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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Elizabeth of the bible is a CORNERSTONE of hope.....

 Too Many WHITE and ASIAN Students? WOKE Schools CANCEL Advanced Classes - YouTube

What does the video above have to do with anything?  The FACTS of life REQUIRE necessary intellectual support.  No man is an island.  Without proper "infrastructure" if you will, the water pipes will burst and toilets will overflow with sewage.  If some person didn't have the KNOWLEDGE of how to CREATE a machine that "cleans up the mess"......  humanity WOULD SUFFER from disease.  YES, it is TRUE that there have been *racial problems* in intellectual men (simply look at the founders of the IVY LEAGUES and their practices in slavery and Indian removal among other things, discrepancy towards people of Jewish ancestry and practice).  The bible OFTEN used INTELLECTUAL framework for x y and z..... the genealogies! the descriptions of the temple! the orders given to priests! and so forth!  The video below illustrates the "orders" in the court.....even in Israel to this day. (Elizabeth and Zacharias......were NOT just some jot on the block)

Israel's High Court Orders the Jewish State to Recognize Non-Orthodox Conversions - YouTube

In this video Mayim Bialik talks about the birth control pill and its effects on society.  The fruits.....FORNICATION is rampant and even ENCOURAGED.  Catering to the "multiple genders" idea.....is just a REPEAT of the practices against NATURE as it is.

There is NO WAY ELIZABETH of the bible be a part of the "in crowd" which leans towards feminism.....basically (woman's rights IN, feminism....Gomer-style OUT).  She REMAINED married as the bible says.  However, as Mayim Bialik talks about....she talks about WOMEN and connection to the MOON (Rosh Kodesh).  Perhaps Elizabeth of the bible would have practiced this.

Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown || Episode 8: The Truth About The Pill with Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein - YouTube

Basically, if a woman considers herself Christian, she would NOT encourage the use of "birth control" methods outside of over-the-counter or natural practices.  WHY?  Drum roll please.....the ENCOURAGEMENT of FORCED beliefs to CATER to FORNICATION practices.  GET married and STOP encouraging the LUST CROWD!  The common statement from these individuals who cater to folly: "Meet my new xyzfriend."

A woman's body is DESIGNED to be married! (If she is NOT married.....it is DESIGNED to worship the creator, NOT the creation)  Don't be deceived!  Adam was DESIGNED to be MARRIED to EVE.....EVE was DESIGNED to be MARRIED to Adam!  Because of SIN (in Adam or Eve) the folly-train tried its hardest to DESTROY....not only Israel (Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery.....SIN NO MORE) but also MAN-KIND himself (nothing says.....YAY is taken AWAY! like an STD......).  Not only was there RULES in the COMMANDMENTS (which Elizabeth and Zacharias followed) these rules were HERE to stay for an ETERNITY, while men live on this earth!  Nothing says DANGER like men who commit acts of Beastiality or other wicked things like RAPE!  (The things listed that the surrounding nations practiced and encouraged....do some research folks)

The folks at the "liberal story hour," called your local college institutions, who CATER in IDOL WORHSIP for "woman's rights" to Ruth B. G. and Margaret Sanger are literally FOOLS in action! (Its getting WORSE by the minute when they consider it "healthcare" to "change" a child under 21's hormones around....in the normal functioning body) They come up with excuses....oh....what about INCEST.....that CHILD in the womb will turn out to be deformed.  Actually......it turns out that CLOSE RELATIVE relationships.....which Moses' own parents had, CAN bring forth NORMAL functioning human life@@!@!!!  SADLY, these types of relationships DO have a HIGHER RATE of *problems* for the WOMAN'S body alone..... higher miscarriages, higher reproductive health issues and so forth.  Hence D & C resources would be needed MORE in these types of relationships.  Look at human history and these things will be found in HIGHER birth rates among close relatives.....but they didn't even have EASY access for necessary OB services (especially during war events like WW1, WW2 and so forth).

Getting BACK to ELIZABETH of the bible....... yes, she was OLDER....and WISER than Mary.  YES, she was MARRIED a LONG TIME to her husband (they had no conception).  CONCEPTION in their eyes......MATCHED the "commandments" beliefs, or they would be considered an "out of wed lock," a "gomer type," a "woman caught in adultery" or other sorts of things like that.  Zacharias.....was never a "sodomite" or it would have been written down that way......  

Get what I am sayin folks?

ER work.....yes, my husband encounters ALL types of "things" in the ER.  SOME of it is sad....the PARENTS have NO CLUE about the biblical ideas about x y and z.  Religious circles do not EXCLUDE people from problems, sadly.  DRUGS (Mayim Bialik seems to brag about drugs in her video....but BEWARE!).....lead to higher rates of these problems.

Since Elizabeth of the bible is a CORNERSTONE of hope for WOMEN (not the folly promotion of Ruth B. G. and historical Margaret Sanger-the racist in action).....we NEED to be WISE about things!  Or Harriet Tubman.....wouldn't get proper JUSTICE in that regard ....... shall we return to SLAVERY or be TRULY set free!  I wouldn't be surprised if person's in slavery were forced to mate with close relatives (the slave owner didn't want to BUY more slaves).  The people of THE PAST are no different than the people of TODAY that do not THINK BIBLICALLY.  So start with the BASICS..... the COMMANDMENTS (those first five books of the bible)....... go from THERE and do the DIRTY WORK of keeping the COURSE....and stay away from DIRTY WORK (yes, celebs with "do their thing".....they have $$$$$ to WASTE their lives away....UNLESS they are redeemed from the SIN).

***Mayim said in her video that she doesn't ENCOURAGE hormone birth control.......so there you go.....her BOOK and INFORMATION IS useful!***

***My comment on her video:

The Flint Michigan water problem shed light on the NEED to properly inform people about "heart change." Woman's bodies ARE designed by default (no fault of their own since the time of EVE if you will) to miscarry, bring forth still-born children and so forth. The problems in Flint, MI leads to the ABSOLUTE necessity of OB access for women in distress. What about other situations for pregnancy problems.....punched in the gut, pre-clampsia, etc etc. YES, USE NATURAL CARE when and if-ever possible. RELY on FAITH as it is granted. Perhaps someone would like to take care of someone who is down-syndrome. The down-syndrome does NOT equal absolute "need" for hormonal therapy......to prevent things from happening with a dependent adult. Every situation will vary....but YES side-effects of "mechanical" substances in our bodies (which DOES lead to the WATER SUPPLY) results in problems down the road.....somewhere in TIME.


The ultimate thing to note...... IT IS OK.....you are MADE in HIS IMAGE. That means that all your "function" as a human.....hair, eyes, the way your legs move etc. is DESIGNED to function in ANIMATION for a time, place and purpose under heaven. Don't "be like Adam and Eve" and run away from that condition, choose ABUNDANT LIFE and embrace those features. OUR design is NOT for this EARTH only....but for EVERLASTING LIFE.....beyond this EARTH!

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Songs of Love and Hope