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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Random things to think about

NECCESARY to RECORD....because people forget things...and "medical needs" are still upon us as humanity. 

***Just notes in the following...but has a point here and there***

******'s Great Aunt's Facebook post:


MonaLisa Had no Eyebrows

I am thinking of you.....


Supposedly this aunt has a super smart grandchild....went to Harvard at age 12..... (think about this one for a bit......I don't even know the FULL puzzle of the in-laws.....)  The most I know is that these in-laws wouldn't exist in my mind.....if mother-in-law would have been a MAJORING in college(well that was before college events).....in Margaret Sanger.....(put it to the point folks....don't be fools)


Those high-school girls....but then again....some folks don't remember what types of things happened in USA slavery.....but.....humanity finds a way to move forward.....crack the whip and say that "self-control" fixes a LOT of the damage!

Speaking of "my husband".....the Drake song....come-on-we're going home.....has violence in it.....YEUP the ER work involves DEALING with "domestic violence" issues...which ALSO puts my husband at RISK of loosing HEART BEAT....so to speak.  (Old-adam needs correction basically!....bible says clearly don't go near an angry man)

He is trying to figure out what type of technology she uses....

Re-read the story of S & G getting destroyed in the bible....turns out they were pretty much "big brother" in disguise if read it correctly (EVERY CNA....ought to know what THAT is.....as CNA in a figure of speech can be TEENAGE age on up!!!!  Its for "her" safety all the way up to age of Sarah of the bible as well!!!).  Also S & G had a lot of problems with treating women like "meat."   But at the same time SARAH of the bible was treated as a "fair woman" and sent back to ABE after living in the wrong home for a time. Also turns out that the CO-Exist thing does NOT actually work.  King David could NOT exist next to Uriah the Hittite from the bible.....  The sin was in the equation.  Clearly any medical professional will tell a person that Goliath of the bible could EASILY outrun Bathsheba in a 30+ mile marathon....as she would NEVER survive without D & C access!  (read things carefully through this temporary life!)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves......may seem like a scary movie (all those princes in one place...but it was the APPLE that was laced with poison....NOT the dwarves and their presence)....but THEN the true wisdom arises from the "dust" of the earth.  Turtles on the EARTH....have shells.  Hormones and Orders of nature are STILL in the midst of the foggy weather here on American soil!

China has some "big brother" problems as they can't figure out the "douple ganger" twin problem in the hospital system..... .toooo many Tyler Zed's on the platform would do a person over.....(Med-Error!!@!@!)

Taylor Swift? she shows up and she's trying to explain domestic violence....I'm like yup...don't order things too often! and then the average Joe.....just singing while working at McD'S!

Husband Says this guy looks like his cousin......


Something funny when Mary and Elizabeth (Elizabeth was a commandments keeping woman) were cousins.....in the bible.  Details not given on the family tree thing.....only the condition the distance from house of David.  Paternal side? MAternal side?  Controversy over Andrew Jackson?



Beware of the issues with Complacency in this temporary life on this planet(use a bible to define that word correctly....hint hint....Ivy league won't ALWAYS have THE ultimate solution ..... they only lived to a life-expectancy of 40-50 years in year 1918)....we ALL face the same force of GRAVITY!  If you see men sitting......on the ground in despair.....it means SOMETHING needs to be done ABOUT IT!

*****  Other things ******  

The STATISTICAL solution to the Andrew Cuomo conditions?  Pride?  leads to DESTRUCTION!!

SERMON on the MT!  Don't just say....oh my pastor didn't "teach" me those things...no....its not about the paid man in the pulpit...its about YOU!  (Yes, I even KNOW of an 80 year old woman who CONTINUES...to occasionally "work" at a nursing home...not as a water-passer...but a literal assistant...fulfilling some CNA duties....and her PASTOR didn't give her the advice to do this...she FELT compelled to do RIGHT with her temporary TIME!)

***In addition....I DO agree with the Ray Comfort 180' movie (even under the circumstance of knowing or not knowing your first-second-third cousins...which CAN and does happen sometimes)...with a grain of salt...because any Gomer of the bible CAN come to terms eventually....before its too late (there is MORE than just child-bearing going on in many cases...and sometimes health concerns show up).  D & C is the REAL woman's right scene on the fore-front of the mind...in real-time (Tamar of the bible, Dinah of the bible?  YES, sadly my husband talks of these types of stories coming into the ER)***

***Here is the deal with this video....it has science "credit" in it...BUT the Neanderthal DNA conditions?  I personally believe that there WAS an actual FLOOD....so counting the number of MOONS since the time of the CROSS (is possible) and so count back generations since NOAH!***  Old-Adam "genes" are in all of us....from all continents from all places JErusalem onwards and upwards.

