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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Friday, April 9, 2021

Something keeps sayin Paris Hilton.........was a "running".....on the Campus......in BOB ROSS style....for those WHO KNOW the PAINTER....

 So they were trying their HARD SET...... to  get the "details"....

I'm like....have you EVER tried to play this song?

I KEEEEEEEEP all my memories...... Just READ Laura Ingalls Wilder books......

Anne Frank.....wasn't just "another star".....

I HAVE access TO......MY BOWL....... 

If you TRY your hardest to REMOVE ......ahem ME! from my PLACE and MY HOME.....  YOU WILL face a judge that is HARDER to deal with than you would WANT to FACE on your own.....

IF you TRY to cancel the name "David" (the reflection from the PARENTS who named HIM with THAT name)....and the term "weeping willow" from HIS ROOTS (only SOME places on earth have particular NATIONS knowing this or that TREE condition, animals and family name!)......on YOUTUBE........Adam.......What was that song where he is DANCING around with all those women.....ONE ....had a LAST NAME........ OMAR....another one had last name......Degenerous......just trying to BE GENEROUS....with the NAME .....ahem.....DInah.....folks@!#@@@$%@!~@#%&^#@


(video on mute)

I personally REMEMBER some FOLKS singing this song.....at a particular FACE......'s funeral....

CAN ANYONE HEAR ME now.....OR do you STILL NEED.....to KNOW HIM....

Elizabeth of the bible KEPT the commandments.........it SAYS it CLEARLY!!!!!!!

ALL NEEED to KNOW THIS before its too late.....

There are OTHER stories.......about people who are BORN on a BIRTHDAY.....ahem.... ahem....

Further Thoughts.....

Basically I DO NOT believe in TAKING DOWN this video.....just because....well...... Ravi had.....SOCIAL CONNECTIONS to this guy....whom is speaking.....if HE is canceled.....WHOM do you THINK you are inside????  As a "help desk" technition.....TECHNICAL DETAILS.....aka.....START reality check with the book of HOSEA....

I've interviewed....people ON that particular campus!

I'm keeping MY bowl of WRATH so that we can HAVE a ...... ahem NEW  ....  JERUSALEM!

If you didn't KNOW the painter.....what are YOU to say to the MASTER designer!  You KNOW the FAMILY STORY.....so the DOTS ARE there....and any FIRE comes NEAR the master......PAINTER....they will face......the BREAD BASKET of REALITY!  "my body"......does RIGHT in the circumstances GIVEN!

the OWNER'S coming .......

TAKE the RIGHT TIME on this EARTH to consider..... HIS LOVE!!!!

Sometimes people who don't do right.....just need to learn about the MASTER PAINTER.....who goes fishing for information...but is ACTUALLY here to SET things right....

Einstein here and there.....yes....I've seen the faces here and THERE (don't limit the college conditions.....else we would LOOSE LIVES).....I just have to say Its OK....to be YOU....just know that there IS HOPE beyond this WORLD!  WE ..... DO NOT...... have to fix it on our OWN!

Laura Ingalls Wilder Story is NOT....the same as the one I was given..... (same with various bible characters....or others here and there)

I can't go to the "hardware store" to FIX all THESE things under the sun....

People have to CHOOSE this DAY .....whom to SERVE!

I'm not RE-WRITING this story.....

I'm a FARMER......from the "Field of DREAMS"..... I don't have....what you THINK I have...because.....

LIKE JOSEPH......of the bible......the "black sheep" of the FAMILY.....



I've seen the STORY of Rachel Dolezal...... BUT there ARE ..... REAL FACES in our MIDST!!!

Erin Brockovich .....had a LOT of details to SORT OUT....just sayin.  Flint, MI....

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Songs of Love and Hope