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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Daily Bible Reflection 11-12-6104 (225-3)(Qumran calendar time) *Josh 1-11 portion*


Josh 1-11 two chapter portion

The children of Israel came out of Egypt.  They entered the promise land.  By miracle the waters of Jordan were opened and closed for the children of Israel.  Stones were left as a memorial for this event.  Are these stones still in place?  I do not know.  I know for sure that Jewish people leave behind memorials for many of their lost and loved ones who passed on before, especially those who died under the cruel wrath of the hatred found in men.
The men that wandered the wilderness did not get circumcision until they entered the promised land and then they were circumsized and ate of the fruit of the land.  Perhaps this is a reminder that the promise of redemption found in the land was more important than the act of circumcision.  Some say that Jewish tradition shows that the circumsized children left foreskin in the wilderness.  I am not sure of the actual data on that fact.
Any how, we deal with the wrath of cruel man.  Even though we are so far beyond the years of the ancient people we still have to abide in his presence as we are going through our wilderness.  Sometimes it appears as if our own parents will continually guide us, but in reality only the Holy Spirit can carry us through to the end.  The people we grow to trust while on our wilderness journey may not make it into the promised land with us.  We must remember this fact.  There really is no way of knowing when we finally arrive at our destination except by faith.
Are these ancient memorials for today?  Yes, just as much as God shows us his glory by continuing to provide the animals, birds and fishes with the same resources.  Are not we more valuable than they?  How in the world can modern man assume that he is more aware of his surroundings than the ancient man?  Since when did modern man make the discovery that all fish on planet earth that have scales must also have fins?  There is no man that would even consider writing such a thing.  There was no man in ancient times that saw all the fish in the sea to show us any rare phenomena.  So how in the world can mere man claim to care about such and such conditions in God’s creation while coming up with false identification.  For example, wearing a handicap accessible sign in the window while the person driving the car does not need treatment at a hospital or clinic is a false identity and in a clear sense of the reality and purpose behind such laws, would clearly allow the truth to be told instead of allowing a scammer to take away the rights of the underprivileged disabled person.
Yes, we live in a world of madness, but there are “land markers” which continue to point us to the truth found in God’s word and to the historical evidence for the events in the scripture.  Don’t be fooled by the men who do not know God’s word.  Yes, even the well educated men of today are fools by their lack of desire to study under his command.

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