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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Are Messianic believers (hebrew roots also) the same as Evangelical Christians?

Yes and no.


-They believe in being born again
-They believe in the New Testament
-They believe in power of the Holy Spirit to change hearts
-Evangelical leaders can and do support Israel or general Jewish people.
-Believe in creation story and young earth (nature of animals cannot be changed by man)
-They may and do evangelize
-They practice repentance and full water baptism (note: some do not over emphasize these things depending on the group)
-Bible study is important
-Approve of "Levant Christians" (First century believers from gentile ancestry)
-they do not approve of Sodom and Gomorrah lifestyles (in evangelical circles this can be dependent on belief factors and extreme interpretations vs. repentance and turning from sin)


-They have higher interest in stopping anti-semitism or even extreme violence towards any sort of middle east (surrounding ancestry) people and culture traditions.
-They understand that a marriage that isn't based on the same values (particularly scripture values) will not work well
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvCSX2xEasw (Josh Harris is strictly evangelical).  Do not be unequally yoked.
-Some may say different things about "marriage conditions" (ie virgins who were raped can still follow scripture, people who practice or practiced polygyny can still follow scripture, king David's sin is only what is described in bible etc.)
-Deeper study of first five books of bible and its historical accuracy and actual archaeological conditions.  The interpretation of the bible is different.  Puriim (not in any interest in evangelical circles, is an interest in Messianic circles)
-Messianic tries to complete detach from Catholicism origins (or even orthodox) and focus more on Hebrew culture.
-Messianic is concerned with immodesty and encourage women to dress accordingly.  Headscarf wearing is not a "bad thing" but rather neutral to encouraged.
-Submissiveness is encouraged but women can speak up in groups.
-Approve of Jewish people who turn to Yeshua as Messiah.
-There are evangelical Christians who are extreme left-leaning....meaning they attempt to cater to the left-leaning nature of the culture instead of the actual biblical interpretation aka. "gay marriage" or other issues at hand (immigration, political features etc.).  Messianic often take the topic of Sodom and Gomorrah literally, just as the bible says it and how Jesus himself described it.  The focal point being that all forms of sexual impurity need to be restored by Jesus (Yeshua) himself.
-Messianic believers do not approve of most political goals, while evangelicals can have a tendency to put emphasis on "voting the bad guy out."  Political goals are not historically accurate and do not adhere to general truths.
-Messianic's look for "God signs" more readily to prove their faith is adequate and fruitful.

Messianic and Evangelical CAN and DO get along in certain aspects, but the fullness of faith can be different.

The Seventh Day Adventists are another type of "sabbath day" group.  They are neither evangelical nor messianic, but believers do need to be "born again" and even "non-resistant" as needed.  Some say they have "cult like features" because the founder was a woman, or it seems similar to the Jehovah's witnesses.  But in reality, people are trying to overcome the issues she (the church itself) addressed by catering to their own sin issues at hand (aka. promotion of hating the poor instead of addressing their true needs).  They have basic instinctive "independent baptist" features (which makes them similar to evangelical) but they address issues from a close observational "messianic interpretation" particularly of observing the "seventh day."  Main-stream churches could learn from their teachings to overcome prejudices towards them or basic conservative biblical interpretations.

Look up various ministries on youtube.......and compare.....

Jewish people and close family members by heritage may be in either evangelical and/or messianic groups.  It would depend upon upbringing and internal beliefs.


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Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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