES the "year of jubilee" in its figuring of moon phases.  The Menorah simply symbolizes the timing of biblical feasts every 3 years.  The MOON phases symbolize the beginning of the feast (Full moon begins Abib in first year, 1/2 moon begins another feast, and a New Moon symbolizes yet another like Feast of Tabernacles)

So if every 3 years is a "Menorah cycle," and every Jubilee (49 years), then every Jubilee 16.33 "Menorah cycles" will have passed.  Every 3 Jubilee (147 years), 49 "Menorah cycles" will have passed.  Simply put, this calculates with the "venus cycles" easily.  Every 147 years, 6.125 "24-year-venus-cycles" pass.  Divide this into WHOLE NUMBER easily..... Every 1176 years a FULL 49 "24-year-venus-cycles" pass.  HMMMM there is something about that year 49 and the year of Jubilee that forms an interesting landscape in the heavens!

So in other words every1176 years, 1176/ 3 = 392 "Menorah cycles," 1176/49 = 24 Jubilee, 1176/24 = 49 "24-year-venus-cycles"

So you are probably asking HOW in the world does this "calendar thing" relate to "mother's" if all it is is just a pile of numbers that LINE UP with the heavens and its orders in creation?  Mary the Mother of Jesus.  WHEN was Jesus Born?

Well..... when we LOOK at the heavens we CAN find a TIME when the planet Jupiter (symbolic of the Almighty God-Largest planet with a scar in his side) Lined up with Regulus star (symbolic of the lion of the tribe of Judah).  This possibility for occurrence only occurs every 12 years.  Time?  -2 AD is the most adequate for timing of Jesus' birth.  (10 AD and -14 AD are other options but too far removed in time).  During -2 AD (is that 3 BC or 1 BC?) when I look at Stellarium computer program at the time of Jupiter's planetary conjunction with Regulus, a BRIGHT MORNING STAR occurs for a FEW DAYS.  Venus lines up with Mercury to create this effect.  The NEW MOON OCCURS in alignment with the constellation VIRGO.  Hence the timing of BIRTH is symbolic as a VIRGIN gives BIRTH.  Fall-Feasts BEGIN......again (remember the Menorah.....in 3 year cycles?).  We PERSONALLY wouldn't know the EXACT day of JESUS' arrival... but the possibility that the WISE MEN saw "the star" (remember that bright morning star) is HIGHLY likely with these given circumstances.  Now remember "the star" was ONLY made probable THROUGH alignment and orders with planet Venus and lined up with "year of Jubilee" conditions!

Think about it this way.... 33 years later, a person is likely to find the TIME of PASSOVER that Jesus would have practiced.  Simply put, planet Jupiter (symbolic Almighty God planet with scar in the side) is located DIRECTLY below the constellation AIRES.  SYMBOLICALLY Almighty GOD had a SCAR on his side.....and is considered the LAMB of GOD...... (Use Stellarium to do this calculation)

****side note: "We the People" (people here in USA prior to the Civil War) did NOT have access to the "Qumran Calendar" or fully understand the "Mayan Calendar" before 1940 (WW2).  BUT "We the People" did have access to a "Farmer's Almanac".... so SYMBOLIC things were ALWAYS there....its just that there was a LOT of FOG.  ..... NOW we have access to STELLARIUM.....and well YOUTUBE....and FACEBOOK.....hmmmm..... this SINGER with a SCAR on his FACE.

**In our household it is TRUE we have CLOSE ..... LEVANT cousins....like SO CLose.... I could tell you if their grandmother is still alive or not.,...... but I wouldn't tell Andrew Quomo anything...as he didn't participate in WW1 issues....errr um his grandmother didn't as far as I can sense....just sayin.... I DO NOTICE things and how people respect/disrespect the 80+ year old folk (Moses was 80+ years old when he led Israel).  We ALSO have NATIVE AMERICAN ancestry.  Hence, I would sense something wrong with "digging up" hallowed ground on USA soil (if Abe, Isaac and Jacob grave are respected in the LEVANT....so shall those who are buried on this land at the time of JESUS be respected.)***  In other words, be WISE....and not a FOOL.

*****Of all Mother's on this earth.... we should be WISE in interpreting things from a REAL LANDSCAPE***** Imagine a son death under the weight of SIN......   Before Jesus....was John the Baptist beheaded because another man WANTED his "sexual folly" in marriage relationship MORE than preservation of LIFE..... Jesus himself was PUT to the CROSS....the ROMAN CROSS mind you!  Elizabeth and MAry were on the same playing field.....Levant Landscape and drama...... of SOAP OPERA's of this temporary life of this earth!******   There WERE other women who suffered from the LEVANT region as well.... just think about it....ALL those times of being "shoved around"....movements here and there in ancient days.  Esther of the bible only exists because well....Jewish people were removed from indigenous land of Israel.  70 AD....surely the Jewish people from the region were removed from their OWN HOMES....as the TEMPLE was DESTROYED.....Woman's wombs....disrespected.  Elderly women.....disrespected.....

Woman's health is Woman's health.  No matter how "Taylor Swift" perfect that woman's body may be...... it doesn't matter.  DANGER zones are in the 12 weeks along to 42 weeks along for ALL FACES and BEAUTY types.   A woman's FACE and "frame" stays with that woman for life unless other circumstances occur!  Wombs can only handle a certain amount of "pressure."  Car-accident woman.....BRAVE WOMAN.  Rape-victim woman....... BRAVE WOMAN.  Forced-Marriage woman...... BRAVE WOMAN.  Enslaved woman....... BRAVE WOMAN.  Trafficked woman........BRAVE WOMAN......... so on and so forth.  Yes, I have stories about issues that come out of Syrian refugees..... but I'm not going to get into that right now.  JUST understand that FREE SPEECH matters.... FREEDOM of RELIGION matters..... or "Black Lives" won't matter UNLESS they FULLY understand the WEIGHT of the CROSS!

I am a STEM graduate...... and a WOMAN.....writing this POST.  We have 5+ close (within 2nd cousin) relatives that are IVY or have association with IVY LEAGUE in their household.  So if I'm writing "non-sense"..... then I'm missing some puzzle pieces here or there...but I literally KNOW that a year of Jubilee is a year of Jubilee and the year 70 AD....was the year 70 AD.....


I don't know where the CURLY HAIR comes from...but surely its not just coming from "another woman" or "another man"....unless there is something going on......says EVERY ancestry test on the planet!  (men cannot change their "frame" either...height of celebs....is just that....THEIR height for LIFE....unless another circumstance is given)

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