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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Its not good to point fingers at Ravi and say.....I'm better than you....

 A few videos

This one is a shocker....unless people learn history.

Even study issues like the behavior of Nero.

For reality sake....just read the scripture as it is written (S & G were way worse than we could imagine ....from big brother to trafficking and all in between....sayin that the scripture says it THAT way does NOT make a person "alphabet people" phobic....)

Don't do battles with your mind thinking it isn't there...when it is.  It is written in the scripture THAT way for a reason.

If we think "pro-lifers" are exempt from these things....we will ultimately be fooling ourselves.  The hope?  Ruth was redeemed from Moabite conditions despite having Lot as ancestor.  Of course we already know the issues Ray Comfort Addresses in 180' movie.  Hence, the trial and error on the WOMB and what a woman will do with the "hidden evidence."  ALL family tree things START at conception...that is my belief and it is biblical....Jesus' ancestry given from the start....of his conception.  Sometimes the WOMB itself makes its own choices regarding whom will attend to matters on this earth (hence the natural untimely birth).  These conditions of the womb making decisions ARE different than the folly and wickedness presented by Kent Hovind.

The sin nature clearly exists in these men....but it can also exist in the twins doing the talking....it can exist in police force people themselves.  (Any profession under the sun....CAN and DOES have its ethical violation people.....in leadership AND in regular employee....non are free completely....it COULD turn worse into a ww2 style issue if not careful and wise.)

I know I wish I could just magically make all the sin problems go away.  Sit in a wigwam or a little log cabin and it would just magically disappear.  The world should just fall apart.  But....here is the issue...ER ROOMS are open......WATER PIPES need to be cleaned and managed properly.  It requires human effort to restore the hope for the weakest among us.

I am not at the age of 80+ years old....if that happens to be my calling.

A person could still listen to Ravi's teachings basically, but DON'T put hope in them.  Put hope in the Holy Spirit.

**Did you know that MANY healthcare workers have some sort of "sexual impurity" problem.  Divorce and Remarriage.  Break-up with boyfriends.  Infidelity. Clearly having had same-sex partners etc.  BUT whom NEEDS their services?  Vulnerable adults.  Vulnerable children.  Does this mean get rid of the woman at the well, simply because x y and z?**

BLOOD, GRAVITY, WATER, BONE STRUCTURES (frame works of people), FACE STRUCTURES etc.....won't go away.....as long as people exist on this earth.  All ethnicity have these things....so the issues are NOT based on race alone or continent dwelling alone.

****Of course people that engage in trafficking or dirty stuff online....need to be in a jail not working on the front-lines.

Martin Luther King Jr. had his day of problems as people look up his history.

Political figures have their problems in the USA from the foundations alone.

History of ww2 will reveal MUCH corruption here and there..... etc etc.

Did you know that Margaret Sanger and Ruth B. Gainsberg (Despite being Jewish)........were not really promoting freedom for women and sexuality issues of relationship. (aka d & c actually helps women's body when in distress not the latter; domestic violence, infidelity and trafficking increase among same-sex relationship etc)

Where there is a Good Samaritan in the midst, we are healed, when Jesus allowed that "dirty woman" to wash his feet with her perfume, we are healed....

Solution?  Cut it off.....the sin issues.

The world, the flesh and satan is our enemy not "Ravi"....and not the people who are still inhabiting this earth as we speak.

The cancel culture of people like RAVI will eventually end up canceling the man who sings this song (He has his clunkers too!).

Anyhow....the song reminds me about WHY we should NOT point fingers at GOMER of the bible!

The other version of this video....the original version.....is dirty.  (I have family members that dress fancy.....I don't hate them.... I just get concerned....that is all I can say about that)

If a public school says YAY to transgender's running in races with females despite having male hormones.....and YET it says that young ladies shouldn't go to school like it's Saved By the Bell all over again and come in one's Bikini......I'm just going to say.....SHOULD YOU BE LAUGHING and MOCKING at RAVI in this whole ordeal? (look at Jesus' descendants.....and their behaviours)

Without Ravi....there would be no Nabeel Quereshi (well a platform provision)....put the puzzle pieces together from there.

