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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Clergy are not as trustable.....Nurses are the most trustable?

Ok, humanity only see nurses and doctors when they need them, about once a month or so for the needy, daily for the individuals that are in severe needs, and over 10 years to never for the fairly healthy or independent individual.

Clergy on the other hand we see pretty regularly especially if we are a regular part of a faith group.  Faith groups build us up.  Faith groups help our children to be "properly social." (not just scattered thought and actions with no understanding of good vs. bad behavior).  Faith groups keep the elderly from constantly needing someone to talk to when they are needy or lonely.  Faith groups keep us in line with THE WAY TRUTH and LIFE.

Now here is the issue, are people putting their trust in men (the clergy, institutional set-up, social club status) OR are they putting their trust in the WORD of GOD by studying the HOLY BIBLE.

The HOLY BIBLE is only *one dollar* from a Dollar Tree, while "clergy" from a particular tax-exempt church usually have a paid profession.  They......will ask for.....MORE than "one dollar."

What should be happening in church groups is BROTHERLY LOVE.....if that fruit isn't showing up....then there may be something wrong with the set-up institution.  $$$ given to those in need?  or is $$$ given to build a better picture of Jesus statue?

Now I cannot say that a particular faith group works for a certain individual.  Some may find that there simply isn't a local faith group available.

One can basically assume that we walk by FAITH and NOT by sight of the "clergy man" (or woman as is the case in some situations).

It is apparent that people in certain faith groups have more trust in their clergy than others.  The ones where it is apparent that biblical-justice is established (full bible is respected), the members trust in their leadership (elders/deacons/volunteers instead of just pastors and paid to speak).  The ones where it is apparent that the clergy are the only ones with the $$$ in the pocket is the clergy and the college professor of the denomination, then people will have less trust in those particular spiritual guidance forces, they may even find it necessary to become "atheist" because they really don't see the hope found in the bible.

Nurses on the other hand, have lots of "background checks" and "standards to follow" to ensure patient safety.  There is a lot of training.  The nurses are required to have ultimate privacy of their patient.  Because of this, people BELIEVE that nurses are the ultimate "trustable profession" (but they NEVER interact with nurses for some people....and there are HIGH regulation standards)..... but the reality is that the FAITH GROUP is more VALUABLE in the long run IF the people are putting their hope in GOD'S WORD.

Believe me, doctors and nurses are NOT there to inspire or equip patients in SPIRITUAL or FAITH matters.  Yes, kindness is a part of the career, but there ARE ....LOST healthcare workers.  There may even be LOST paid-professional CLERGY.  The lost clergy are easy to spot by the general population because they are a more likely person to see regularly, thus they are NOT trustable.  Even I do not trust some clergy.....simply because they teach CONTRARY to BIBLICAL STANDARDS.

As far as safety standards (like sexual impurity, embezzling etc etc....)  EVERY parent or person in charge of a vulnerable person NEEDS to use precautions whenever they are in a PUBLIC or PARTIALLY PUBLIC location.  A faith-group location is considered PARTIALLY PUBLIC because people FROM the public can freely stop in even if they are NOT WELCOME in the faith group TRUSTABLE PRIVATE PEOPLE (JEsus only kept 12 men close...while others were public).  Teach children to look for signs of a possible threat.  Don't over emphasize that ALL MEN do BAD THINGS as this isn't truth, but do emphasize that sinful men (and sometimes women) do bad things.  Young men/women and youth group conditions create more of these issues.....so do not encourage use of those types of things for social benefits.  In some cases, the public-school is EQUALLY to WORSE conditions for the youth, its just that many are not WILLING to listen to what the bible says about particular issues and how to "forgive" this or that.

In summary, many nurses are not TRULY TRUSTABLE.  It is only an appearance due to high regulations.  There are definitely different behaviors in the Christian nurse vs. the Secular nurse with the ethical implications at play.  Some Christian nurses cannot BE nurses because they were once forced to do something unethical biblical speaking.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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