The bible VISBILY identifies the TIME of the YEAR (Gen_8:4  And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat......that the biblical time fall-equinox) in which NOAH landed the ark on MT. ARARAT.  So all are related through NOAH!  GRAVITY applies to ALL people EQUALLY!  LUNAR pulls with nature (farmer's almanac) all SHOULD be AWARE of the "orders" of the conditions of NATURE (aka a whip-poor-will only does certain things at a certain time....but its life is NOT lived in "Norway").  Unusual last name....

Speaking of being related....sometimes that DOES NOT equal peace and safety@!@!@@!!!

Character MATTERS more!  The blood of the lamb@! comes first before political themes of the day!

Anyway....going back to:

******'s Great Aunt's Facebook post:


MonaLisa Had no Eyebrows

I am thinking of you.....


Same music just different arrangement of thought.
The first ten seconds of this video....the STOMP on the ground...the shaking......certain "terms" do not change.....(the size of the elephant....among the crowds of people....safety measures per say.....just SAY IT.....as it REALLY is.)

Stay in one's lane......basically is what he is singing!  Love your neighbor....don't drive on both sides of the road.

Back to the story of Bathsheba....remember that the BLOOD of the lamb....had "average joe" looking woman Leah....and Bathsheba in the mix.....there were a LOT of "not celeb" women too.....I'm sure as they were not named clearly and id'd in the mix....


Thinking about those PATIENT people.....waiting for their loved one......"to get better"..... the doctor's and nurses who "think" they are IVY LEAGUE graduates...but have no experience (and perhaps never walked across the stage).....when dealing with the "douple ganger twin" (cough cough med error!)..... they SEE the family....but do they KNOW the patient?  ASK and SAY something!

Pun intended with the face of Charlie Puth....the guy with a SCAR on his eyebrow! (see the post by great aunt above!)

speaking of Cornell in Ithaca NY....

This woman deserves the graduation certification ....she's like an AK bear......

and when the tough gets tougher (aka the ER room....then things can get heated!  unless people do the RIGHT thing)

Sing in the storm of life as if the storm of life isn't even apparent!


I know a friend from the area where my husband grew up....whom knows a child in a video by this guy....basically its like a friend (I know the name of a couple of her children)....of a friend in his videos...basically its like a scandinavian area...so there are "taylor swift" look alikes around....in that area...and in the cousin-in-law crowd....but MEDICAL ERRORS happen!  don't be deceived!  Imagine an OBGYN dept...and the type of still-born situation like Bathsheba had on her hands...a still-born!  The blood would be on WHOSE hands! (ancient people are quite similar to modern day "Frames" of humanity)  Josh Arron lives in Israel from time to time...but has family in USA....he will share his family history story in one of his videos.

And then there is the issue of the police in MN..... I'm like handsome Joseph 
(of the bible) shows up on people's walls from time to time.

I don't know the FULL story behind EVERY face and EVERY family!

I've seen "these types of faces" before in our own family from within 10th cousin range....and other folks too!  I've even seen the last name "Puth" on a family tree data set....but I don't know if this is the same family name or not...just one of those things.  I live close to "family memorial markers," put it that way (within 50-150 mile radius), per say. 

Never mind the foul language stuff and substance that they are talking about.....every Prodigal Son is loved by the father....  pause the video at 1:00..... very common.....very common.

This guy makes one think more wisely about "age" and family conditions at hand!

Even Mariah Carey has roots too....think about that one.  (aka celebs have their story listed which can have truth behind their name and even frame...but the average joe has a REAL story at hand.....)

Complacency IS a problem when people don't "think about" those who STILL remember Pearl Harbour like it was yesterday!  All smarts and no good samaritan in the town!  Brings a repeating history time-bomb!

Anyhow....our in-law from our household died in WW2....I can even name the name....it was a brother to my husband's grandpa.....

I or a family member wouldn't want to "wear" an id badge (as Anne Frank herself describes) just BECAUSE a person has "black ancestry" either....just consider wisely the story of the bible about JOSEPH!

Life is hard....that is no lie.

Jesus said clearly one cannot change "the height".....

face structures inclusive....(of course people WILL remember their loved one who went through a car-accident.....or other TOUGH conditions of fire-wind-rain etc).  Diamonds have sharp edges things of that sort.....produce rainbows...but the SHARP can cut......

Where is all this SONG coming from?

Song of Songs....say what?

The OB department is WARNING you.....cough cough Bathsheba (she lost a still born).....err um Taylor Swift height.....figure so to speak that ....

Planned Parenthood isn't REALLY the solution......to the "medical equation" (flint MI...storyline...and what happened to woman's body....misccarriage or otherwise!)

THE REAL chemistry is in the FACT that D & C saves woman's lives and BODY!@@@!!!@@!!!

Equal ACCESS to the "water" is just that!  ETHICAL issues AS well.....create that CLEAN WATER!