I've seen friends on Facebook....from countries such as RAvi's home ancestry (tones and such) who SHOWED the scars on their legs and arms for supporting ISRAEL, JEWISH PEOPLE, BIBLE THINKING etc.

LOVE cover's a multitude of sins.

Jesus died next to a THIEF on the cross.

****I CAN speak on this topic because my Brother-In--Law is in prison for getting "too close" (under age 21 were the victims)...and I personally believe that is a GOOD thing to have prison quarters****

I can also speak on behalf of this "middle east" condition because I know for a FACT that close cousin marriage and relationship occurs in those regions more frequently than in Western Countries.  Social factor is this.....cousin marriages = doubled chance for miscarriage and deformity in the womb....basically, people CAN bring forth children (even people that are smart and as handsome as Doctor's)...but the risk is HIGHER under circumstances at hand.  Does a cousin marriage itself....prevent infidelity?  NO....I would be wise in saying it that way.  The blood of the LAMB....folks...the blood of the LAMB folks.


So the background story is that this brother-in-law....grew up in a RELIGION based home.....Billy Gram and all that.....

He looks like "screech" with his head shaved...with a little darker tones ....to look almost like Maroon 5.... (has some foul language)

Turn your back on your FALSE beliefs about others....

Do the math....

Its not time to BE NICE when BIG BROTHER is after the most vulnerable among us.....communism or otherwise.  Who said so...... the guy who worked for Rolling Stone Mag (he's seen a lot of different faces through the years)....and his wife works at an ER (she's seen a lot of tears).

At 14:30.... it should make you want to read your bible more carefully.....combine Kent Hovind Video with this one.


A few extra videos....

The aftershock of cancel culture (which seems to only target adults) is that children who are born to xyz parents (maybe they spent time in jail maybe not....maybe they are religious and maybe not) ultimately end up getting canceled in SCHOOLS, PUBLIC PLACES,  and in our nation's future.

Basically children ARE a FRUIT of the WOMB of the parents......don't assume that JESUS ancestry didn't matter....if BLACK LIVES MATTER....then FRUIT from ANCESTRY matters too!  THE FAMILY TREE elements....  ALL BLACK LIVES.....matter in the eyes of the CROSS.  HE on the cross had EYES (he could see the variations in the face features of the people)...and he HEALED the blind!

Grandpa's and Grandma's end up getting canceled too.....why?  I can tell you a few stories about topics of discussion in alzheimer's and dementia units.....sure one WOULD NOT want to reveal what was said.....when Grandma doesn't know where her bathroom is located....BUT one does need to consider basic human-needs.  (the constitution is designed to SUPPORT the functionality of healthcare systems basically.....elements? free-speech, freedom of religion things like that....some Grandmas are VERY insistent on freedom of religion I can tell you!)

Cousins in the picture plan?  Doesn't matter the political flavor of the day....what the current size shape structure etc.  Some are naturally designed to be a Taylor Swift size....some are naturally designed to be short and sweet.....  the bible already mentioned the cousin thing.  Various ways....King David's house and Saul's house.  Genesis considerations.  Mordechai was a cousin to Esther.  And the KEY element of the day.... Mary and Elizabeth were cousins....to what Degree?  we don't really know....but douple ganger twins are STILL among us....

Sometimes YES, a person CAN tell that certain features are not 100% Scandinavian (sometimes they cannot...and assume other things....).....its just the way the BODY works folks.  Support the WEAKNESSES we see.....ANY scandinavian would KNOW that the WEAKEST among us (human community) could NOT handle extreme cold conditions.  Cold hearts should be the BIGGEST concern. (Moses was in the desert conditions....his birth and life to live beyond 2 years was a miracle if read bible correctly. He aged to age 80+ years old.....once again desert conditions wouldn't be good for vulnerable body).  

