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Monday, January 6, 2020

A few reasons I do not follow the Duggar family.....

1. Its idolatry - Following TV families, though they are interesting, is considered a form of Idolatry.  We glamorize someone whom God himself says we should not glamorize.  Yes, I love large families for their simple facts of being "large" but there is no purpose to idolizing such.  It doesn't heal the spirit.  We should sense the comforter without TV or internet presence.

2. They are a large "white skin" family - God makes people in his image.  He made people from Noah.  Shem, Ham Japheth were all on the ark.  Is there any reason I should place "white skin tone" people on a pedestal while ignoring the values of others of different heritages?  God does NOT hate anyone from any background heritage, but the facts of life are to revolve around HIS glory, not the glory of one type of heritage and their ways of life.

3. God values people who do not have large family.  Period.  The homeless man who was left for dead and kicked out of the house by his false Christian wife?  The disabled girl who never dated or married but died before her 30th birthday.  The elderly couple who never were able to bare children.

4. Everything they "Try" that is worldly, is glamorized - J. Duggar dyes her hair for the first time.  J. Dugger trys her first sip of champagne.  J. Duggar has her first love affair etc etc.  It seems as if all the firsts are against "God's word" in some way or another.  Why not show them in a GODLY FIRST type of way.  J. Duggar trys her first rice stir fry dish from China and then fasting for a cause.  J. Duggar trys on a head scarf from the puritan era then senses what it is like to become fully modest in such era etc.  It seems they are "modest" but not in the heart.

5. They don't really want to develop talents that fulfills God's word and God's will - They won't pick up the art skill to paint for Godly message.  They won't learn to bake for a cause.  They won't pick up fishing as a skill to survive etc.  Something is contrary to their understanding of how to develop talents.  Making a home is not just for themselves but for others to lean upon his word within their home.

6. They are not the ultimate home-education family - Sure there are different types of people in this world.  Not all home education families are the same.  Some are completely corrupt.  Some are completely aware of the evils and avoid all consequences due to knowledge.  Some are super geniuses.  Some are needy and seek disability assistance.

7. Common themes of Christianity are ignored or down played - The Duggars do not own the kingdom.  His Word is for all people.  It is not necessary to think of the Duggars as the ultimate theme and trend setters for Christianity.  The fact is that they do not even represent all the independent baptist beliefs and followers out there.  Paying attention to them will not get a person to the reality of the Kingdom.

8. Christian large families existed before the TV family existed - Yes, they may be in our own heritage background.  Some may be more Catholic.  But in general, Christian thinking existed before the Duggar family came along.  That means that people were accepted in Christian background for being a teenager who truly loved God without family teaching or a person may have come from a large family.  It all depended.

9. Large Family doesn't guarantee salvation - Yes, the scandal of what happened with Josh is apparent.  But it was going to come sooner or later.  The heart is truly deceptive.  Salvation can come to a person who never heard Gospel message before and only came from a single parent family.

10. They make Conservative Christianity seem like it is snobish towards "outsiders" - When it truly is not meant to be that way at all.  It is the opposite and concerned with the welfare of unbelievers.  Hoping they would come to the promise of redemption.

I do not dislike the general principles that the family addressed early in their walk, but the concerns should be apparent to anyone who is literate in scripture and aware of things in Christian history or other types of humanity issues.  God wants people in HIS family.

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