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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Is healthcare a human right?

 Is healthcare a human right?

This is a basic principle....but is NOT the entire STORY of healthcare.

I've never taken an MCAT (test to get into med-school) but I have taken a college class entirely focused on Bio-medical-ethics.

The fruit.

Healthcare is not a right....but a privilege to those who enhance basic actual fundamental human rights, bill of rights and other basic support systems of understanding "child-dependent adult" (including women maternity conditions) dependency needs.

Basically, that means that healthcare workers themselves have a right NOT to treat certain patients IF their own defense is not considered. (aka a patient asks the healthcare worker to take off PPE)

SOOOOO when we ASK the govt' to "give free healthcare" we are saying......GIVE GIVE GIVE everything the patient EVER wanted....but TAKE AWAY the healthcare worker's legitimate understanding of the "situations" to restore health.

Does this make sense? Free Speech AND Religious Freedom are MORE of a basic human right THAN healthcare itself.

The politician didn't tell you this.....the Dementia patient told-ya-so......

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