Our family history DOES involve a Grandpa, Great Grandpa that attended a local "scandinavian founded" college.  It says in the family history book.

I attended that college.  SURE SURE.....the conditions of belief in the college were not MORMON.....but the MUSIC.....floats in the AIR......when ONE can HEAR things correctly.  The famous choir leader attended a few Mormon Tabernacle Choirs ......(aka go back and re-evaluate....the Ravi Zacharias issue...in comparison with historical elements of the human condition in various ways)

Let the GOOD SAMARITAN be the STORY TELLER when things are confusing.  ER doctor WISDOM in all these things....under the sun. (Does anyone know the ups and downs of the life of Oscar Schindler?)

The bible STILL used ELI in a good way.....despite his sons.....  just sayin.


Video on mute (yes I know a friend of the family/community face to face...and his/her family...who knows the singer Josh Arron ...like a big giant NET.....catching the people....even though ABE of the bible acted this or that way under the SUN).  It tis good that S & G was destroyed or there would be NO HOPE for tomorrow!

Background song....

(just for extra informative purposes.......the Ravi Issue......may have an impact-just as in the past-....but don't let the HOPE found in Gospel.....disappear)
Eitan Bar.....representative of "facial feature" from middle east....Native Americans have similar beliefs like this video....improper treatment of the TRIBES.

the story behind these things.....are rather social.....but the invisible lines are evident in various ways...read the context scripture JUST as it is written.  Elizabeth of the bible was a COMMANDMENTS keeper...so the social features are indicated (those older cousin's have ALREADY navigated the CNA nursing wards....and having had 5000 friends on facebook!....seen this and that under the sun!).  Basically the LIFE EXPECTANCY is related to NATURE (inclusive of family tree conditions) and....constitutional conditions at hand.

If you memorized THIS FACE.....


you are SMART


the video....by John McArthur.... I believe what he is sayin....in a general terminology from the bible ....but WHEN a person works in an ER...or in Long Term care...the people need HANDS and HEARTS to pick up the "broken pieces" of the human body and lost conditions...so in the "sexuality" things....just consider GOMER (biblical....without the crazy rumour game)....  else I wouldn't be writing this write now:

Basically just "talk" doesn't represent the full story....  small little minority details that people miss sometimes.....sometimes they don't.... Tori Kelly....and the HAIR (hair and knowing things about ancestry from our ancient tribes??).  I'm thinking sometimes we really don't know WHAT side the family curly hair comes from (maternal or paternal) UNLESS do research.  I mean LOOK at Albert Einstein's hair!  People DO end up NEEDING a hair cut sometimes....hence some people naturally imitate the scholars of the cosmetology department (oh you look like xyz celeb....or xyz family member looks like....).

I picked up a National GeoGRAPHIC magazine....at the local store selling over-the-counter....well....magazines.  The REASON I picked it up is because the TITLE of the MAGAZINE says.... *The Most Influential Figures of Ancient History*...sell until 4/30/21.... now back to Scandinavian landscape....during the middle of winter (put some clothes on or frost bite WILL strike one to utter maddness.....it WILL nip the NOSE!)  ....

*National GeoGRAPHIC magazines ARE found at public libraries and schools folks....now move on, and SEEK ways to end the VILE hatred of women (and even young boys) as they are designed and young girls.  Future surgeons DO need an education in ethical things and so forth.  Eunuchs were a part of history....and yes, car-accidents do happen.

