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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Planet Driven REALITIES.

 Planet Driven REALITIES.

OK fellow man.....where does the APPLE TREE grow?

What made the sun shine? 

Did you create the light?

How are you to judge your fellow man when you don't know the one who created the light?

Whats that you say, there isn't a being that created the light?

Well I can remind you of something.  Light doesn't come from nothing.

It comes from the FACTS of life itself.

Can you identify your friend, family, neighbor and co-worker without light?

No, not unless you are properly trained to understand and listen to their voice.....in the wilderness.

Don't be deceived.  No man can create the human voice itself.  Did you design your friend, family, neighbor and co-worker's voice?  NO!

Same goes with the blood of the LAMB?  Did you decide all the names of the people listed in the ancestry in the king of kings?  Did you decide that your friend, family, neighbor and co-worker would look like that in their mother's womb?  What?!@???!!! the WOMB is the place where humanity is developed you say?  Are you sure about that.  Name one human being, where you SEE their FACE with your EYES with the LIGHT shining on their FACE and they were not originally in their MOTHER'S womb.  OK.  not to be jealous of the maternity ward conditions....but what about FATHER's.  NAME a single human being on planet earth that was made in the "image" of their father....biologically speaking and they DOn't HAVE conclusive human conditions?  I hear silence.  EVERY human being has a HEART that beats.  What color is the human heart?

HOW DID YOU COME TO THE CONCLUSION that the HEART was colored RED?  LIGHT!  You wouldn't see things without LIGHT!

Shadows......on your friend's face.  SHADOWS are DARK.  NO man is an island of EMPTY faces and names under THE sun......and under THE son of GOD.

Go BACK to the thought about the APPLE TREE.

How many times a YEAR does the planet produce apples?!?@???!  Doesn't just "happen" without a process....am I right?

How many months was your  friend, family, neighbor and co-worker in their mother's womb?  WHAT!  An entire 20 weeks.....at LEAST....or a full 9 months?????  DID .....YOU decide to bring them here?  DId you put the lights and shadows on their face so that they look like that?


Sometimes apples come off of the tree and they rot.....YES....I understand their are principles of life that do not last "long".....development doesn't work......  BUT when an APPLE is available and a face shows up on YOUR radar....what do you do?  Do you encourage your  friend, family, neighbor and co-worker to treat your fellow man with HATE?  Can any of the FACES that you name last without a heart beat among your friend, family, neighbor and co-worker?

What causes the GRAVITY itself to pull the apple down to the ground?

Did you decide the WEIGHT of force on the APPLE?


So whom are you to decide whom is the one creating the APPLE so that it ISN'T crushed by the WEIGHT and DEPTH of the principles on earth?

Blood.  What is the "blood" of the TREE that produced the apples.  WATER.

Name one friend of yours that was born without going through water......

I hear silence.

Go back to the length and depth and breath of LIGHT that he GAVE to THE APPLE TREE.......  DId he GIVE too much light so that the tree is BURNT?  NO.  Did he give too little light so that the tree withers?  NO.

HE gave the PROPER proportions of LIGHT.

Seasons of CHANGE in the family tree...

LOOK at the king of KINGS ancestry.

Ok.  We see many different names.  SOME are famously listed and described.  Especially the breath and conditions of King David.  HE was given breath of we wouldn't HEAR of King David.  We simply wouldn't KNOW that he interacted like all the rest of us under the SUN.

What about the ones that were not famously listed.  Maybe there was a season and a time.

Now look at your  friend, family, neighbor and co-worker.  YOU very well KNOW what they look like.  the SUN was shining THAT day and YOU KNEW who they were!

What one of those individuals deserved to be treated with scorn, mockery, scorn, gossip......on down to the lowest of the low.  MURDER...... ahem.  MOSES was a murderer......mind - you.   as was the THEIF on the CROSS.

The little known names above......are as valuable in HIS eyes.....just as the KNOWN CELEBRITY statuses among us!!!!

Are you going to do it TOMORROW?  Are you forgetting your keys for your CAR.......are you going to do it next season when the apples come back looking PURPLE......but wait....many are green, yellow to various shades of red.  WHAT are you TRYING to proove....when you won't even pick up the PHONE.....or DRIVE over to your  friend, family, neighbor and co-worker and take care of their BASIC ELEMENTS of LIFE.....THEY were given.  OLD ADAM.....you should BE fully ashamed if YOU were not picking up THEIR brokenness in their greatest weakness under the shadows because of the SUN.

So the next time you consider yourself WISE......think about the conditions of your fellow MAN.  If you don't have the POWER to admit in YOUR HEART that the apple is given THE RIGHT dimentions (thermal, water, light, gravitational etc) by a CREATOR GOD who cares......what business of yours is it to CLAIM that you are a part of the ones that do NOT commit Delusional madness against humanity itself.

So what does a sheep look like?  Act like?  Walk like?  When it is young?  Do sheep murder other sheep?  Do sheep follow their shepherd?  Did you design sheep as a fellow man to follow "a shepherd"?  no you say....you didn't design sheep to be so dependent......on their creator and redeemer.

If you were to die to today.....would people remember you as a person who took care of the needs of sheep?  Or were you a destroyer of your fellow friend, family, neighbor and co-worker.  Did you CUT THEM OFF in the cancel culture world, but you said you were given such GREAT WONDERFUL TALENTS????  What use is a talent of growing an apple tree if you don't want to understand the principles behind it!

