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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 You know as everyone knows if you can't bring Mr. Racoon on as a therapy animal...... Mr. Camel will define all things involved with THERAPY ANIMAL(all the bible verses involving CAMEL.....as an illustration towards certain sequences of events!)........ get it RIGHT this time! Before its TOO LATE! No one decides to choose Mr. Camel as the therapy animal UNLESS they have REAL EXPERIENCE with such an animal!

*Never mind the foul language used ...... its a secret code for Alzheimer's unit renditions at fairly regular intervals here and there*

don't drag YOUR FEET..... blood flow through the body....doesn't really change with "time"..... a 2 year old is 2 years old..... just sayin.

Is there ACTUALLY a "side"..... the answer is NO!  Mr. Racoon says NO! to the SEMI.....its THAT simple!  The Farmer's Almanac WILL eternally tell YOU ......yes YOU....when the PASSOVER happens to be....and when Mr. Whipporwhill sings his GOOD OLD TUNE...... as EVE walks through the GARDEN at the RIGHT TIME of "life"..... so to speak.... ahem.

I just READ the Gospel of JOHN...... JOHN chapter 10..... and he actually STOOD on SOLOMON'S PORCH....for a SPECIFIC FEAST....

Levant STORIES......have MEANING..... just sayin.

Opinions that Taylor Swift and Paris Hilton have....are just that, OPINIONS.....but TRUTH is TRUTH!

Just make it EASY on some tribes on this earth.... not EVERY TRIBE had the opportunity to SEE the northern lights..... just sayin.  A cousin of a cousin.....or so and so didn't KNOW that this or that person on the earth was their cousin......just don't get LAZY in the playing field of only ONE BASEBALL game.....at the FIELD of DREAMS.

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Songs of Love and Hope