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Monday, February 8, 2021

BLoody murder? Well not really IF we have the blood of the lamb......just sayin.

 Eww! or Ooh! With Charlie Puth - YouTube

He "gets it".....there ARE certain face features around that people really don't decide (they can't decide whom is in the family)....but it is the foot guided by the mind and heart that does the talking...and the walking (Joseph of the bible, Lot got out of S & G....because of trafficking, big-brother and dehumanizing behaviour....NOT because of brotherly-sisterly love or care about behaviour, Dinah-reaction of Levi and Simeon etc).  People have many different heights....and features within....that even medical people don't know about.......(well most medical people would determine the height....even SWEET CORN is about the height of Goliath....but what about what happened to Bathsheba....if people don't understand "nature" very well....ahem.  Wind storms DESTROY crops!)

People CAN see that the "moon" was NOT placed in the heavens by "a man" but by a creator (no man who works at the Farmer's Almanac headquarters....put that moon there).....same with the "red color" of Mars.....the RED PLANET...... timing around the sun 1.88 Earth years ..... 1.88 years.....didn't PHARAOH decide to remove children....particularly children under the age of 2....(of course there could be other patterns in the works that are still reminders)


I don't believe in "catering" but I do believe in FRIENDSHIP.....an understanding behavior can go farther than just holding up "signs" and "flags."  In fact, catering can actually do MORE damage in the long run.....Jesus said simply...."they never marry." 

A person NEVER knows what will come into an ER....and a person NEVER knows when so and so is a stray and brings something home....face features DO NOT prevent things!  There ARE druggies and things around here and there.....psychotic disorganized behavior inside the "face feature" at hand.

I've been around face features here and there.....healthcare will do that....employees, family, person needing care etc.  Celebs and (local and not) are not excluded from need for such consideration.

Remember that the older-face is actually a younger version on themselves.....before they were 21.....(faces of tears and sadness.....were developed at 6 weeks in the womb)

Trafficking.....in high tech world is ANOTHER PROBLEM.  The best solution......look at the "family tree" puzzles and "location of dwelling."  Write down things on those puzzle pieces (name, height, grandma's phone number, allergies, baseball team, favorite ice-cream shop, occupation etc.....)..... scatter those pieces of information so THEY (the traffickers and creep behaviour people) can't put them together.  If a person says that they live among a certain GROUP of people....better opportunity to FIND SUPPORT NETWORK of people that care.  (people in the underground rail-road USA HAD to learn certain techniques)

(Believe me about the trafficking people.....a MAN in Acoma will NOT be "one of those"....or a completely immobile man of somesort....so the CNA figures out things on how to HELP....Carrying around "a gun" could help in certain areas...BUT pepper spray and reaching the "HEART" will go further)

Children WILL naturally ASK a person's "id".....their predestined pattern of understanding whom is whom on the "ancestry" "family tree" radar.  Especially if something is of interest to that child (they were told that Esther in the bible looked "fair").

Why work in this type of environment?  GRAVITY is still with us!  Humanity still needs a BLOOD SUPPLY!  WATER is still essential to BUILDING kingdoms (dirty water destroys the "nest" for the birds)!  

He hung on the CROSS......out of his side came BLOOD and WATER!

Can a man determine the "stride" in his foot steps as he walks this earth.....?  No.  But he CAN (for the most part) determine to put one foot in front of the other and choose a better tomorrow with the REDEEMER!

BEWARE of COMPLACENCY in the next generation......cattle do NOT feed themselves, water pipes do NOT clear out themselves.....nor do individuals who stop into the ER clear up their issues on their own.....from time to time.

Smart Phones will NOT re-write the US constitution.....or historical documents....written by the hand of REAL people.  Paul was ONCE Saul.  He once was a menace, a big-brother, and walked away from the stoning of Stephen as if it was no-big-deal (rape, infanticide, neglect etc)....and these types of men continue to exist in our world.  The only solution is the blood of the lamb!

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