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Monday, October 12, 2020

Stay Away from the book White Fragility....

 Except for the facts, as anyone with a heart would need to know what it means to shed blood of another man (aka. facts from the civil war era whether we agree with their position or not. as a side note the Civil War era people had YOUNG MARRIAGES and relationships, ancestry may come from many teenage relationship conditions with little facts and knowledge in their hands in those days....8th grade education?  that was a good cause to continue to thrive abundantly.).

The book White Fragility is a NYT, best seller's list book.  Does this imply that it will actually FIX racism problems entirely?  NO NO NO NO NO NO....NEVER without a COMPLETE change of heart.

Corporate incentives involve $$$ and are different than FAMILY BASED incentives!

Warning, the bible uses MANY MANY MANY examples of FAMILY conditions and human vulnerability conditions!  Those who don't reference such are setting the stage for human failure in the EXTENSIVE light of REALITY!  Example: a 2 year old couldn't apply to Cornell College in Ithaca, NY....why....he is STILL in his own PARENT'S/GUARDIAN'S home, smiling at the highchair as a way to go up the corporate ladder.

I know I'm using celebs as examples in my posts.  The reason?  Privacy of REAL people!  REAL people do exist.....even online figures are real people when they post youtube videos in their private homes....  even positions of celeb status do not take away REALITIES they may face in their life.  Commentary from Oprah or Mariah Carey would serve humanity pretty well without the need for the book "White Fragility."

Looking at the FACES alone in the Back Street Boys....one can conclude a few things.  They all pretty much have white skin-tone...but WHAT is their actual ETHNICITY?  We can look them up and find out that a few may be like similar ancestry to Slater from Saved by the Bell....

If the entire group took even a mere ancestry 23 and me test (yes people publicly post these things online), the variations may be many.

put the BackStreet Boys on mute....

add a little twist to the figures....

the SONG.... by Charlie Puth will serve as a reality check (yes, he is white...doesn't have black hair....curly hair ..... oh my..... real Jewish people actually exist on this planet) as a background song....

So anyway, if your family is WHITE....but the ancestry 23 and me tests in the family tree look anything like the Back Street Boys....with a little bit of Charlie Puth and Mariah Carey showing up for a cup or tea (english tea from the south)....then well, one can conclude when the book White Fragility serves no purpose..... Family Ties = highchairs and socialization.


All in all, the book "White Fragility" attempts to CONTROL the aspects of humanity (YES!  humans are ignorant of various facts!!!  even bible knowing/believing Jewish people can be ignorant of various facts despite having multiple phd's!!).  It is an attempt to promote the CANCEL CULTURE instead of REAL compassion for the human condition!  Well....yes, back in the day.....the adults had no concern for "creep" relationships......are we any better today (cough cough president nominee)

Anyway, incase anyone hasn't noticed.....some notice, some don't.....WW2 white men are STILL ALIVE!  Yes, Anne Frank should be alive right now....but she isn't.  She was only a teen at the time of the incidents, meaning that HER actual age right now would be 2020-1945 = 75 years.....add 18 years and anyone who was a child at the time could DEFINITELY be alive.... 93 years old is not an OLD AGE unless people want it to be that way.  Moses led Israel through a desert wilderness at the age of 80....why not??


So what is it to anyone who doesn't understand family ties in the social world.

Re-read the book of Esther.  I know its been a while for some folks.  WW2 encouraged the ban on such a book, because it reveals a COUSIN.  Older wiser COUSIN.  His features?  I don't know, it doesn't mention such.  Queen Esther?  Maybe she blended in with the crowds so that no one would notice her REAL ancestry????  So how distant was COUSIN Mordechai?  We don't know, but buy the REALITY check and we would know.  

Corporations don't care about the FAMILY TIES!  They don't even consider it.  Esther is the ONE with the racism problems.....why?  She's blending in with the whole town!  No one would notice her DIFFERENCE in apparel and behavior ....but EVERYONE noticed Mordechai .....especially HAMMAN.  This is how corporations define things.

Think about it.  The twisted nature of the corporation is the appearance of looking inwardly....but corporations can only see OUTWARDLY!

If a person says to themselves I understand black lives....but doesn't discuss the reality of FAMILY TREES...... meaning one brother has blonde hair and "looks good" in the Back Street Boys...but the other brother....well he has black curly hair????  or red or any other tone of skin perhaps??

think about it.

It is imperative to repeat this statement in the ancestry 23 and me era.....

because some people think they are "smart" about racism topics but are FAR off the track of Jospeh' coat of ancestry colors:

Warning, the bible uses MANY MANY MANY examples of FAMILY conditions and human vulnerability conditions!  Those who don't reference such are setting the stage for human failure in the EXTENSIVE light of REALITY!  Example: a 2 year old couldn't apply to Cornell College in Ithaca, NY....why....they are STILL in their own PARENT'S/GUARDIAN'S home.

Consider wisely that no child can survive without proper care of weaknesses in the human condition......starting from conception onward.....

Ben Shapiro had to leave CA (due to racism??  no.... drugs and violence allowed to run wild)......Ray Comfort is still there???  Creep relationships from saved By the Bell???  can we say more about where some of the "mixed ancestry" origins come from?

The definition of the Mein Kampf of white-liberalism: White Person on the street that doesn't know he has Nigerian ancestry: "But I'm not racist, my 1/2 sibling is Black and deals with things, I care about him.  My 2nd cousins are from Mexico and look like they might be mostly native with some sort of Jewish ancestry."....  Robin Diangelo: "YOU are the definition of racism because you can't take care of your sibling and cousins, only your parents, aunts and uncles could handle that, do your research."  

Unless she is actually addressing the topics related to how Joseph and the Coat of Many color's ACTUALLY played out...... Good grief.  I think watching the *Boy in the Stripped PJ's* will serve humanity better in the long run....did anyone notice what happened in Nigeria over the past few months (mind went blank because humans forget)

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