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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Should parents use online public schools?

The answer is simple.

If you have biblical based beliefs, but you have a child who is "not doing well" in home-education, you may need to use an online public school.  Especially if there is a threatening public school, a parent works odd hours or there is a lack of finance to use a private education.

Unfortunately the content is not always "geared" towards actual things that a child will absolutely NEED to know in life.  The information is pretty factual and basic.

We have used the online public schools for about 1 semester for our oldest child.

He is not "naturally motivated" like some home-educated children may be, even while doing simple online activities.

However, the online public school HELPS with his motivation a little bit because he recognizes that he MUST participate in order to "complete the lessons."

For Christian ethical things, the online public school MAY take a lot of TIME away from actual "ethical things" and discussion.  The content is geared for general information, not Christian issues.  The

Some positives:

1. It helps students become more motivated to respond to studies.
2. It improves understanding about how to use a computer (internet) safely.
3. It helps children understand how "not to" bully or write offensive things online.  (the man behind the corner may read what was written....and you didn't know they were actually of this or that conditions).  Children easily assume that every adult/teacher is 100% unaware of what they say online and think jokes are ok.
4. It allows students to study at their own "time of the day".....but not necessarily pace.
5. The online teacher will help the student if they are struggling with something, giving the home-education teacher a break.
6. It creates an environment where the student can pick up new ideas with which to write and without bullying if the student somehow likes to do the project set before him or her.
7. The content itself is pretty basic and neutral.  Many home-schools will already use similar content.
8. An adult with a basic GED could figure out how to educate the child with the program.
9. It allows the students to meet other students if they would like to meet up.  Many times home school environments make it difficult to meet with other students either moral issues or time issues at play.

Some negatives:
1. The time consuming "instruction" material....how to complete a project, introductory information takes a lot of extra reading from the parents (for those in grades K-5).
2. Because the school is online, much much regular testing is needed.  Regular assessments must be completed with each lesson.
3. Tests where the student fills in the blank with his or her own content may be difficult to "draw" or illustrate.  For example a student may have difficulty writing in the answer if the correct symbols are not offered in a math test.
4. Because of the "time consumption" basic needs of other "home education students" may be put on hold especially for students under grade 5.
5. The student may assume that because the parent is around, he or she could just let "the parent" complete the problems and answer everything.  The student doesn't naturally decide to "study" the content without pushing the student.
6. Because it is a "public school online" and not a Christian based school, there are some things which present a hassle when dealing with sexual impurity issues.  They have not put anything in the general content, but they do have "special counseling" for those issues, which many Christian ethical things would not "agree with" such ideas. (Just avoid sharing these topics or discussions with your student and instead instruct from a biblical point of view)
7. Students won't really have time to "expand" upon a skill they have in a certain area.  A student who would like to develop something new, create a fancy art work or craft, may not have as much time to produce such "cultural things" as they would in a well developed home-education setting.
8. Content can be altered at "any time" by a "mad man" who simply doesn't care AT ALL about Judaeo-Christian ethical things.  That includes anti-semitic or major historical distortions.  (The tax dollar is paying for the education but the parents and students are not paying for it)

9.  Let me say this simply.  "The Beast System" wants to CONTROL.....ALL MINDS and HEARTS.  To be swayed by the "gift" of money..... 


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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