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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Friday, April 9, 2021

Thinks she "knows it all"...but the WIND of TRUTH is STILL SPEAKING!

 The roots of the tree......are somewhere in ACTION....sometimes its hidden in the last name....sometimes its not...

simple simon says.....yeup....

Video on mute......

Suggestion.....don't try canceling ZedU Cation.....the EDUCATIONAL VALUES in douple ganger twins......exist to this day....  Think clearly about what DAVID WOOD is SAYIN.....

Back ground song..... (when the gossip and clutter from OTHERS fill up YOUR life.....) .... my thought is that my husband kinda has Josh Groban look....or if there was a time on earth....to have a child...that child could look like Josh Groban (in the family story.....there IS a Joseph.....possibly NAMED after Joseph of the bible....)

Josh Groban ALSO sings.....Something about.... ONe Holy Night....

Anyway....the voice of the Martyrs was SAYING clearly....that women with "certain face features" from a certain tribe....are THREATENED...simply because they have RELIGIOUS values.... imagine that disgusting world.....at 12 weeks....to 42 weeks along!  THAT is a RECIPE for a DISASTER!!!!!  FACE to WOMB....to TOMB (AND ..... I had 5000 friends on facebook....while .....ahem....Ray Comfort......talks about Psalm 180.....err um....180' movie)

Blood is a PART of value on this earth....IT IS a part of the PART of the human condition as we SPEAK clearly that.....Sodom and Gomorah was a BAD PLACE (trafficking, big brother....treating women like meat etc etc.).  Read scripture CORRECTLY with CORRECTIVE LENSES!

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Songs of Love and Hope