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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Sabbath was Made for MAN and not MAN for the Sabbath.....

 The Sabbath was Made for MAN and not MAN for the Sabbath.....(biblical reference)

There are MANY things where Church teachings are WRONG about issues of TIME (Dr. Michael Brown points out some of the sins of the church....and RIGHTFULLY so).

Yes, TIME exists in this ...... ahem Universe.

So HOW do we KNOW if things are REAL.....when it comes to time?

We COULD study nature.  MANY NATIVE TRIBES did this well before European Arrival.

For example: They named the MOONS based on conditions of nature.  "moon when the ducks come back"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRh-oi34E0g (kinda goofy astrology stuff with fluff)


Did you KNOW that the timing of VENUS (the morning star) lines up DIRECTLY with the moon.  Basically, the length of "moon phases" is EXACT with the Venus cycles (the astronomical position re-aligns in the same position)

So WHEN is the "Sabbath Day" according to the QUMRAN CALENDAR (I'm referencing this because I'm pretty sure the modern Jewish Calendar was NOT used by the JEWISH people of JESUS' day)

Keep THIS fact in mind.  The bible CLEARLY STATES, the EVENING and the MORNING were the xyz day.  The FACT that EVENING is listed FIRST, tells us that TIME is valued, NOT by the shadow of the sun, BUT exactly by the conditions of the NIGHT SKY (your farmer's almanac friend).

According to the QUMRAN CALENDAR the "sabbath day" ALWAYS lined up with conditions of "the month of Abib." So to speak.  Check for things as "signs" of the "month of Abib" to begin the yearly cycle  a. the Barley Harvest from Israel b. The Moon lined up in astronomical position at its moon rise time, directly opposite the sun set c. these times were calculated FROM the astronomy viewing pt of Israel. (read about the conditions of Job in the bible)   It went through 3 year cycles.  

The bible NEVER says it is wrong to "calculate time" or to "calculate Sabbath rest days."  It only indicates that it is wrong to condemn a man FOR healing "a man" on Sabbath.

So basically, we see in different TRIBES on the EARTH a WAY to calculate time. (Asian and Arab cultures calculate "moon stations").  If "time" itself is the BAD GUY......we as humans need to think more clearly.  It is NOT.  Nature itself will teach us that.

The following SEEMS like a DEVIATION.....but think clearly about the elements of TIME and how MAN doesn't get to DECIDE the order of "Sabbath Day." Basically, God's laws of astronomy and nature.  THE....tower of BABEL happened, which separated the languages AND the way to describe "time." *the book of Hosea should be conditionally respected basically*

The pope said that "marriage" can only be blessed if it is one man and one woman.....BUT Jesus and Paul does say xyz (so and so isn't married, but angels in heaven are not married.....so speak of things RIGHT....or.... if the unbelieving spouse leaves.....let them leave....).  The pope is correct in that GOD himself (the one who created elements of time and its methods of calculation) NEVER blessed "same sex" or other than "one man and one woman marriage" conditions.  Its NOT the author of creation that is at the problem......it is MAN and his misunderstanding of WHOM deserves to be RESTORED------> OLD ADAM.  ...... ADAM deserves REST......  KEEP this in MIND..... MOSES himself is a "fruit" or "product" of a INCEST relationship in the DAYS of SLAVERY in EGPYT.  SO if YOU (as a modern man) can willingly CREATE an 80 year old man in "your own design" to lead ISRAELITES....then YOU get to decide elements of PASSOVER and the RULE BOOK of MOSES.....ahem.....you don't....because YOU didn't create the "hoof of the cow" as written in the "first five books of the bible."

Ruth B. G. had her ideas......from the Supreme Court vantage point.  BUT keep in mind that SAME supreme court FORCED native tribes to XYZ (basically didn't allow them the EQUAL STATUS of REST due to their indigenous condition).  These particular leaders attend "respectable" Ivy Leagues.  (not the intellectual gift that is the problem, BUT the lack of repentance and Character development is the problem) ****But the native tribes practiced....a sort of open marriage..... I'm just gonna sit here and wait.......because MAN doesn't create GOLD or the ELEMENTS necessary for WATER.  God himself poured forth WATER from a ROCK in the WILDERNESS****  Jesus said clearly, my yolk is easy burden is light....so THINK CLEARLY.  TRUST and don't be a FOOL.....to the ELEMENTS of time.

*****I personally BELIEVE everything written in scripture is FOUNDATION to restore the EARTH and its elements of SIN left behind because of Adam and Eve sin (Galatians 3:8, Galatians 3:22, 2 Tim 3:16).  WE can HUMANLY calculate TIME since the time of ADAM and EVE (and other biblical events)......via LUNAR PHASES....and ahem.... "morning star" astronomical position in the HEAVENS!  Without the scripture STATING that ELIZABETH of the bible was a "Commandments woman" (first five books of the bible respecting) we wouldn't understand the COUSIN conditions and proper relationship she had with MARY of the bible@@!!!@!!!! (cousins themselves married even in those days!  Poly marriages were practiced!)  Basically, BLESSING comes THROUGH ...... TRUE principles written in the SCRIPTURE.....not MERELY by the virgin birth (as this can be recreated through various medical technology moral AND immoral subjections) BUT by COMMANDMENTS conditions in relationship to Elizabeth*****  

Anyway...the BackStreet Boys lyric's.....ARE saying things (through time).....even though people don't "notice" their ancestry ways through time, UNLESS they take the TIME to think about it......ahem (they talk about their ancestry 23 and me values).  So think CLEARLY about the social conditions and connections to the scripture.  A cousin-in-law was going through xyz events (in-law conditions from the Book of Ruth as example).  This "cousin-in-law" knew that THEIR cousin's great uncle's cousin 3 times removed was going through xyz events (something suffering requiring sermon on the MT. types of restoration).  So the next time, your cousin's cousin speaks about their cousin-in-law's cousin's great-uncle.....THINK CLEARLY of OTHERS!  Just "let it go" oh Taylor Swift and Paris Hilton.....we KNOW you were NOT built to fight off Goliath on your OWN strength....via woman's womb conditions that are equal under the sun!  (North star tribes of the earth.....ought to KNOW about axial procession....JUST as much as they should have the ability to recall historical events such as Spanish Inquisition.....so GIVE man a "sabbath").

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