***Yes, even a celeb may say a story or two about miscarriage ….Mariah Carey is at that sort of age....***

Support the ETHICAL things that medical people deal with (facial recognition to gravitational issues that grandma deals with etc.) before people start TP'ing people's houses (and the BLOOD on the TP) with the evidence in the BLOOD because of the BLOOD that comes into the ER......family-tree data R US.

Need more PROOF of DNA evidence?

HUMANITY needs to UNDERSTAND....TRUTH....basic wisdom.

Remember Solomon was influenced by "Bathsheba" of the bible...

there never was a single soul that came to earth without a biological father.....there never will be a single soul in the future that comes to earth without a biological father.  ALL come through BLOOD.....womb conditions!

Note: Yes, I've spoken with an individual face to face to worked for Rolling Stone Mag for a time...and then worked as a prof. at a college.  I'm not going to name the names of his children or the location of work where his wife works.....Her height.....well....lets just leave it alone and get REAL about things.  The LITTLE things in life MATTER!   I'm not even going to name where he "grew up" and what places on earth he knows about......

So monitor your HEART before things go "hay-wire" and people give into the wrong messages that are out there.  START with the GOSPEL FIRST!....and YES it starts with events in King DAvid's life...or the GOSPEL wouldn't be there!  The one who "created" the image of man....and woman!

KEEP things pure....

through THE WORD

Anyway...as people perceive that we actually have over 100+ individuals within the 2nd cousin range from our household....and some stories told about THEIR cousin's within the 2nd cousin range (believe me it will eventually turn into something along the line of being related to Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Salem Witch Trials with a little WW2 memories and insight in the mix)

I can reflect upon the WAY in which my husband's great aunt speaks about things.

I do NOT know if her husband was a wounded warrior.....but....lets just say reality hits the "fan club" of being made in his image.

So she writes letters like this.....in hand written form (***** = John):

Grandson Kale was in the post-office today and saw his admittance letter to Yale.  He didn't like that college, so he chose to go fishing instead of dwell on the facts of life from their perspective.  Our neighbor Luke came over to drop off some old hardware supplies he didn't want any more.  John made a sandwich.  He just put a bologna slice in it.  Now he is done with the sandwich and it is 12:30.  A robin is outside our window...

So anyway......FACEBOOK is one thing (I wrote about THAT in another post....I wouldn't mind connecting with some of the individuals....especially that one guy from pakistan....who clearly had scars up and down his leg and was in Acoma for supporting Jewish people/Israel/Christian belief)...but REAL LIFE is another.....yes, it can be a useful tool.....as great aunt of my husband pointed out clearly in HER post.  But be patient....a person CAN drown with "information overload"......on the radar screen in front of you!


Whatever!!!! You don't foool the ER doctor!!!!  withover 100+ people within the second cousin range...ANYTHING could go on....  DO NOT purposefully damage what is going on inside.....YES, social problems DO HAPPEN (they have been resolved before)....but do NOT purposefully damage the "family tree building business."

video on mute.....or background song....(the blood ancestry of "Backstreet boys".....shows up on the FLOOR).  Car-Accidents happen too.....friends until the end!  But there IS a difference between a and b.  Vehicular homicide IS different than driving on an icy road and having no "choice" in the matter!

YES......miscarriage DOES happen...and it goes FAST (bathsheba knew that one@!!~@@!~)  but she lived (I'm surprised without D & C in those days)....

Salem Witch Trials?  Think about that one again.....what was ACTUALLY wrong with the picture puzzle they were putting together?  They were calling the "shots" without full proof....aka guilt by association!  (don't really "give in" to the handmaid's tale...unless one actually KNOWS the full story of what went on historically....its true they had no anesthesia....just go with the flow folks)

Celeb status?  Yes...there ARE local CELEBS too!!!!  and family connections.....

Maybe there IS a story behind the mask of ZDogg MD, youtube search....when your doctor is hot without the mask on...and even with the make on..... Dr Mike? I don't follow EVERYTHING she talks about...and I even listen to "homebirth" midwives too from time to time...but reality IS reality.

THE STORY in the TITANIC wasn't a foraged business......WW1 historical people are still in USA....ancestors.....and their children remember the stories of their fore-fathers.....a man whom I talked to in the area where my husband grew up stated that the "immigrant children" died on the way from Norway.....so to speak....over the OCEAN.....this man has CLEAR thinking in his mind....as he told that he remembered Pearl Harbour.....(his wife died...not due to covid 19....but I am thinking due to SEPARATION from her loved one!)

Speaking of which....may the men who think that "big tech" is the ship that is unsinkable think again.  Aging "happens" to the best of humanity.  Maternity "problems" happens to the most fit among humanity.  Car-accidents happen and dogs bite.....put it that way...these things of nature will exist from generation to generation.  (remember the AWFUL nature of "big brother".....ww2 isn't just "a memory" in some people's minds)

Gravity affects even the best of us....

David And Bathsheba wasn't a foraged business when the puzzle pieces come together the RIGHT way.

There isn't a copyright for basic elements of family-roots....

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