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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Ellen DeGeneres Loss of Reputation shouldn't be a surprise

 The Ellen DeGeneres situation with a loss in reputation should not be surprising to any who work with *vulnerable individuals* (school, healthcare, social work etc) and/or properly read and understand the scripture.....Supreme court beliefs besides.....the scripture remains FOREVER and EVER.....a TRUE sort of LOVE. No lies, only reputation in the natural and supernatural. Mother nature, mother earth and besides the point. (Harvey Weinstein, Larry Epstein....were not exactly pulling the same stunt as King David tried to pull...just forewarning as we don't even know the Age of Bathsheba in the bible....)

Social Convenience or REALITY.....a person CANNOT serve two masters. It is OK to be Handsome (as Joseph of the bible) or Beautiful (as Queen Esther) it is NOT ok to serve the "old adam" nature.....

A few pointers:

*Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed in the bible for a GOOD reason. Don't let the folly of convenience and flavor of sexuality choice fool you. S & G was filled with "not helping the poor" "pride filled life" etc. The scripture states this. Consider it similar to the modern day conditions of ISIS......YIKES!

*Moabites are descendants of LOT in the scripture. Moabites were OFTEN considered anti-semitic. In the modern era (though Tel-Aviv exists), there are various pockets of colorful flag parades filled with hatred towards a. religious beliefs b. targeted hatred of Jewish people....

*Ruth of the bible was a MOABITE.....that means the REDEMPTION is POSSIBLE for any soul on planet earth. Ruth.....forerunner to King DAVID.....which was forerunner to JESUS (Yeshua).....

*Jesus lost ALLLL of his reputation though he loved MALES (plural) and FEMALES (plural)..... read the actual scripture folks. John 3:!6 isn't just the ONLY place where it says he loved men on the earth. He actually PRACTICED what he preached. Does it really matter the ancestry? The world is based off of people from various tribes and nations....these tribes STILL exist.....down to the folks from CUSH....and the Samaritans. But he had ancestry from the line of King David. In the LIGHT of redemption it makes no sense to "mock" inherit the ideas to hate that which redeems through loss of reputation.

*Brotherly Love and Sisterly love......Love God.....Love thy neighbor. Can anyone else SPREAD true love.....except it is by Scripture STANDARDS. Try loving THY ENEMY. ONLY the Holy SPIRIT could possibly lead us in TRUE LOVE. Well, can we compare the weaknesses in FAMILY LIFE of all things (maybe aunts uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, mother father etc etc...these ARE properly defined by nature AND by TRUTH of who is who under the sun. Forerunners and all....need proper social functioning to actually CARE about so and so under the sun)

*Woman at the well.....yeup. HE, of all people, the KING of KINDNESS....already knew she needed better hope.....a TRUE HUSBAND and not just a boyfriend.

*The water of life was raised from the GRAVE by SUPERNATURAL conditions.......no man just suddenly walks on water and then returns to earth after death on cross.....judging it and all of its sin. THAT is SUPERNATURAL.....not against nature.......which leads to sin and hatred and folly.....but SUPERNATURAL. In other words, the "word of life" is NOT just a "social club" (for the sake of denominational purposes) he is a REDEEMER.

Compare the two videos below.....A TRUE HUSBAND redeems.....we can care about the boyfriend (the tribal folly of our ancestors)....but that isn't really the water that leads to life everlasting. Notice how one has "trouble" with nature and the other one works WITH nature and keeps "the horse" under control.

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Songs of Love and Hope