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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Protecting businesses from microagressive activists protects economy/culture/society....

Benefits for microactivists in a business is "bad business."  To protect your business, have a plan to protect yourself from the far-left (and even far-right) issues at hand.  Feel free to use the wording in this statement to protect yourself from their stab-wounds before they occur......economically that is.

We kindly ask that people who are microagression activists not use our services or do things to enhance economic growth for this business.  Often what happens in certain situations is that a person who is truly a victim of something, is not given the benefits they deserve and money or legal status becomes the god, thus true people in need, loose the benefits offered by this business.  Creator and redeemer WANTS all people to thrive and have abundance in this life, not just a selective group.


Examples thereof:

If you believe that a woman can be someone who has the ability to impregnante naturally, or you believe a man has the ability to give birth to children you are probably in favor of microagressive activism.  If you believe a man can do feminine things or a woman can do masculine things and do not deserve to be mocked, then you are probably not in favor of microagressive activism.

If you believe a person of color could never be anti-semitic or a headscarf on a woman means that she is ok in her behavior just for wearing a headscarf you are probably in favor of microagressive activism.  If you believe that a white man that is only .001 % Native American shouldn't qualify for Native American benefits or a white supremacist could possibly have minority heritage and you believe that the hatred and selfishness needs to stop, you are probably not in favor of microagressive activism.

So on and so forth.

Anyone may freely shop at this store.  However, like stated before, microagressive activism doesn't benefit the true victims and people who would like to use our services.  We ask that such individuals who favor generally unnatural, untruthful beliefs or definitions, not use our services to grow this business or do things to economically enhance this store.

Like a place of employment we are basically equal opportunity, so long as it not infringing upon or falsely accusing those of a different belief system, life style, condition or structure.  We hold the rights not to allow you to use our services if we feel your service to this business may infringe upon others who also need equal opportunity.  This includes issues of sexuality, marriage or family choice and issues where we feel it may put someone in a bondage, devaluing of natural person hood or burden.  We do not wish to ever discriminate based on age, race, DNA heritage/culture values, family values, family relationships, creed, philosophical beliefs, personal inherited traits, gender, relationship choice, victim of abuse, (income, vehicle or housing) status, employment status or choice, former prison status, former (bondage, belief or burden), political affiliation, marriage condition, disability, military service, refugee status or any other conditions related thereof.  All people are free to use our services in a neutral way and inoffensive way, so long as it is not a condition of microaggression and infringe upon the rights of others who may use this business as a service or visit our store.

Thank you for your consideration,


Signature that you read and understand this statement.


After signing this document you may not sue or press legal charges for any style of micro-aggressive belief if something in this business did not go as you would like.  Pressing any sort of legal charges, means that you believe it is ok to create a false system that says victims deserve what they deserve for being who they are, naturally speaking.  False accusation and criminal complaints in a -defamation of character- sort of way, are considered merciless and ruthless towards those to whom an individual(s) have done no wrong.  Person(s) who press such charges are not people of wisdom and strength in character.  Therefore, we physically cannot and will not pursue business activities with such individuals.

Further definitions:

Benjamin Franklin warned about this in his Emblematic Representations, published in 1774. He wrote: 

History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy… These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened.



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Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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