The fellow man, found in the family tree......is a REAL MAN.  Not some figment of the creation you THOUGHT was just a "clump of cells" in their mothers womb!

Just think about what it means to be a malicious WOLF among SHEEP.  DEVOURING the sheep.....shedding blood.

The sheep DOn't KNOW what is going on......only the SHEPERD can fully know the fully spectrum of evil on the horizon hidden in the HEART of that wolf....

So if we remind people 1000 times on the street corners that MALICIOUS WOLVES DEVOUR SHEEP......it should REALLY resonate with the CROWDS!  Am I right.........which one of these individuals DESERVE to be DEVOURED among....your fellow friend, family, neighbor and co-worker

Can you align the seasons to YOUR liking under the sun?  Can you tell the maple tree not to change its tone in the leaf?  WHOM created the maple leaf to change tones?  Did you?

So why are you telling the people that MALICIOUS WOLVES are a "good choice" for sheep?????!!???!??!??!

What does the term malicious mean?

Do you want to redefine THAT word too?!?@??!??@!?  is there something called hate that lives in one's heart when they tell fellow your fellow friend, family, neighbor and co-worker they don't deserve to have an APPLE in their hand.....FULLY FORMED and designed by THE.....creator!

So if you TAKE AWAY the water from the APPLE TREE......the tree DIES......it doesn't produce RIGHTeous.....sized FRUIT!

Think about it for a second.  JUST ONE SECOND!  thats all it takes for a person to ID their fellow  fellow friend, family, neighbor and co-worker....!>!>>!>>@!@@!

If your view of REALITY isn't relying on the FULLNESS of the FAMILY element!  Comming from the ANCESTRY in TIME.....then Black Lives destroyed by MALICIOUS wolves is YOUR battle CRY!

Are you listening?  

I don't THINK anyone under the sun can fully comprehend the length, depth and breath of the sun and what it CAUSED the CREATOR to do such a thing as SHINE the light onto real visible HUMAN faces.......so that we can FULLY see the TEARS running down their faces.!!!@@!!@@!!   especially at a moments LAST BREATH!


Light.......SHINES in the DARKENED HEART......because the DARKENED HEART doesn't admit the shadows of the image of man are FOR REAL.

Some are CELEBRITIES....and SOME are not among your FELLOW MAN....




now go back to LEV 11......do you have the ability as a fellow MAN to design animals like that and fully incorporate descriptions of ALL animals on THIS planet like that!  ???:L@!!@@!!

NO......gravity PULLS the heavy CATTLE!  So too does the SHEPERD KNOW his own SHEEP!  TO rid it of MALICIOUS WOLVES!

The shepherd KNOWS everything the SHEEP need....if you didn't write it.....then don't say you didn't HEAR the TRUTH and put it in YOUR HEART....when you have VERY equivalent access to it!   Just as an APPLE is EQUALLY available to FIT into the hands of EVERY MAN!

What image do YOU expect out of the human condition to provide perfection? The hand at 12 weeks in the womb......or the hand at 100+years old? How are you getting things aligned these days? Did you organize all the hands in your family?

WHAT do you ACTUALLY do with your hands?????  Apples.....are a fruit....fruits are produced...and rotten fruits will be removed some how or another.  this is HIS plan.....NOT mine (the writer of this post).

For the POOR person's reality.....as it REALLY is under the SUN.......by HIS standards.

23 and me.....tells us some STORIES about WHOM on planet EARTH.....is rrelated....to so and so....

and for WHAT purpose under HEAVEN.....the folks EXIST.......and are CURRENTLY .....ahem.... BREATHING.

The REAL husband knows HIS bride....

In righteousness and HUMILITY.

the  one who CLAIMS to know.....THE SHEPHERD...but doesn't admit the REALITIES.....gets their BREATH.....winded.......when they don't follow HIS PLAN......ALL ALONG....

(Not saying a person should be Orthodox......to illustrate something...but that a person who only SEES anne Frank and doesn't READ her book......simply DOESN'T understand ......the DIFFERENCE in her life that SHE needs.  that would be first five books of the bible....believing realities....in HUMAN FORM.)

I looked at realities and noticed that there are TONS of wolves around....
Why don't you pick up that hanger to HANG UP your NEIGHBOR's coat!!!!
Thanks for TRUTH.....because the BOOK of RUTH.....illustrates that Moab ....really wasn't what THEY promised....only HE promised REALITY! Naomi was kinda old.....she possibly needed some HEAL-P

complacency has NO role in the purposes of REALITY.....




Has some FOUL language......

but just sayin....

And THEY said they were a singin in THIS choir......

ahem.... I DON'T think so!

What kinda judge ARE they talkin bout'

hmmm... that one that is a werkin at McD'S!

well you SAID you wanted to MARRY ALL yer friends....but um.....got some sad news fer ya....gotta go by HIS rules.

Ever notice how ONLY some folk have their STUUUUUUF put to gether and have the RIGHT touch on the HEART of humanity!!!

Just another thought.....to THINK about...because yes, there are KNOWLEDGE BASED things this way or that way (aka a child literally NEEDS to properly get warnings about flying a kite near powerlines....DO NOT let him experiment with THAT principle)

just for the kicker....

Better GEt a READING what is inside....."pilgrim church" by Broadbent.....

he died NOT based on skin tone folks....but the REALITY of HIS existence.

Santa Claws.....well he is usually portrayed with WHITE hair up until the OLD AGE....of 80+

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