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Monday, February 25, 2019

Can Christians truly stop people from practicing abortion?

Like the late-term abortions?

The answer is pretty basic.  Jesus himself only covered a territory the size of Israel.  That means that when he was preaching and teaching people (the people were WILLING to listen) he specifically told his followers what to do.  Some would willingly accept the gospel and some would reject it.  That is a basic summary.

So the conditions in the "big cities" where more high crimes exist and where more people act in perverted ways unless they are specifically a part of a faith community, can not be "controlled" by a little jimmy joe that lives over one hour away from the situations at hand.  In low crime areas, and in rural areas, even the minor crimes against children end up being reported as necessary, but there is NO WAY that every Christian in that area could stop EVERY CRIME that exists.  Rather the support and prayer network should simply be available.

This is the way it is.  Crimes far-away have no political say in why they occur in less than an hour drive from home.

Because of the this condition of having "no say" in crimes "far away," there is absolutely NOTHING in the political realm that will prevent abortions from occurring.  It will not truly matter if Christians vote or don't vote.  Statistically there will be a "medical need" in cases where pregnancy doesn't work for women (the unborn has passed away), so the medical tax money, will, in many cases be used for the medical need cases.  In other cases, there are multiple herbs and concoctions that are found over the counter which cause pregnancy to stop.  No one truly knows who used those herbs and who did not especially if the herbs were used within two months of an expected pregnancy occurrence.

The far-left believes it aids women by ENCOURAGING abortions, instead of just PREVENTING abortions.  This seems to be the common pattern and often falls into political hay-wire accusations.  The way to help women is to encourage SELF-CONTROL and personal improvements in CHARACTER.  If a woman conceives a child in "illegitimate terms," escaping from her "sins" will not aid the woman.  It will only make life more likely to encounter STD problems, relationship problems, dis-ownership of responsibility to orphans, widows and family, mocking and gossiping of responsibilities other women have had in life etc.  Yes, likely hood of failed pregnancy occurs in ANY WOMAN from ANY HERITAGE.  There are "statistical conditions" for the number of times a woman may have a miscarriage in the first trimester.  There are "statistical conditions" for the number of times a woman may loose a pregnancy in the second trimester before NICU care could aid the pre-mature infant.  There are "statistical conditions" for the number of times a woman may loose a pregnancy as a still-born in the third trimester up to the point of birth or even within the first week of child's breath outside the womb.  These statistical conditions won't go away any more than the reality that people we know and love dearly here on earth could pass away at anytime.

The reality is this.  There are MANY MANY poor women in poor countries who raise their children at least up to age seven while knowing the smile and name of their child.  They have literally NOTHING to their name (estate, clothing, proper shelter etc.) yet even THEY can find every reason to keep their children that came from their womb alive.  But women in privileged countries, where proper needs are met, believe that the only solution to prevent further social problems is to cater to "abortions," instead of just understanding the principle of SELF-CONTROL or belief in bringing up the next generation to serve the LORD.  Unless the people in "privileged countries" see the value in human life (each individual heartbeat in the womb to tomb) is unique snowflake and personality fit for serving and worship of the kind of king who redeems from sin, they are continuing down the path of unrighteous living and corruptions.

Like the top paragraph states, Jesus said to follow him.  If he couldn't get EVERYONE to listen to HIS VOICE, why would we expect "the world" to do the same.  We also deal with the same principles of explaining HOW to TRULY LISTEN to his every CALL and every WILL in our lives......as our life on earth is truly temporary......and even a woman with zero children could face eternity in one day, just as much as a woman with 20 children.

All in all.  Any person who says they "love God" but practice and/or encourage stopping the heartbeat of a child who could potentially BREATHE outside the womb but for one week (even with assistance) is a murderer in his eyes.

People with heritage and conditions from "genocide" face reality in their lost goals as far as womanhood are concerned.  Their ONLY goal is POLITICAL AGENDAS.  It is not in the HEALTH AND SAFETY for women based upon these articles:



The ONLY one who can fix the wicked heart is JESUS.

If I had to chose a political voice on the matter....it is PRO-LIFE (natural and herbal, no need to stop pregnancy except in healthcare issues).....to PRO-ABUNDANT-LIFE (Jesus alone offers redemption for a growing family).....to PRO-HEALTH-NEEDS-CHOICE (women in healthcare situations which affect her physical body will need to do what is necessary especially 24 weeks along or more).  All in all the BIBLE is THE ULTIMATE instruction book on these matters.  It even explains issues with genocide and the falling of the nation of Israel.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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