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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Saturday, April 17, 2021

What is the solution to the problem???

 Here....start with putting this top video on mute.  Not all themes for all people are THE same... I mean not everyone "shares" the same last name and goes to the same door for this and that everyday.  "Puth-er"..."Truth-er"....hmmm well the sounds of Martin Luther King Jr.....rolled into one ball of reality check....  Some folks will NEVER understand polynomials....its just that way.

Does a person NEED to go to a college to understand "the truth"...No.  In fact 8th grade is fine for real living.....live hope reality.  HOWEVER, there is NO WAY that a soul could do a HEART SURGERY without fully grasping the "pen and ink" of a heart surgeon and that upper hand in education and experience.  Furthermore, there is NOT a SINGLE way that a person with two hands and no heart could possibly grasp what it is like to SUFFER the consequences of sin.....even this fiddler on the roof....can only go "so far."  Or else the "blood" and/or "water" for human (and animal) life on earth suffers even in the modern sense and "pixelated" awareness themes.

Just having this and that in "the blood" doesn't really Move hearts to do what is right...it IS the fullness of the BLOOD of the LAMB.

Some other ideas (yes...it is TRUE that I don't fully follow vaccine ideas...I'm not going to "go there" but up to the doctor, patient and personal convictions or choices)....however.... when Dr. Mike is considered the "handsome doctor"...well.. yea...that's why Charlie shows up as a "family theme" style of face in the "charts" as even a few patient's here and there have said some things....(can't change the "style" we were given from conception basically...but blood is this and that way....)....

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Songs of Love and Hope