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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The secret Midwife....who preserves the life of the aborted baby.....

Once upon a time, there was a creator.  The creator said to the buffalo, you will give birth.  You are created to bring forth life to the earth.  Some of your buffalo children will not live to the point of birth.  Some of your buffalo children will not live one day past the point of birth.  Some of your buffalo children will not live one week past the point of birth.  Some of your buffalo children will not live two years past the point of birth.  The earth who cares for the buffalo said we shall overcome this problem.  We shall take away the ability for the mother to give birth in the first place so she doesn't have to see the death of the buffalo calf.  Buffalo woman says to the false creator who tricked buffalo woman, this goes backwards from the reality of what it means to give life to the earth.....must I eat from this false wisdom that is contrary to nature of my buffalo brother?

The unfortunate circumstance in this story is that NATURE itself has a way to survive from one generation to the next.  Unfortunately WOMEN are designed to be members of nature society.....not just human community.  As a result, psychological disturbances and misunderstanding about "the kingdom" of the connection between human's and animals can occur.....across spiritual and cultural lines.  Noah's ark was built.....but the generations came.....by means of not NATURAL SELECTION....but by dependency upon the creator and moral obligations to his command.

So too, does the conditions of nature in midwifery teach us these things since the time of creation.

The solution, because of the passing way of children before and after they are born, is simply NOT to give into the man-made powers at hand.  But to trust the redemption.

Extreme pro-abortionists....are plagiarizers of the human condition and midwifery practice.  The HEART of the woman is inflamed with hatred (or if a woman under age....controlled by fake women):


So lets say a free standing "midwife clinic" which is actually a place where women get "full control" of their births except right at the point of birth.  It is given MANY "hotel like features" to make the woman feel at home.  Including a hot-tub and meditation supplies.  Perhaps a bible and some prayer cards are found in this "open door midwifery" location.  Just open up to Exodus 1 and 2.....and figure out the nature of such human demise at the point of birth.

The woman in need of services clicks the box about her goals and conditions (scale 1 to 10): (1). Hoping for full term healthy pregnancy and delivery for both mother and child. (10) Hoping for a safe induction for mother but no expectation of live birth for the child.

The woman in need of services is asked to take a "cancer screening" ...because the freestanding midwife clinic wants to check for "STD's" and ensure things don't spread.......  in reality....it is a DNA sample sent to help a potential child that survives out of the womb.....ID its own biological mother......years later if it would like to do so.

Basically....the woman that marks a 10.....doesn't approve of the LIFE for that child.

Woman does all the herbal treatments herself to begin labor....either naturally or otherwise.

But the woman at the point of birth MUST tell the midwife to "arrive" to assist with the child and delivery.....to allow the mother and the child born to be immediately separated BEFORE the woman damages the child's body.

If the woman in labor and delivery expects the child not to survive.......(she clicked 10).......but yet the child is born BREATHING......the midwife would need to be a SECRETIVE "abortionist" who really doesn't do abortions but resuscitates all life.

Essentially a box covers the baby immediately after birth so that the mother doesn't see the baby any longer. She is told that this "box" has a suffocation chemical in it....but really it doesn't. Get feelings and attachments removed from the woman immediately.  The boxed baby is immediately sent to a separate room (sent through something that looks like a garbage disposal but is actually another room)....but she is told they are taking the baby out to the "dumpster."

*****Or in the case where the "free birth" happens in a hotel....a "biohazard dumpster bin" is brought into the hotel room.  The woman believes that the baby in the box....was given special things that will "suffocate" the unborn now born breathing child within that box...as it is placed into a (cushioned) "biohazard dumpster bin" and then placed outside the hotel room.  IMMEDIATELY....before the woman suspects anything and before passer bys hear the crying....the dumpster bin is REPLACED with another bin (by an assistant) with a "fake looking" boxed pretend passed away plastic doll baby.  Just in case the mother is curious.....for a few seconds.******

In the other room.....resuscitation devices are available:

Basically these women who are loosing their child through "abortion" assume that the child is actually being "thrown away".....but it is actually being resuscitated.

The mother is immediately driven to the hospital if she would like to have full access in case of placenta delivery problems.

If the resuscitated babies live past one day ....or even start thriving within one week or more (if the child survives past one week it is given a DNA test to help ID its biological mother and extended family....later in life)....they are given full NICU care at a local hospital.....if needed.....or it is sent to a GOOD HOME which will care for the infant.

As far as location for the child, as the mother simply doesn't want it and clearly said so with the words of her mouth (never tell her that the child is actually alive......allow the child to GROW UP to a full age and then confront the corrupt mother), may the child grow up in a home....one state or more away from the mother....and in some cases if it is severe enough persecution, move to another country with the child(ren) who are rescued from abortions.

In summary:

The terms and conditions for supporting abortion post "breathing stage" is insane and an insult on the medical community as well as the natural rights given to humanity since time of "creation". (Adam was alive when he was breathing).  Shame of the politicians who believe in such undignified actions.  Yes, the medical community ALREADY KNOWS that "still born" can and do happen in the pregnancy conditions or there are natural passing away before one week old (so protect family from insulting police force who put family in prison for natural DNR conditions), but the medical community is OBLIGATED to RESTORE LIFE.....not destroy it....here on earth......and for eternity.

The MOSES RESCUE (moses floated down the river)......is essentially the method of preserving life......AFTER it has BEEN BORN.


After the "abortion" the woman.....drove home......she died in a car-accident.....now SHE is the one who DIED and NOT the baby she gave birth to........  The child gets to meet the FAMILY of the woman who raised that woman....the elders and the grandmothers of generation before.......who existed on the earth....before the baby was born.

so take REALITY as it is....as HIS yoke is EASY and his burden is LIGHT....so that these "fake abortion" clinics do not have to be established in the land......undercover...and under the state radar.


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