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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Some things to consider....

 The celeb look a lot alike conditions..... (these things are things that apply to within 2nd cousin range of OUR household....need not judge those backstreet boys and their ANCESTRY 23 and me results PLEASE!  Virtue sing-alers WILL be uncovered at the LAST BREATH!)

well when Screech shows up on the screen....I'm thinking....Brother-in-law in prison....

But has some darker tones.....here and there....not as curly of hair....


Some thoughtz about what is more valuable "the term Black"...."the house appendage" or "The family"....in this video!!!!!  

Video here >>>>>>>   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCe1WsjFp3Y (Yes, I've done some research on Rachel Dolezal....but I'm not going to say too much....because....well....because Field of Dreams....when doing a crime scene investigation!)


(Think about the ABOVE song....wisely!)

The doctor is in the house.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHgGUe_67y4

(Oh....there goes "charlie puth" AGAIN.....we can tell these types of behaviours.....especially early to late term dementia when the man is STILL 20 years old -as he thinks-....and de woman's body it hasn't changed in YEARS....Jesus said it IS hard in the 12-42 week along stage of pregnancy....if there is mis-hap....there IS heavy bleeding when fleeing!)  Some folks in these types of stages they NATURALLY have to think upon their wife.....in various ways folks!  (don't throw rocks at the messenger!)


Wonderin if its always gonna be "this way"...but people don't see the wounds that feel like they are never going to go AWAY!



I know how "face features" things go....so if certain clothing is worn....in certain localities and situations....QUESTIONS would get asked, with them NOT knowing whom is whom.....the "face itself" could in a general sense go male or female version (it depends on arrangements of beard and what not).  But I've notice that some Levant folks have a hard time looking Native to America due to the FACT that Native Tribe people (the more indigenous ancestry) have less of a beard from time to time.  BUT the household of FAITH is what matters in the END!  Certain individuals would NOT know that so and so is ALSO related to SO AND SO.....without need for a "dress up quick" call...because it is ALREADY in the blood......other celeb-look-alikes here and there .... somethings get old....but its been the same old story.....Luke 7 story that is!...!

BE THANKFUL he did NOT come to establish a democracy (remember that guy who....well...lost his cookies).....he came to establish a KINGDOM....starting in Jerusalem....a NEW JERUSALEM!


Video on mute.....above.... just because....

Background song.....

(no need for the BYU....just the faith in JESUS!)

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Songs of Love and Hope