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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Then the Chinese decided to listen to MOSES....


Because YEAH.......  can't change the "bones" of Jacob....errr um.....lets see who ACTUALLY read the story about HANDSOME man!@

But don't drown in the sea....because a Mr. Racoon wasn't available for comment until YEARS later.....cranberries for dinner or "not available" to understand....

GOOD morning..... all people in THIS math CLASS.... I can SEE the cheaters on the BREAD-RECIPE exam!

I'm just sitting here like YEAH...I know....stories come and go....like SNOW FLAKES..... ALL are UNIQUE!

I discovered HOW those Chinese folk under communism treated the BONES of their brother.....but they weren't listening!

In UTah.... YOU Taught dem folks....
Paris Hilton STYLE....

They tried CANCELING .....JOseph (I've seen the records ...but I can only verify so much here and there under the sun).....

Cancel culture loves a good old TUG of WAR with "Zeducation" (on youtube).....believe it or not..... I've seen those CHEATERS at the MAth test lab...... doing the dirty work..... BREAD-MAking recipes don't just come from NO WHERE under the sun.

Its NOT Dollar General's job to make you feel wonderful......the land of Reality Check only costs one dollar.....at the Dollar Tree.  Every Hammer counts....the carpenter said so.

Just drive right up to the PHD department at "St. Paul"....and then the things will LINE UP.... I promise....the Field of Dreams is JUST off the road....to the side....close to the Moshe Zibidee river.

Moses just had an incident report of floating down the river...that is all....a YOUNG AGE =  TRUST...

Do they understand how they figure things out....??

Who had to clean up the MESS???  The Janitor "over heard" enough...is enough.... thats about it folks....its where the rubber meets the road.

Don't take the bicycle that leads to no-where.

A one time show....up at that THanks givin dinner !!!

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