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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Instead of govt' based healthcare coverage???

 What they should do..... instead of forcing people in USA to get healthcare insurance or coverage.

Offer OPTIONS.  They say......if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan.  Well, they should MEAN IT when they say it.

Basically it goes like this.  Healthcare workers ARE human.  They are NOT machines.  YES, healthcare workers use machines (and computerized data reference for paper work etc), but the machines do NOT automatically record correct information.  REAL people do that!

Because of that, "the govt'" really had/has NO SAY in ultimate "moral beliefs" of the healthcare worker.  If that is the case.....then we ACTUALLY live in communist or extreme socialist countries.  We don't (so long as fraudulent votes are eliminated).  Healthcare workers have a choice to AVOID giving "hormones" to young children, cigarettes to cancer patient, abortions to infidelity couples if deemed unnecessary, racial discrimination separation for mixed race couples/family in social settings and so forth.

What should they do instead?

Give the USA citizens the "stimulus checks," or just call it what you want a "health stimulus check."  Offer the "govt' based health insurance" on the side or a healthcare based "loan service."  The most needy could go through the basic medicaide, medicare system.  Let people do the REST of the reality checking.  ..... (outside of govt' services) purchase a health-share program? health insurance?  Self-pay? home-remedy? medical loan service? health savings plan? preventative services? gym or spa membership?

Some people do not feel that they need all of the healthcare services offered.  I respect that.  Not every appointment needs to be attended for every single situation under the sun.  why pay for a broken leg of someone else that purposefully put themselves under a train track only to see if they were strong enough to handle the weight of such a vehicle, despite the evidence (just saying the odd ones come through the ER from time to time....cough cough sodom and gomorah was bad for a reason).  Anyway, yes, the "health stimulus check" would pay for someone else's folly, but AT LEAST we would KNOW that the money should go towards something that builds health, not tears it apart and we would KNOW that it actually brings people to reality and their senses.

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