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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Monday, June 3, 2019

Once there was a country.....

Once there was a country

The rulers of that country allowed:
-removal of indigenous persons (meaning the people who were on the land for over 1000 years)
-pedophillia (so long as the young person was a slave)
-attacking anyone who disagreed with the establishment
-young marriages (age 13 and above could get married)
-corruptions in character (an angry man could rule the city)
-neglect of disabled people (those children not wanted in families but left out in the cold)
-child labor (not just helping in grandma's garden for a day, but intense factory labor)
-burning people at the stake who refused the religious establishment
-Women not allowed to vote or speak up in times of need
-Women required to wear extreme modest clothing even in times of heat
-Men could have multiple wives.
-Men often wore beards and worked long hours (not that this would create problems.....but the reality of "masculinity" seems to invoke some sort of moral problem in some people)

(Does this sound like a safe country?)

Answer: this is the founding of the USA as the "voting block" of the nation.  Yes, it sounds much like a second world nation.  Were the people who founded the country perfect in character?  No.

The only way to know if the character of a man is free from sins and problems is to test the man......or woman.


Are we "different" from the founders of this nation?  Yes.  Studies have been performed.  Stats reveal things.  Rules have been changed (no more child labor in intense heat for example).

Are we "better" from the founders of this nation?  Yes and No.  Pride is a sin.  Many think that that is now a "normal" thing to practice, but it actually leads men to hell. (never mind the tribal ideas about that issue or just protecting an average human life from problems).  The bible simply says "flee fornication" and "turn from sin" sorts of things (God is same yesterday, today and forever).  Slavery to sin is a thing men want today instead of freedom from it.  Even wise indigenous people of this nation recognize the problems of sin in life.

Ending life of an unborn child isn't "choice".....its murder and not "choosing life".....as a whole.

Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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