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Sunday, January 13, 2019

God's data vs. Man's data

God keeps track of our lives and our family connections and history whether we admit it or not.

Man can keep records of little family or genetic history to a certain extent:

Man can keep records of "financial history" (the bank teller will have access to how you spend your money)
Man can keep records of "education history" (the teacher at the school can record how well you did in certain classes and what types of classes you took)
Man can keep records of "birth certificates" (every person that is born today was born in a certain season of the year)
Man can keep records of "major events" (newspapers may or may not contain actual true information....assuming that more local news would be more adequate)
Man can keep records of "major crime events"
Man can make comparisons and determine that someone looks like "celeb look alike"


man cannot live on bread alone.

There are parts and pieces of information that the HEART needs to change which would reveal what is truly going on inside.  How a person reacts to other people based on race or heritage.

GOD keeps records of times people stole from......grandma
GOD is keeping track of when a birth happened in a family and someone didn't really care to acknowledge the family member.
GOD keeps records of times people hit someone else....as a child
GOD keeps records of times people hated someone else in their own family
GOD keeps records of when a person worked at a certain place and with a certain individual, knowing that this person would know someone else important
GOD keeps records of times a person went against nature, instead of putting trust in him
GOD keeps records of events where a person didn't like so and so because of their background or heritage
GOD is keeping records of when a person helped a person in need
GOD is keeping records of when a person allowed someone to have their space
GOD is keeping records of when a person is filled with pride and other errors in the spirit
GOD is keeping records of positive encouraging conversations you had with family members
GOD is keeping records of when an important person who means something to someone else dies.
GOD is keeping records of your family careers that grandparents held many generations back in time
GOD is keeping records of beliefs and ideologies that were dangerous in your family historically (Mic_4:3  And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.)
GOD is keeping records of the people who raised the children from youth (under age 12) up to adulthood.
GOD is keeping records of when people thought more highly of when a person says "yeshua" vs. "Jesus" than admitting that it was truly the KING of KINGS that raised LAZARUS from the dead (always ask yahweyists how to say the name LAZARUS.....and who is the son of DAVID.....they are trying to confuse people about LANGUAGE and its developments since Tower of BABEL.  Language itself is becoming the idol.)

Essentially, GOD is keeping records of how well you did your work at McDonalds!!!!  One never knows....someone is planning on telling everyone that JESUS at a CHEESEBURGER before the PASSOVER MEAL....and no one noticed that is the TRUTH.....of all things.

All in all.....life is a TANGLED WEB.  And HE is the one that can sort it all out in the END.

So on and so forth.

These things are not just "psychology based" because JESUS himself came to earth as a MAN with specific relatives, heritage and so forth and he lived life in this way or that way.  The little things are not always recorded in the bible, but some events ARE recorded in the bible which would be like the "little events" which are important in his eyes.

Even as God is keeping these records, he is in the business of REDEEMING man from SIN.

As far as the genetic testing is concerned, the records ONLY are shared by those who want to share that information.  When EVER a person enters a business where DNA could be left behind like a hospital (obvious biological evidence), school (a strand of hair in a book???), restaurant (someone kept the water glass that you were drinking out of....), church (touched that wine glass), even cigarette buds could leave behind DNA etc. there is RISK that a bad-guy could share your information.

The lowest risk location where DNA evidence is not shared would be a park, nature, wilderness locations.  Even JESUS was tempted in the wilderness....so social isolation patterns do not "fix" men on the inside.  There are ALWAYS going to be dependent people in our society.  Jesus addresses this.

If biohazard material is thrown away and people know they throw that away....then that is what they do.  That is what they should do if they are acting appropriately.

With a cousin(s) that has/have look alike status.....to various youtube personalities, I just wonder what will happen in our future......but HE is ALREADY there!


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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