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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Should you vote Republican?

Even though you support minorities?

Even though you believe in taking in the stranger (as capable)?

Even though you know we need a social support structure that assists the poor with various things (education, food, health, housing for extreme cases)?

Even though you know that you don't like guns?

Even though you are not that interested in war?

Even though you believe in clean water?  (protect basic environmental conditions)

Even though you believe in further education (skilled workers need professional standards with ethical understanding)?

Even though you don't really believe everyone is meant to be a part of "one man one woman" marriage?

Even though you believe in INFORMED free speech(meaning extreme hate speech needs to be monitored in the cases where life(ves) in danger)?

Even though you believe that not every woman can possibly "choose life" for every pregnancy?

Even though you do not like the way some conservatives curse.



Voting is NOT a way to support your internal belief structure to make sure it is ACCOMPLISHED appropriately.

Voting doesn't truly prevent violent behavior in men and women.

Voting doesn't transform lives from darkness and anguish into the kingdom of right living.

Many minorities do not like immoral lifestyles (ignoring the elders, letting go of their way of life etc)

Many times govt. cannot decide whom should live in your own home or else they are oppressive.

Many times the poor need more social support from faith groups than from govt' resources.  Health care resources can come from faith, nature and preventative medicine.

Many times the people who own guns know there may be a need to defend one's property, but are more interested in other pursuits as well.

In the last decade, USA has not had to draft people.  Those interested in fighting for freedom want to be there to fight to protect the vulnerable.  Those not interested, know the problems in the USA army.

Clean water doesn't come from excessive use of public resources, it comes from CAREFUL use of AVAILABLE resources.

Education only needs to be basic for a child.  Too much folly will spoil the child and the child will be a "fool" in real life.  Skilled labor forces will simply need to know what is ACTUALLY needed.  Entertainment labor forces (music, art etc) can self-teach if needed.

This is true.  Some people do not get married.  People do not share the same beliefs about relationships and values.  Some people get married by standards that are not realistic for them (infidelity comes upon them, strains become too difficult to handle etc.). Forcing people to believe something about marriage (and even sexuality) is wrong for all people involved unless safety is an issue.

Eliminating TRUTHFUL and INFORMED FREE speech will only OPPRESS people and can lead to VIOLENCE (psychotic behaviors).

Someone raised each woman.....to be come a woman from the age of a child.  Assuming that she should "choose death" for her unborn in every "bad case".....will lead to further damage to a woman's body and other women affected by wicked people(prostitution, sex trafficking etc.) who misuse sexuality.  Men are affected by the evil choices of women.  Capability in helping women in distressing (dangerous to her health) pregnancy is NORMAL part of proper midwifery.

It is true that some conservatives say things that are not nice.  They use swear words.  They may even tell some lies to promote their own "kind."  Eliminating these small bad evils in the theater among the participants will remain (men are not perfect)....the lighting wasn't working right etc......but the evil man who actually TAKES OUT LIFE in the theater causes the show to STOP ENTIRELY!

All in all, voting as a REPUBLICAN in the USA elections doesn't bring forth "goodness" as a whole (ONLY JESUS can do THAT).  It never really will, no matter what we as humanity do.  However, to vote in favor of the one who TAKES OUT LIFE entirely.......is voting in FAVOR of the EVIL itself.

As a Christian, I do not believe you HAVE to vote.  But I do believe a person DOES need to recognize WHOM they are voting FOR, if they are voting.  If there is a Republican who has TRUE legit racism issues....that could affect lives, then wise people would have to choose a BETTER candidate.....if one is available, else leave it blank, for example.

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