Back to the Z Dogg video.....when tensions are HIGH (from 1:00 -2:00 )...but then people KNOW their OWN personal upbringing and so forth.....  it CAUSES them to not reveal WHAT they knew about so and so growing up and they care about so and so..... (basically the book White Fragility WILL create tensions instead of compassion in family life.....cousins are closer than we think sometimes)

So anyway...Josh Groban doesn't seem to be as "immodest" as Charlie Puth.  He also seems more practical and understanding of people's weaknesses.  Just a general perspective.  People wonder size and shape frame of people.....My husband would have similar features to Josh Groban with similar height, but no curly hair.  I'm just over here like well....Megan Trainer is a real person.  Her frame and size and height do not match mine..... etc etc.  I'm more in the Taylor Swift category....and YES I have been at her weight....up and down...with pregnancy and what not.  Stress can do things too.

EVERYONE is different and goes through DIFFERENT things and makes personal DIFFERENT choices (Sermon on the MT.....today or not??? Be like Oskar Schindler today or not??).  SAME with different characters of the bible.  THE important thing is to BE SAFE.  KNOW your boundaries.....stick with YOUR VALUES.  THINK realistically too......aka some women's body says to itself....miscarriage....and then she needs D & C....for survival.  Another woman's body says to itself I can't handle constant pregnancy and never carries anything at all.....another woman's body says to itself 5 children in 5 years is a good idea....yet another woman's body says womb.....prolapse for you....  I'm not even THE SAME as my OWN mother.....  (hence Margaret Sanger/or even Ruth B. G. has NOTHING to contribute to woman's real rights ....aka access to maternity care issues for safety or otherwise, not just for the folly of it all)

Why am I mentioning these celebs...besides the point of Christian beliefs.....AS EXAMPLES!  Privacy matters in REAL health care issues, topics and themes.  I'm a pro-ray-comfort 180' movie.....started with My MIL and decisions she made.  Those were NOT my choices.  BUT I have been on this planet of "dirty men" and "dirty women" for a while....so YEAH....I KNOW....why things go through people's heads (Taylor Swift figure does NOT = same beliefs....but respectable understanding IS better.)

STUDY the problems of Guilt by Association....don't stray from scripture.


IF A.....then no SPEECH for B

If no SPEECH for B....then GRANDMA will NOT be happy!

LA La LA La LAlllllllaaaaa the tune of all time.....forever and ever...

Not surprised.....ONE BIT.



Basically if a daughter looks like "Taylor Swift" ended up in a car-accident.....(she's under age 21).  She would need male and female healthcare workers to help her, move change clothing and what not......there is a LIMIT to what people can do to help others.  There is a LIMIT to the types of people that can be healthcare workers.  The workers themselves MAY have had a problem in "online" issues at one point or another (ie. an adult to an adult infidelity issue).  As long as that healthcare worker has AWARENESS of frail conditions.....don't be calling the German Authorities (ie actual terror promoters, actual traffickers etc etc) expecting good rewards.....if one's name is Anne Frank.  BE WISE.

I know I've seen the NEgative fleshy interactions with folks on the Facebook feeds and what not.....  the positive were GOOD to HEAR.....from afar....(ie a guy who simply sent himself singing at a nursinghome....some bluegrass song)

I didn't get any love note from even close family ....but I did get this message on my facebook feed from a girl in Pakistan....

And Adam names the animals......he even named the WHIPPORWILL!  A person better PRAY that the Gardener didn't notice these things from garden of EDEN!  That bird was designed to sing that way....for a reason....for a season.

I hope this is in LARGE ENOUGH PRINT....because I KNOW that even those among us in the 80+ range.....appreciate LOOKING at their BEAUTIFUL spouse....and or grandchildren etc....in an appropriate manner (Even Charlie Puth .....talks to his AUNT online.....for ALLLLLLLLL to see....well of course....Mother like son)

Son_2:15  Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.


Husband tells me the stories that come into the ER......

UNFORTUNATELY .....  people aren't being BRAVE enough to WARN of the problems that led up to that issues (immigration, drugs, ignorance of something etc).  It ALL ties back to bible things.... SARAH of the bible was sent to "another man's house" but that house wasn't a WARM KIND house.....

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Songs of Love and Hope